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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Evernote changed the Business account to separate personal and business notes. You should be able to find the background here > https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us You need to contact Customer Services to get reconnected though if you had a billing issue. Contact Support and post your ticket number back here - I'll flag the post for an admin to take a look at when they can.
  2. Understood, but it may be the way that this one works. Like I said, any string with a "." should be seen by the search engine as two separate words, so I was surprised you had an issue. Shane D is looking into it, so we'll find out the actual situation soon.
  3. Hi After 5 years I couldn't really tell you. It does (or did) pop up on a developers' page as: - That's from https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/note-sharing.php Plus its been mentioned many times by various people in the forums...
  4. Hi. Sorry - even when the question is in English I don't think I understand it. To edit notes in windows, either open the Evernote web client, or install and open the desktop app from Evernote .com
  5. So far in this thread there's been mention of lost data, sharing issues and various other gripes. Some of it may be an issue for support - and if not, they do talk to the developers sometimes... getting an 'official' ticket for each problem also quantifies it for Evernote and -maybe- gets the important ones fixed first. Although downgrading the iOS version does not seem to be in their control. And as someone else has said here recently - I'd rather have the devs fixing the code than responding to individual users!
  6. Hi. Quite a few of us are still using the old / legacy version, so I'd expect that once they've dealt with a few more bugs and missing features we'll come under some pressure to move to the new version. You'll certainly hear if they decide to shut it down.
  7. Hi. You could try signing out and then back in to 'refresh' the connection. The payment systems are only loosely connected, so it can take time to register a new payment. If it didn't correct itself already, you need to raise a support ticket. -By the way I doubt it will have any effect on the bugs... there are lots.
  8. Hi. Your upgrade means Evernote is moving the files on your hard drive to a new location. This takes some time, but should complete within hours. You also may be having trouble with the browser - have you tried a different one?
  9. Hi. You could check YouTube - Evernote is adding new videos there on v10. Or there's an Evernote 10 Resource Centre from Stacey Harmon which might help.
  10. Hmmn. If that note made it through to your desktop, maybe... but if it's 'stuck' in iOS and hasn't synced to the server.... it seems unlikely, but I don't know. I hope you get some suggestions as to how to resolve that issue quickly and then you'll find out. Sorry but I'm not an iOS user so no expertise here.
  11. Hi. It was always a "feature" of Evernote's search grammar that only the start of a string would be recognised, not terms from within it. I'm a little surprised that that your example counts as a string, because of the "." - which I didn't think Evernote 'saw' as a character in searches, but I could be wrong. If you have the Legacy app installed you could try the search there - if it's successful, v10 may be brought up to the same standard at some stage. If not, that's the way search operates.
  12. Hi. I'd imagine that Evernote's servers are very busy at the moment with hundreds of thousands of updates and syncs more than normal. My 6.25 syncs have been delayed a couple of times, but I'm up to date now. Just check that you have a good internet connection and aren't running any other software that is claiming a lot of bandwidth.
  13. Hi. It's entirely possible that the search grammar is very basic at this point. You may want to switch back to the Legacy version to get a full feature search.
  14. Hi. Location searches haven't been possible for years - it's not a missing feature of v10...
  15. Hi. Nothing in any version of Evernote could cause 'new note' to become 'new post' in a different application. You might consider backing up your database and uninstalling/ reinstalling the app to see if that ends the behaviour...
  16. Hi. You can get these back by going 'legacy', but they're -at least temporarily- unavailable in the new app. We don't yet know what's coming back, or in what timescale or order. Sorry. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  17. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  18. Nope, sorry - not in iOS; Desktops can 'dual boot' both new and old versions, or it's possible to stick with the previous public release for the time being.
  19. Hi. New version, limited features; expected to increase later, but meantime the Legacy version will give you the usual access, v10 is limited to 50.
  20. Hmmn. Here's a useful post by @Stacey over on Facebook. Nice summary of options and resources so far. Excellent resource - something like this from the company would have been nice... thanks Stacey 😊 Evernote v10 Resource Center
  21. Hi. You can get these back by going 'legacy', but they're -at least temporarily- unavailable in the new app. We don't yet know what's coming back, or in what timescale or order. Sorry.
  22. Hmmn. I'd say 'uninstall / restart / reinstall' but the version you reinstall might not be the one you're using... I only tried this out once and it worked; not something that I use regularly - or at all to be honest... I don't travel around on my own enough to need, or be able to dictate - and sitting in public talking to yourself can get you into trouble. Although if you hold the phone like you're having a conversation, maybe... Don't know if there are any other speech to text apps, but maybe if there's one which works with Helper and saves files that could be attached to a note?
  23. On that 2% thing... I'd love to know how precisely the stats they have were obtained, because there's always that "lies, darned lies, and (misinterpreted) statistics" thing. I used to work in Insurance as an Underwriter (like Xena, I have many talents) - one of the guys who guess how likely it is that something bad is likely to happen. We used to have conversations about costs and numbers that would bore drying paint. And the thing is: a lot of people sometimes get their sums very wrong. Evernote forinstance has (say) 250 MILLION users. If only 2% of them use tags, that's still 5 million users. Or maybe we took a measure of users who've regularly accessed the account - say 10% of the total - and it's 2% of them who use tags. OK, we're now down to 500,000 users - but I'd bet a larger than normal proportion of them are also subscribers. Annoying a large number of (currently) paying users is not good business practice. The fact that Evernote has such a large group of users from around the world means their stats are full of 'random noise' - tens of millions of random 'domestic' users opening the app, adding a few notes, and accessing some arbitrary features. Alongside that are hundreds of thousands of 'serious' users who have person- or business-critical workflows and who use their 5% of the features intensively. The serious users' activities would get drowned out by the domestic ones and appear to be only a small factor; but those are the users - including many of the contributors here - who pay the bills. Just sayin'. 🤔
  24. Sorry folks, the answer to all of the above is in the hands (or trunk) of the Elephant God - and Ganesh doesn't seem to be sharing any details as yet...
  25. No way - I'm sticking with 6.25.1 too for the moment. Just wanted to be sure the rest of the team here were remembering that normal service still exists with a short step back...
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