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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Can't help I'm afraid, but if you can quote a ticket number I can flag it for an Admin to look at...
  2. Hi. You're showing here as a Basic account user, which suggests you're using the wrong login details to access your premium account. Have you tried to sign in at Evernote.com? There's a 'forgot password' option there you could try...
  3. Then please use the vote counter at the top left of this page to register your support. It currently shows zero interest...
  4. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new v10 release generated thousands of other queries / pandemic / recent holidays / upcoming holidays... Have you checked your current usage via the web client at Evernote.com? The server has the final word on what limits are exhausted - and may disagree about where you are in the month...
  5. You show here as being on a 'Plus' account which has a 50MB note size limit; but there are other limits, like monthly uploads - which frequently catch out Basic accounts: with a 60MB per month ceiling. Still, limits are limits and for whatever reason the system has hit you with one. If you are a subscriber you could try raising it with Support - but they won't be able to get back to you anytime soon...
  6. Hi. Does your search work without the asterisk? If not your choices would appear to be: wait for a fix - maybe in the next update change the tag system use the legacy app I'd recommend raising a support ticket too - it might help get this fixed faster if it is a bug.
  7. Hi. Well, the clue is in the message - your 5MB of content is 30K over whatever limit is being applied. Since you didn't say what version you're using, it's difficult to know whether that's a temporary limit due to v10 launch or one of these - Evernote system limits - but it's unlikely to change anytime soon. Do you have a way to slim that note down?
  8. Hi. Sounds like a classic case for uninstalling whatever version of Evernote you have running, then restarting your device and download the latest version from Evernote.com & reinstall.
  9. Hi - sorry to hear that. Are you using the new version as well? If you can find the missing notes in v10, it should be possible to export them to ENEX files and re-import them to your 'old-version' database as 'new' notes. As I said, I don't know what differences there are between the official 'Legacy' version and the original public release - which is the link I gave you - but syncing notes between the two versions might be part of your issue... I'd suggest you concentrate on using just one version exclusively for now, and wait for the updates - that seem to be coming thick and fast - to get v10 up to a better standard...
  10. Is that from Evernote? I'd suggest a DM to @Shane D. (see above) if you've not already heard from him!
  11. Darn!! I missed that one. @jefito posted quite a lot on ENScript, and his other comments helped me to my (eventual) solution - but that thread would have been useful! I'm actually trying to embed my command line into a file:// -type link to I can jump from a Workflowy entry to a Notebook list view, but that's not going so well now either. Not giving up though: batch files here I come! 😏
  12. I'd have a different word: "unavoidable" - there's no way that any software can comletely isolate a user from the vagaries of computers / internet connections and the occasional unlucky keypress. Each individual situation like this has many potential cures, depending on what exactly just happened. The only guaranteed solution though us the magic backup - which, whatever service you use, you should make sure you have. My system gets a regular backup anyway - which (currently) includes the Evernote database. I also back that up independently through Backupery on a daily basis so that any occasional foo-bars would be covered. I'm sorry for your data loss, but switching note-takers won't change the risk that sooner or later something else will go wrong.
  13. Hi. Should be possible by 'time stamping' short notes. For any given meeting, use a standard subject title - "Marketing" forinstance. Create a template maybe so that subsequent notes can be added quickly. You also need a text-expander like Phrase Express (or similar) that can add a date and time in a specific format. For each new action point create a new note and add yyyymmdd hh:mm at the start of the title. At the end of the meeting search "intitle:yyyymmdd intitle:Marketing" and sort that window in ascending or descending order. Create a table of contents. Done. I don't believe Evernote should add option after option to suit individual situations like this when the overall flexibility of the application allows users to create their own preferred format. However I moved your request over to a voting forum so others can indicate their interest by clicking at top left.
  14. Best suggestion at the moment is to use the Legacy version until this gets resolved - just scrolling through my own notes in Windows 6.25 to try and find an HTML insert, and there are none. I have seen them - I'd guess only on the web client for now.
  15. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote or http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe
  16. OK. Thanks to talent, research, long hours of work and pure blind luck I now have a command line that works: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\enscript.exe" shownotes /q "notebook:<notebook>" Run that in a command window and you'll get that notebook open in Evernote 6.25 (if it's already running). Now all I have to do is remember why I wanted to make that work... 🤔
  17. Hi. Luckily you have the option in Android (unlike iOS) not to update to the most recent version...
  18. Hi. You could try uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller Free which removes everything to do with a specific application, unlike the main Windows uninstall process. Also restart and download/ install from this location - http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe - which is the last public release. I don;t know what the difference is between that and 6.25.2, but it may affect your experience...
  19. How are you exiting Evernote? It's a Windows standard behaviour that clicking the top-right 'x' will just close the window but leave the app running. To exit Evernote completely try File > Exit.
  20. Please check that you have the latest version for your system and consider a reboot / reinstall as above. Does the Legacy app work for you?
  21. Hi. What version of Android does your device run? This update is being phased in over a period and applies - for the moment - to Android 10 users only.
  22. Hi. Revert to the Legacy version, which is what you were used to before the 'upgrade'? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  23. Hi. Your options are: reach out to Evernote on Twitter @EvernoteHelps - flag that you have a lost data issue and it's urgent. Sadly, that's going to take some time. Or you could sign up to subscribe (if you can) on a monthly basis and use the first month to contact Support before downgrading your account to 'free' again. (I did see a 50% offer flying around for students which might be another option - you'd have to search for that!) As a subscriber you have a higher priority with support, but they're a tad busy at the moment (!) so investigations might still take a while. Good luck...
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