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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I'm not a Business user, so there may be more sensible ways to do this - but my suggestion would be to export your notes to ENEX. You're correct that export does not save the notebook connection - and therefore also ignores stacks. There is an option in the Legacy Evernote app (Tools> Options> Note> Note Merge Options in Windows) to vary the size of the 'chunks' into which an Enex file is split, but you would need to export one notebook at a time. Make sure you check the export options too, because tags should be included. The only other option would be to share your notebooks to the business account, but I don't know whether that is even possible. Again, there's no stack-level share so you would have to reassemble your layout in the Business account. Hope that helps...
  2. Hi. Might be something to do with security - if you're saving files to a Box.com folder, you've logged into it directly as an authorised user. If you 'save as' from Evernote (or from your PDF editor) the file is coming from a slightly different source... No idea really, but if it doesn't work, all you can do is report it to Support and work around it until they fix it.
  3. All Notes does what it says on the title: it's an overview of all notes from all notebooks. You can delete a note from there or from the actual notebook in which it appears - it's going to be deleted from both views either way.
  4. A lot of users want help, so you're in a queue. If you want some assistance meantime, maybe explain your issue here and we can suggest some options?
  5. Hi. Your primary database is stored on Evernote's server, so all you need to do to move the app to a new machine is install the basic software and log in. The server will copy your notes - as it obviously has been here - onto the new device. It takes a little while to complete, depending on your internet connection speed.
  6. Hi. This any help? https://www.facebook.com/groups/evernotemadeeasy/permalink/2275344469278204/
  7. Hi. Short answer is you (currently) can't. Try installing the Legacy app and export from there.
  8. Hi. This is a public forum, so you might want to remove your address details to avoid getting lots of new email friends... Haven't seen any similar issues being reported, but I'd suggest uninstalling / restarting / and reinstalling (as Administrator) from Evernote.com...
  9. Hi. You're a Basic user, which comes with some pretty strict note size and upload limits. Are your notes very large? It may not be possible to add them all in one operation as a Basic user. You might consider subscribing for long enough to complete your transfer of notes...
  10. Hi. You are still showing here as a Basic user. Try signing out of Evernote and back in, restarting your device - and check that your payment to Evernote went through correctly. It can take a day or so for an upgrade to work its way through the system.
  11. Yet Macs had several options not open to Windows users and vice-versa. Of course that was before Evernote completely rewrote their applications recently to work in broadly the same way on all operating systems - subject to minor differences due to keyboards vs screens and variable screen sizes. See the v10 reviews everywhere...
  12. Hi. What's your device? And can we have a screenshot?? Alt+F4 should shut an active window down, and Windows key <Win>+ left or right arrow should bounce the active window to one half or the other of your screen.
  13. Hi. For log in issues you really need official Evernote support - which is running at 12 days behind for subscribers, and <unknown> for Basic users. Immediate access to your notes probably means subscribing (if you can) with monthly payments and then -maybe- downgrade again after a month or two; meantime raising your issue as a subscriber so you have some hope of a quick resolution. Only other option is to start another Basic account (with a different email address) so at least you have access to some note-taking facility.
  14. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. Got it. I am seriously underwhelmed at an even more locked down than usual Windows.... Was going to suggest installing the Evernote.com app (v6 or 10) but I guess the Store only have the one flavour anyway. Still confused by the "additional instance" though...
  16. Hi. v10 doesn't have an unsynced notes option, so anything you do has to be within your account limits. You could start another Basic account and copy/ paste this content there, or go back to the Legacy app to use a local notebook...
  17. Hi. Not familiar with W10 "S" or why you need an additional instance of Evernote. Can you give a little more background?
  18. Hi. Are you in process of editing that note? Is it open on any device other than the one you're using? Duplicating notes has been reported before but usually it's related to a note that's being worked on in some way. Don't know of a fix other than to use the Legacy version for a while until the next update. I do suggest you contact Support - there will be a long wait for a response, but your logs might help them solve this issue
  19. Not disagreeing, but it looks like everyone is headed that way... https://www.electronjs.org/apps/notion
  20. Another uninstall/ reinstall is my only suggestion here - it's not a separate application, AFAIK the add-in comes packaged with the main installer. You could try using Revo uninstaller - which will remove everything rather than leaving some admin files like a normal uninstall. That probably will also affect v10, so you have a double install. If you want to use them side by side, use Legacy 6.25.2, and run the installer as Admin and after a restart. Don't forget to backup your database folder too!
  21. Temporarily - means 'not permanent', and the statement is not a "threat". They're going to do something at some point which may or may not require you to find another provider. Hardly a crisis.
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