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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. What you may have missed is that Evernote have completely rewritten and reissued all versions of their app so that new rules apply. v10.x is now supported, all other versions, basically not; so if you're not using v10 you might want to try it out - but please read the reviews for it in your particular OS here in the Forums before going further!!
  2. Hi. If someone gained access to the account, they have exactly the same access that you would. This may have just been a quick test to see if the account was vulnerable, in which case you're not yet compromised; but action is necessary to tighten up your security. There are several ways to protect yourself - check for breaches here: https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ and review other steps here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  3. Hi. What version of Windows are you running, and exactly what error messages are you seeing when the app fails to start?
  4. OK - now I'm wondering which version of Evernote we're talking about. There's an index here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/440-possible-bugstechnical-issues/ from which you can choose the old or the new... We're a -mainly- user supported forum. As a subscriber - even if only temporarily - you can submit a support request. They'll deal with a refund or downgrade. You can alter your own account level from here: https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action
  5. Hi. If you haven't updated, I'd suggest putting it off for a while if this integration is important to you. If you have upgraded then I think you're in the best position to know whether this works or not. If not, there's always Legacy...
  6. There should be a preference or an option (I believe) to retain a copy of the database when offline - if that is set, you are - allegedly - able to work offline!
  7. Hi. How to change your account login email address
  8. Hi. To install an older version of Evernote go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote It sounds as though your password change may have led to your opening a new account - hence the lack of notes. If your original log-in doesn't work, try the lost password option on Evernote.com
  9. Hi. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. Hi. There are several threads on this Forum dealing with 'phantom' access to the account - usually via your user name and password sourced from another account breach online. If Evernote is given the right credentials for access it doesn't have any way to trace that you're not elsewhere in the world. There are several ways to protect yourself - check for breaches here https://sec.hpi.de/ilc/?lang=en or https://haveibeenpwned.com/ -and- https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/115004395487-What-to-do-if-you-suspect-unauthorized-access-to-your-Evernote-account
  11. Hi. Using this login, you come up as a basic user - so no access to Support. If you have a separate Business account, try contacting Support via those details. It's most likely that your notes are alive and well and locked into your personal account, but that you temporarily don't have access. Best way to sort it out is to use the 'forgot password' option on Evernote.com - check any email addresses you may have used for business or personal accounts; if that fails you'll have to wait for Support to resolve this.
  12. Sorry about that - last time I looked at that option was a while ago.
  13. Hi. Or you could just use the Legacy version, which won't update, and (AFAIK) runs all the features that you're missing. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  14. Hi. You joined a 2019 thread which does not relate to the new version. There are several discussions about a new server-based search paradigm which doesn't react well to recent changes, and v10.4 in particular, which seems to have introduced more bugs than it solved. Evernote are aware and are actively working on that.
  15. Hi. Just to be clear - are you using the Browser version of Evernote, or the installed app? And my Chrome (which works with the old web version) is 87 (64-bit) - is your browser due an update?
  16. I've been doing that with Ford for ages, but do we see a 6-wheel SUV? Oh no. Corporates can be so unreasonable... Notion is great and can do so much; but if you already have one job it's distracting to have to learn another speciality before you can get back to it. Like a concert pianist looking for a new instrument and being given an axe and shown a tree...
  17. Hmmn. No, sorry - there aren't too many Business users in the Forums, and I'm not one; but someone may have a suggestion. If you have a ticket, post the number here and I'll flag an Evernote Admin to take a look if you like...
  18. Support gave me the impression that it's a work in progress but haven't indicated whether or not this is a priority. I'm guessing Evernote is still running through the 'alligators and swamps' stage of a new launch - problems hitting them from all sides. They have to fix the big account issue though - a number of people here are in the 50K+ area, and others are mentioning delays and lags that seem to be related to size. It did occur to me that this idea that some or all of a database will be downloaded as a temporary reference when the app is opened is going to be problematic with quite a few users - my database is 30GB or so and downloading that on a regular basis is going to kill my connection speed for other things ... At the moment I'm keen NOT to have access to the new app - Web 5.33 isn't great, but it is usable for reference when I need it; I'm sticking to 6.25.1 until the new Evernote looks a lot more like the old one does! As I mentioned you can check the new web experience by getting a Basic account if you want to try it out...
  19. Hi. Another scholarly analysis, but while data starts out as unstructured, if it is still in that state in your noteboook, you're doing it wrong. I'm always impressed that folks seem to think that just by recording something, they're making it useful - but I've run databases for insurance companies with hundreds of thousands of customers and millions of claims, and just "having" data isn't enough. It's necessary to analyse it, sort it and spend lots and lots of time managing and massaging it so that it becomes a useful resource. There are no pre-engineered systems for that, because every use case is different. Like you I use Filterize heavily - it tags notes, moves them around, and populates my 'to-do' lists. I use dates and tags and keywords to categorise my notes into different classes and priorities, and I have three main levels: Now / soon / and maybe, someday... I prefer to spend the maximum amount of time actually doing stuff rather than agonise about needing better tools for the job. But I have to say that before Evernote threw out the bathwater and the bath recently, Evernote - along with Workflowy, Filterize and Postach.io was doing a pretty good job for me... Hopefully they (and I) will be back on track pretty soon. YMMV.
  20. No one has actually said this to me, but when the red fog of "why would you do that to me..." wore off, I considered that Evernote have as many customers around the world as the entire population of the US (well about 80% anyway...) and if you were planning to handbrake turn a multi-thousand-ton supertanker (today is Mixed Metaphor Day) you might want to attach a few training wheels and safety straps before you hit the pedals. They just launched a completely new and different, re-engineered, server based version of their service which - while it had been beta tested by a few thousand users, was about to be run in the real world by tens of millions of users with different use cases and wildly different skill levels. They kept the legacy version around for a safety belt, and launched a simplified version of the product - mainly so that the server could handle the bandwidth of lots of up and downloads. The intention was - I'm guessing - to sort out bugs and generally get things back up to speed as quickly as possible. Confident that they can now pilot and complete new features much more quickly that before, someone may have felt that it would be all up and running before we really noticed. They were wrong. None of that in any way excuses them for not telling us what was going to be happening, telling us that it was about to start, and then telling us again what's being fixed and what's in the pipeline to avoid a monster attack of red fog syndrome around the planet. But I guess that's corporate politics for you... 🙄
  21. Hi. You can try https://twitter.com/evernotehelps or use https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and see whether you can get in as 'guest'. Virgin is a little weird to get into these days depending on whether you were a fibre or landline customer. I still have access to two very old addresses (I worked at Virgin.net) but I get those by webmail via Google and Outlook. It would be quicker to get Evernote to allow you access - or maybe just to start a new Basic account if the original data is no longer relevant.
  22. Hi. You seem to have taken all necessary steps - it's difficult to see how any unauthorised access could still be possible. Unfortunately Evernote Support are the only people with access to the account to carry out any checks so I'm afraid you'll have to wait for their response. Meantime though if you have anything in your Evernote account that you really don't want anyone to have access to - and as soon as you can get access yourself - I'd suggest you find somewhere else to keep it! If it's any consolation I don't know how accurate those 'access from Egypt' warnings are - some connections were flagged on my account that were supposed to come from India, but I recognised the IP address as my own... and I wasn't anywhere outside the UK.
  23. 10.4 seems a little flaky. Evernote are aware. You may want to go back to 10.3 or use the legacy version until things are fixed.
  24. Already discussed in the Forums. Search is now server-oriented so tagged notes need to get indexed back there and synced down to a local device.
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