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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. Welcome to automatic processes - I don't think anyone has taken a specific decision to continue pushing a faulty release, it's just that any release gets promoted to all users. Evernote seem to be working as hard as they can to get everything in line, but this is a big step. With almost as many users around the world as there are people in the US, Evernote is like a very large oil tanker going full speed ahead. It's going to take an awful lot to make it change direction... Evernote is basically a separate corporate owned (I guess) by various venture capitalists. There haven't been any recent changes that we're aware of...
  3. Hi. I would suggest that you try a different personal email address, but as you cancelled the account anyway it's academic. Sorry you had a bad experience - Evernote is dealing with a major system change at the moment, and while there's a lot of complaints flying around, the general consensus seems to be to stay with the Legacy product (which still works fine) until the new one is more under control. Maybe check it out again in a few months if you don't find anything more tractable.
  4. I'm wary of using the wrong word here, but it seems to me that there are two sets of boxes. One which crosses out the line it's on when crossed, and another which just shows an 'x' in the box and leaves the line alone. Surely it's not outside the bounds of human ingenuity to work out which is easier to use as a shopping list? Seems to me you'd either use a list of just the items you want to buy and cross them out as you get them, or have a long standard list and maybe two 'x' boxes for each item; one cross for items wanted, and two crosses for items collected. Seems also to me that Evernote have gone as far as they can to answer all the requests they got for checkboxes that would / would not show items as crossed through when checked. Up to us users now to decide how to employ them... It's not a subject of interest for me because 1) I'm not usually allowed to shop without adult supervision and 2) I tend to use a Samsung Note with a hand-scrawled list anyway.
  5. Short term - an Import folder should still work with the Legacy version - look there for your missing files! -Although they should also show up in v10 when Legacy syncs.. Longer term one of the 'coming soon'' trails on a recent release included import folders, so they seem to be making a comeback! Yay!!
  6. I agree the file is broken, which is concerning. I'd suggest you avoid opening attachments in 10.4 and use 6.25 as much as possible (if you aren't already!) If you search online for PDF repair there are various tolls and methods out there, but it obviously should not be necessary to use them. Please report this to Evernote Support - they're a little overwhelmed at the moment, but it will help get this issue fixed.
  7. Hi. Have you tried exporting the file and using an external PDF viewer/ editor?
  8. I'd suggest talking to the help desk of the notebook you're trying to export to...
  9. Hi. Some websites are annoyingly possessive about their content. Usually you need to find a different way to record the page or keep a shortcut/ link to an item of interest. Try bookmarking the page or using a third-party screen capture like Nimbus.
  10. Hi. Careful what you wish for... I'm also on 5.33. I raised it with Support and they said it's because I have a big account (currently 52,000 notes). They worked some magic for me to try 10.x out, but I immediately started getting duplicate notes and other issues . Plus it took forever to load. So they unmagicked me and 5.33 is back while they work on the volume thing. I do get the new version in a Basic account with about 100 notes, so I can play there if I need to.
  11. I believe (because I ain't going there anytime soon...) that one option is to save the database for offline use. If you select that option you should be able to see your notes. Maybe..
  12. Then he wasn't. But while there may have been one or more exceptions, I don't think that's going to happen again anytime soon...
  13. Completely incorrect. I am a normal(ish) Premium user with exactly the same access as you. I just don't share my messages or actions with the world on a regular basis. You might (just about) have a point there - you bought your membership o0n the grounds of the features and performance of the previous public product. If that is seriously downgraded in this new version, you have a reason to ask for better service or -maybe- some subscription back. But I'd bet that the terms and conditions that no-one reads when they subscribe contain something along the lines of 'best of our ability' and other clauses that will invalidate any refunds. So your main choice is either to go or to stay. And, by the way, "talking to you" was never part of the deal you're paying for!
  14. I fell over two more threads on this so I used the magic word to invoke an Evernote genie (Hi Shane) to take a look here too... 😏
  15. Again, I understand the impulse and, indeed I have done a few things behind the scenes to register my initial extreme disapproval... but continuing to heckle Evernote from the sidelines is like standing behind Tiger Woods on the golf course when he's teeing off and continually asking questions or making suggestions. Or - my favourite - trying to tell Kimi Raikkonen how to drive his racing car, as his engineer did once in Abu Dhabi. Kimi's response: "Just leave me alone, I know what I am doing." - I imagine he was a little busy and knew that this was a public broadcast, otherwise he might have been more... expressive. It was a pretty famous reaction... - and I bet Evernote wish they were allowed to make similar comments to customers.... 🤣
  16. There are checklists as well as checkboxes in Evernote, and they do different things... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005597
  17. Hi. Can you quote an example URL so that we can do a quick check? In Evernote legacy and Chrome I have several ways to clip and/ or download a PDF directly to Evernote. When I've done something similar in the past it seems to me one of the clipper options has been "save PDF to Evernote", and when I have the PDF open in my browser, there has been an Evernote icon on screen. Check your Clipper options - open Clipper and look at the bottom of the drop-down list - there are some related choices there...
  18. Didn't want to complicate the timeline of these threads even more, so haven't merged - but see also:
  19. Hi. I merged you with another discussion since there's quite a bit of this going around. There's a fix in this thread if you want to try it...
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