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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. We could use some clarity on this. All syncing is done through the cloud, not device to device. That said, after your laptop sync'd was the old version of the note still on your laptop or are you saying the note was deleted from your laptop? Same question about the phone.
  2. Until they improve this feature, I would suggest going old school. Create a Template tag and attach it to the note you want to use as a template. When it comes time to use a template note, just search on this note (the Template tag helps greatly here) and use the Copy Note function to create a new note from the template note. When you need to edit the template note, just search for your original note and edit as needed.
  3. I'm not sure if this is the right home for this one, but here goes. I find the Outlook clipper very helpful for saving emails directly into Evernote. I also use the Todoist plug in for Outlook. When I create a todo from an email with the Todoist plug in, it creates a todo with a link back to the email, that when clicked opens up the email in Outlook. This is very nice, especially if you need to respond back to that email. It would be great if the Evernote Outlook clipper could include an option to add an email link into the note, in addition to saving the contents of the note.
  4. So you are off the grid except when you are near wifi. Interesting but I'm not quite ready for that yet. I wouldn't mind losing the phone bill though.
  5. No phone? I'm just the opposite, I use a phone and laptop and skip the iPad and desktop. I've had desktops and tried one version of the iPad but for now the phone and laptop mix is working for me.
  6. I just reread this. As I understand it, a conflict occurs when Evernote cannot tell which edited note is the most current. I think it is going by the update timestamp and not the note contents (someone will definitely jump in if I'm wrong). What I think you want, and it is a fair request, is to have the note differences highlighted in each note. Certainly possible but probably a little more involved than you're envisioning.
  7. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had this problem. It has been years. If I'm working on a good internet connection, sync just works. I don't even think about it. If I'm in an area with poor or intermittent internet I've just trained myself to first sync my device, do whatever work I need, and then sync again when I finish.
  8. If I have a multi-file export, offhand I can't think of a reason why I would only want to import one file. If I'm doing this to recover a specific note I won't know which enex file it is in so I would need to import the full database to find it. Maybe an option can be added to import the full series?
  9. For me, the link error occurs very infrequently and so far I have always been able to search and find the original note to recreate the link, so I don't intend on spending any additional effort to safe guard.
  10. I do this too. Over the years I've had links occasionally break for reasons that I've never figured out. As long as I keep the link the same as the note title, it is easy to just search for it and then recreate the link. This used to bother me, but now if I find a broken link, I just do a search on the note title, recreate the link and move on.
  11. Now sign out of the account you just created and sign into the account you have, and everything should be there.
  12. For me, anything that is time dependent goes on the calendar. If it is just date dependent that it goes in the todo app. I have bounced around a few as well. Currently back using Todoist. As long as the todo app can accept an EN link, then it meets my criteria. I don't require any more integration than that.
  13. Yes, I was lucky, my kids were still at home when Facebook was real popular. By the time they got out of college they were pretty much not using it any longer. Now we just text and if I'm lucky I'll get a response within a couple of days 😉 Sorry for the off topic, now back to our regularly scheduled programming ...
  14. I just use encrypted PDFs but the other option is to use local notebooks. With work information there is just too much to go the encrypted file route, so I use local notebooks for all that. For personal information, that is encrypted and in the cloud. I don't generate all that much that I consider encryption worthy. If someone wants to know what my electric bill was last month, have at it.
  15. Facebook, not a place I ever went, or intend to go. I'm putting it on my tombstone.
  16. Your call but one has to join the Facebook community to see your post.
  17. Alternatively, select the notebook and Edit -> Delete from the menu, but what you tried should have worked. Sometimes a reboot will cure weirdness like this.
  18. Welcome to the club. It sucks but as they say, better than the alternative. I have progressives but they were adjusted to a natural reading angle and with large monitors I need to tilt my head back for them to work, therefore I don't use them when working at the computer. My current solution is to wear contact lens and then just use readers when at the computer. I might try progressives again but with the division line set higher ... not sure yet.
  19. It is used in shared notes. When sharing you can select edit or just read capability. The read only ones are locked. I agree it would be nice if this function was exposed for all notes.
  20. Nor do it, I'm just providing my opinion and feedback on the feature. That is speculative ... none of us users can really know that. If you tend to have just static templates then most won't mind this limitation. I have a travel packing list (as an example) that I'm constantly updating, so the lack of template editing is very noticeable.
  21. Nor can you directly edit the template. You basically have to create a new copy, make the changes you want and then post as the new template and delete the old. A PITA, at least for me. I really struggle to see how anyone finds value in the template feature. Creating a note, giving it a template tag and then just copying the note when needed works far better for me than the new feature ... my 2 cents.
  22. Hey, nothing wrong with being on the bottom. Oh wait, we were talking about tags ... yeah, I'm ok with that too 😀
  23. I don't use the share function much so can't offer much more. I see related issues when I search the forum, so you may not be alone with this problem. I would suggest contacting support to see if they can help further. I think free users can get official help through Twitter.
  24. Is this a notebook that someone has shared with you, or did you create it?
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