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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Yes currently you only get one reminder per note. As long as you have only one task per note you can make it work. Saved searches are helpful to pull notes that meet certain criteria. I did this for several years but am back to a dedicated todo app. I just find it more seamless.
  2. I get that you would like this to work differently, but now that you know about the limitation, how many notes do you have above 50M that could be a problem? I just checked my 10+ year database and the large ones contained either attachments or photos and only one of them I would expect to edit and some could probably be deleted. The one that I would edit has embedded photos and I could restructure that one to keep photos in a separate note with comments in another note and then include a link back to the note with the photo. That way the note that gets edited is small, and the ones with the large content remain stagnant. A bit of a pain but you can restructure the large notes, or just download the large files and remove them from the service. Of course, the option that Evernote would prefer is if you just remain premium. If you are getting syncs triggered from just viewing notes then I would open a support ticket. That should not happen. There is a user request to add a lock, read only capability, to notes. Having that feature available would be useful here.
  3. Not being much of a tagger I do find this occasionally useful. I will take pictures of something and just stuff it into Evernote knowing that a word search will dig it out for me later.
  4. I don't even see that. Where is the link added? The URL field is empty for me.
  5. As part of this please consider having the team review the preview survey questions. You will receive more effective feedback if these are improved. My favorite: on a scale of 0 to 10 how likely are you to continue using the beta at the end of the trial period (or something similar). I always answer 0. The windows preview was very feature incomplete and offered no advantages over the current client. Anyone who responded with a high number or said they loved it has very low expectations for the app, and I would hate for EN to get the wrong impression from that feedback.
  6. Impossible? Maybe not but it would kill the service, so effectively, yes.
  7. Or, to add to this, please list specifically what in the beta you would like reviewed, otherwise it sometimes just turns into find the missing features.
  8. That is true and probably the issue. The web beta invitation came around the same time as the Windows preview. I thought I signed up for both but maybe not. I seldom use the web client and only recently loaded it to check it out. It was definitely new in appearance and it was identified as beta so thought I had the latest.
  9. Understood, but still not seeing it. I went ahead and reinstalled the Windows preview and do see the editor option there, but cannot get it to show up on the web beta ... weird.
  10. That is the button that I mentioned that I've seen earlier (but it may have been on the Windows preview and not the Web beta where I saw it), but I no longer see it. I have nothing in the lower right corner.
  11. I get what I posted earlier on both Chrome and Brave. I have problems running it on Safari so can't see what the editor presents there.
  12. They don't want me to hurt myself I guess ... 🤨 Seems to me there was a button to enable the beta editor somewhere but I'm not seeing it now ... or maybe I'm thinking of the Windows preview.
  13. Correct, how do I get that? I believe I have the beta version loaded but am not seeing that.
  14. Hmmm ... account summary states I'm using the Evernote Web Beta, but this is what I see.
  15. This is discussed in the earlier editor video. Checklists will provide some additional functionality over the original checkbox. It looks like both will be offered in the new editor. I don't think the checklist has been rolled out into anything that we have access to yet, at least I haven't seen it.
  16. I almost didn't post this thinking that maybe Evernote wanted this discoverable (for some reason?) instead of announced but went ahead anyway to inform the community. I think it's best to provide as much feedback as possible.
  17. That is incorrect. Evernote makes it very easy to export your data. That is one area that I think Evernote does particularly well at, but if you're not happy, definitely move on. Life is too short to struggle with an app that doesn't work for you. I believe renewals are automatic, so don't wait around to see what happens, contact them instead.
  18. No argument from me, I would like this too. Check out the blog and recent videos from the CEO and you will see they are actively working on a unified code base for all of the clients and a common editor in addition to fixing long over due bugs. With any luck this may make it into the new editor.
  19. For those that may not have noticed, in the new (beta) web, if you try to change your view option you will see the comment below about a survey. If different views are important to you, it may be worth a little of your time to fill this out and provide Evernote some input.
  20. It depends on which platform you are using. Check out this thread, it discusses the location of the database for both Windows and Mac.
  21. They already have this ability in the left hand pane allowing the collapse of notebooks, shortcuts and tags. Now if they will only add this into the main editor ... he's hoping it will show up in the new editor.
  22. When you have uninstalled, have you tried using something like Revo to help ensure all pieces have been uninstalled before reinstalling?
  23. In addition to the other comments I would highly suggest you activate 2FA on your account.
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