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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. I’m having the same problem. I have 3 notebooks set for offline. I’ve been able to download one with 50 notes and another with about 600, but my 7000 note notebook never completely downloads. I’ve tried all of the tips mentioned. So far no luck. Sometimes when I go and check it will show download selected notebooks checked but not show the list of notebooks. If I wait on the screen to see if the list populates the app will crash. Definitely some more work needed in this area.
  2. Thanks. I saw that but didn’t know if a single exb was still being used, or some other structure. I wonder if v10 will provide us a way to perform a local backup that we could restore from if needed?
  3. I’ll have to rethink backups. Currently I take periodic dumps of the exb and call it a day.
  4. How is the local data stored in V10? Does it use one .exb file like V6.25 does or is some other structure used?
  5. I don't think so. I've seen somewhere, prior to the launch, that offline access was being worked on. I haven't downloaded the new version so can't directly comment on what it has now. Local notebooks, which are offline and also not sync'd to the server, do appear to be gone. My guess is that offline access will be implemented similar to how it is done with the mobile clients where you select the notebooks that you want offline access to and it downloads only those. I think that is a premium feature today on mobile. I wouldn't be surprised if they take the same approach for these new desktop clients.
  6. @gazumped I admire and appreciate your positive view, but here I respectfully disagree. Evernote could have informed us, by well, informing us. They were very transparent about taking the time out needed to replumb the clients and backend. They should have been equally transparent about what features these new versions were leaving out and whether temporary or permanent, and this information should have been made available to users before they did the "upgrade." It is great they are allowing the legacy version to be used in parallel. It would be helpful to have an estimate on how long the legacy app will still function.
  7. That is where I am. For years I paid for premium to support the company and software. I wasn't using any of the premium features. That changed as I started using it for business more and more but now with local notebooks gone, and I keep all work related notes in local notebooks for security, I'm moving my work usage into OneNote. I'll still continue with Evernote for home use but with the reduction in features it will be difficult for me to justify the premium payment. I don't renew until April. I will follow how the clients develop and will decide then whether to stay on with premium. I'm sure Evernote expected some broken eggs in the process when they decided to remove function.
  8. Well, that is just crazy talk. I guess you haven't been with Evernote long 😃. Sorry, couldn't resist, but this does seem to be their norm. I'll never understand why, but EN consistently shoots themselves in the foot when it comes to customer communication. With Ian's development videos I was hopeful that would change, but I guess not. Who releases a new software "update" that has major changes and removed function without first setting customer expectations? A little transparency by Evernote to their existing customer base on the changes, before pushing out the new versions, should have been done. I'm sure there are many customers out there that have "upgraded" and are now experiencing WTF moments of discovery.
  9. Same here. Local notebook use for me was work related. For home use, I use encrypted PDFs for the few items I want secure. At work we use Microsoft Office 365 so OneNote is the likely home for my local notebooks. I started transferring some of my archive notebooks into OneNote today and the process was pretty painless. The OneNote Outlook plug in looks to do what I need so this likely will be an ok work solution for me. I will likely stay with Evernote for home use. I don't renew until April and will wait until then to decide whether to stay premium or not.
  10. I have read elsewhere that offline notebooks (stored locally for offline access but still sync'd to the cloud) will be coming. They have stated that local notebooks (stored locally but NOT sync'd to the cloud) will no longer be supported. Some of us used local notebooks for the security of not having data sitting on a cloud server. Maybe someday they will implement encrypted notebooks to address security concerns, but until then, some of us are sh%t out of luck and will have a tough decision to make when the legacy version is no longer supported or breaks.
  11. @Shane D. can you provide a ballpark time frame for how long the Windows and Mac legacy versions will still be supported?
  12. It looks like a OneNote importer fail. Not sure why it is posted in an EN forum. I would think follow up should be with OneNote.
  13. Good point. I travel by train infrequently but did notice that on a trip to the UK last year. Offline access for me is usually just when traveling, and that has been offline for a while ...
  14. I wouldn't say that it is working but that you are "getting it to work" for you through some coaxing 😎. I'm not there yet. I was able to get two of three notebooks downloaded but still have no success with my largest, but only 8K, notebook.
  15. I agree, no argument from me. The feature is not working now and it should. I was only suggesting that we may not all need everything offline, but we all have different needs.
  16. I would suggest rethinking whether you need all 20K worth of notes available offline. Aside from the current download problem you are eating up a lot of storage on your idevice. Offline is only needed if you are away from wifi or cellular service. Many of us manage small offline notebooks for use when we know we will be away from any service. Maybe not an option for you, but just a thought. I have in the past set large notebooks to be offline, but in all honesty, it really wasn't needed.
  17. I don't think anyone will argue that a native app can provide the best experience and performance. Evernote has been doing that for many years and has decided that the multiple development team approach was not sustainable and is hindering them from offering new features so they have decided on this direction. I'm hopeful that in time the new platform will have acceptable performance and function and enable them to add some long desired features. This will still involve some level of change and each of us gets to decide whether we are willing to accept that, or move on to another app that better meets our needs.
  18. That was the key step, thanks. I only have three offline notebooks so just doing it one at a time. One now complete, another half done and I will save the large one for overnight when I plug it in.
  19. I have one notebook with only 18 notes stuck half way for several days now. Two larger notebooks have barely registered on the progress bar. This is with 10.0.2 so offline notebooks are still broken.
  20. Which, as we know, they are currently doing. In a recent interview Ian shows awareness and understanding of the age old debate of tags vs notebooks. He also alludes to three big improvements that are in the pipeline, waiting on the new clients to rollout and stabilize. From the posts on the forum, that may be a while but it will be interesting to see what they have queued up. Who knows, maybe nested notebooks 🙂.
  21. I doubt most users campout in the forum and do a study before updating. They see that an app update is available on their phone and click on it expecting maybe some minor improvement or bug fixes. No one expects an update to have reduced function or for the app to break. At least I don't. I suspect this was a surprising "upgrade" for many.
  22. I'm not sure what this means, but please continue to up vote everyone. I am tired of seeing random images, selected by the Evernote algorithm, from a web clipping showing up in snippet view that have no meaning to the note content. If we can't select an appropriate image, I would rather have an option to surpress them for web clippings.
  23. Ah, I understand now, and thanks @DTLow for answering.
  24. [] or using the menu item produces the "new" checkbox list on iOS. The old checkbox is still available on the edit menu but in a sub-menu under a + button. Still on the edit menu but buried a bit. I haven't tried the Windows beta but new iOS and web beta seem consistent to me in this area.
  25. What @HeBoIz describes has been implemented in the new IOS release. Hopefully, in time, we will see consistent behavior across the clients.
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