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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Sour Monkey, my new favorite summer beer. I'm not usually a fan of sour beers. This one is more tart to my taste than sour and very refreshing on a hot day. What was this topic about again? I remember now ... no matter how bad you think the editor may be, this beer packs enough of a punch that you won't care.
  2. Another option will depend on what your email client is. Outlook has a plug in that preserves the header. There is also a plug in for Gmail, that I haven't used, but maybe it saves the header as well.
  3. There are numerous differences between the two clients. I've used the Windows client for years and recently moved to a Mac at home. Personally, I think the Windows version is superior, but that may be because I'm more familiar with it. I think you will find varying opinions on your question.
  4. We could use some more detail on this one. Are you looking for a change in how a progress bar appears or are you looking for a progress bar to be added somewhere that doesn't currently exist? If the request is platform specific, it would be helpful to note that.
  5. Wait, what?!? I'm struggling with the whole concept of "a coffee shop in Maine" (your neck of the woods if I remember correctly). You better not be including Dunkin Donuts in that comment 😀
  6. These discussions have already happened "everywhere" ... 😏
  7. Have you tried the forum link above in the header (not sure if that is the one you are referring to or not)? That works for me.
  8. Are you using the Mac app, or are you logging into Evernote from your web browser on the Mac? If using your web browser, under your account see if there is an option to "switch to older version of Evernote." If you see that option select it and try that version of the web client. The new version has some problems that are still being worked on. If you are using the web browser, in case you aren't aware, there is a Mac native version of the app that can be downloaded from the Evernote site that offers much better functionality.
  9. Sorry to hear that you are having trouble. I'm running the same version on a far less beefy PC and it has been running fine so the problem doesn't seem universal. Have you tried changing some of the sync settings in Options to see if it affects the behavior at all? If you can't sort it out, it might be good to open a problem ticket and maybe support can figure it out from your log file.
  10. I don't have an answer for you but there has been a lot of discussion in the forums about inconsistent search results between clients, so I don't think you've discovered anything new. Evernote is working to unify the editing experience across clients, and hopefully that will include the search algorithms.
  11. I haven't tested it but that was my understanding as well. Since getting a faster laptop a few years back I've been letting ScanSnap do the OCRing instead of EN. I'm now the slowest part of the process 🙂.
  12. Document search appears to be a premium only feature, unless, as you mention, if you perform the OCR yourself. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157-Compare-Evernote-subscription-plans
  13. Not a bad plan as long as you always remember to manually sync when needed otherwise you may get into note conflict difficulties.
  14. Not discounting the problem, but one can always sign up for just one month of premium to access note history if needed.
  15. As I understand it, support is available to any paid subscriber whether plus or premium. Interestingly the forum identifies you as a premium member.
  16. Might be good to open a problem ticket with support and officially report this one.
  17. So the app opens ok but as soon as you click on an existing note or enter something in the search window it hangs, is that right or does it just freeze and then eventually become responsive? Had EN been working ok for you before?
  18. The main request for this appears to be here if you would like to vote on it. Click on arrow in upper left corner.
  19. Had Evernote been working ok and this is a new problem? Have you already tried the easy stuff like exiting and restarting the app or rebooting?
  20. Assuming you are on the web client, under account select "switch to older version of Evernote" if that is shown. There is a beta version of the web client that is the other option and there have been numerous problems reported. I don't recall this specific one, but if you are using the beta, switch to the older version and give that a try.
  21. Not to pour salt on the wound but Evernote Windows has a customizable toolbar and you can add the trash icon. There is an effort underway to unify the experiences on each client. Hopefully this will make it in.
  22. I'm not following why you think it is reckless. The service is informing you that they can't sync those notes. That is accurate under Evernote's current policy. I do think they could do a better job informing why those notes triggered a sync error, especially in this case where a service downgrade prevents editing of those notes. Just curious, is there any detail provided in the log file?
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