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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Personally, supporting the millions of free users bothers me more. Letting Legacy limp along as a pay only tier assuming it is financially sustainable and doesn’t hinder development of V10 is, IMO, an interesting idea.
  2. FWIW I moved from Todoist to using Tasks. It is implemented differently from a standard task manager but once you get used to that I found it works fine. That said, it is missing some features that I hope it will add some day. Some of these questions get asked frequently. I think Evernote could benefit from a good help article that would assist new users onboarding to tasks from a more traditional todo app.
  3. I can recreate this almost at will and it does appear to be a scratch pad sync issue to me. I have reported this to Evernote. They have asked for a screenshot which I’ve provided and I’m now waiting on a response.
  4. I would add Bear as a possible third option for Mac users to consider.
  5. Well, they did add recurring tasks not too long ago but I also would like to see more done. Adding a comment line is not one of them. Tasks are implemented differently in Evernote than in a dedicated task manager. Evernote is note centric and a task is a component of a note. If you want to add a comment, or any other documentation to a task, create a note first with all of the comments and information you want and then add a task to that note.
  6. I mean no disrespect but that would be IMO a poor business decision. They have limited development resources and their time would be better spent focusing on improving the experience for the most users possible. Maybe they will add in Linux later but they still have some ways to go on the major platforms.
  7. There really isn’t one. I think I’ve seen every single alternative app loved by some and despised by others here. Everyone has a different view on what is important to them. There is a lot of input on the forums and elsewhere on the internet. Read some of the comments and try some of the other options and you will better know what will work best for you.
  8. Back to the OP’s question, I’m uncomfortable storing anything that I consider sensitive in Evernote unencrypted. Mostly, I will attach encrypted PDFs which work but I would also prefer an integrated solution. I really miss local notebooks. For me that was the perfect solution. Anything sensitive just stayed off the cloud and I was responsible for its security but that is not coming back. Next best would be if they implemented zero knowledge encryption but I don’t see that happening either so I use encrypted pdfs and occasionally encrypted text blocks.
  9. V10 does tend to be a clickfest in many areas. The development team has expressed a desire to address the UI after they get performance and reliability handled. I'm really hoping that some little things like this, which tend to add friction when using the app, get addressed.
  10. 10.63.2 is out and the speed seems improved. Hard to tell if it is back to normal, but it is better.
  11. When installing v10, depending on the size of your database, it can take time to download and reindex the database. If you tried testing the search immediately after downloading, that could be the reason for not finding all the documents.
  12. You are quoting a three year old post. Shane no longer works for Evernote. It would be best to submit a support ticket and report the issues that way.
  13. Yes, the increase is a shocker. You'll see some reasons and justifications for it in the forum, which you may or may not agree with, but the bottom line is that we each have to decide if we are receiving enough value from the app to continue paying. As you investigate options, keep in mind that you can also drop down to the free plan if you can live with the restrictions.
  14. There has been no word but since it has been discussed at length in the forum, I have to believe they are aware of the request. My guess is that they are using this field internally and are unlikely to make this change. We may be better off requesting they add an additional, customizable, sortable field, that we can use as we want. As it is now, sort by updated date, which I use all the time, is not very useful.
  15. I'm not sure I understand the note scrolling issue. I don't tend to use the arrow key when scrolling, so that may be the problem, but if I quickly, for example, hit the down key 5 times it will quickly jump to the correct note and then slowly load it. I don't see a scroll through each note unless I slow down how quickly I hit the arrow key. To me, it seems like it is slow at loading each note. Is that what you are seeing, or something different? I use the mouse to scroll through the snippet view and then select the note I want. That seems unchanged, except for the speed at which the note I selected loads. Edit - ok, I just read your last post again and now understand what you are seeing.
  16. I am seeing an overall slowness in note loading with 10.63.1 on a Mac. Similar to, but not quite as bad, as the RTE note conversion delay that occurs with older notes.
  17. Yes it is, but you missed my point. I think this feature could be useful but as currently implemented I will be avoiding it. If they add a review step as suggested, I and I think others will be more willing to use it. My comment is a suggestion to help them gain greater adoption of the new feature.
  18. At the very least they need to prevent the date from changing when only viewing a note.
  19. I really hope they consider showing us the list of notes that will be sent to the 3rd party before they are sent. Make it a two step process or an option to make it two steps. I think this could be a useful feature but not knowing which notes will be sent over ahead of time makes me very hesitant to use it. I believe they will get better buy in from the security conscious crowd if they offer this note review step. When I tested it, I tried what I thought was a fairly benign search request only to see that a couple of medical notes were included in the large group of notes that were sent over to the 3rd party process. A review step to see which notes are planning to be sent, and maybe even an option to deselect some notes first, could help this feature gain greater acceptance.
  20. FWIW, many hated the change, myself included but it is unlikely it will be changed so I’ve adapted, accepted it and moved on. There are several things in EN that aren’t exactly like I would want, but that is true for every app I use.
  21. Yes, or move to a different app. The red banner is a warning that the legacy app will stop working soon.
  22. I’ve never uploaded enough to justify even the old price but I’ve paid over the years because I value what the software provides and what it does for me. If you don’t want to pay, that’s your call but another thread isn’t need. There is plenty of discussion on Evernote alternatives already on the forum (hosted and paid for by Evernote). Just go out and search.
  23. Glad it worked out. Good luck moving your old notes over.
  24. Check filehippo. I’ve downloaded from there in the past although not recently.
  25. If it has been a while, I would suggest giving it another go. If I open the same note on two devices I can see updates being made on one device as I’m typing on the other.
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