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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. I would suggest that the word, in this case, is borrow. The idea of a ”second brain“ was part of Evernote’s original marketing. It doesn’t surprise me that he is a long time Evernote user. Getting thoughts and ideas out of your head and into a trusted system is a fundamental part of Getting Things Done. I’d suggest that you read that book and then decide if Forte is adding anything new and useful to this concept.
  2. Windows or Mac? For the Mac, Devonthink, which is likely overkill for most, is (or was) IMO the easiest. If you were using Legacy, IIRC, you just pointed it to your Evernote directory and it directly pulled in everything. Creating enex files first was not required. I haven’t tried it recently but I suspect with v10 it needs enex files. Bear seems to import easily as well. It might be easier to list ones to avoid. OneNote seems to cause many some difficulty. It is possible with a third party tool. Google Keep, from what I’ve read seems to be another to avoid unless you only have a few notes to move over. and don’t mind cut and pasting.
  3. Ok, you figured it out. I responded to your other post where you couldn't find the export option. It would be helpful to keep your posts on the same topic in one location. The enex file format is pretty universal. I don't know about Google Keep but many other apps will import these fine without cut and paste and any rearranging needed. If Keep doesn't import, one option is to just leave your notes in Evernote as an archive, they won't be deleted, and slowly move over the ones you want as you need them.
  4. What device are you on and what version are you using? You can only export from a desktop version. Your picture looks like it is from a desktop version but below the Add to Stack there should be a horizontal line and then the option Export notebook... Alternatively, in the left hand pane, if you right mouse button on a notebook name you should see the following menu with Export notebook... at the bottom.
  5. Seems like he may be riding on David Allen's Getting Things Done coattails. At first glance anyway.
  6. I'm not trying to change your mind but would like to address some of your comments. I used one stack for work and another for home. Worked for me. I set up a saved search to make it easy to only search work when needed. They don't have notebook encryption, I also wish they did, but you can encrypt any text note content. You will need to describe this problem some more. I was able to do this the last time I tried. I downgraded to the personal plan when the prices went up. I am using the latest V10 version and I have yet to see a pop-up asking me to go to professional.
  7. I’m not sure who you are agreeing with. I’m fine with the note limit. My comment was concerning the number of devices and the number of notebooks. Essentially, the new free program is a trial for new users and an archive for prior free users.
  8. First off, we are trying to help here. Some folks have been too quick on the draw to consider something broken which is the reason behind my comment, but yes, a hang of 10 minutes means it is broken. Maybe AppZapper is fine but Appcleaner was recommended for a reason. It seems to work where other uninstallers fail. I recommend trying again with Appcleaner to see if the results are any different. Hopefully so, but if not, it is in support's hands (be patient - they are backlogged), or maybe some intrepid user will want to wade through your crash report. I have Christmas shopping to do.
  9. Did you try the reinstall steps mentioned in the post marked solution above? Download the latest directly from the Evernote website instead of the App Store. After reinstalling you will need to wait a bit while the local database downloads again before it will be fully functional.
  10. If you don't like the feature, that's fine, but you did wonder whether others found it useful and you got a few responses that differ from your opinion. As far as making it optional, as others pointed out, you have that setting today, at least on the desktop version. I don't think the mobile version has an open where you last left off setting, but I just checked and it appears to be the default. If you are in all notes view and close the mobile app, when you reopen it will be in all notes view again.
  11. How long are you waiting after reinstalling? Depending on the size of your database it can take a while after reinstalling to download everything and run smoothly. We are only other users here. Send your crash report to support.
  12. I'm not seeing it in the latest version, 10.68.3. Only the storage space warning.
  13. And maybe clarify the encryption comment. There will be users out there that will likely already have encrypted notes in their accounts.
  14. Interesting. You don’t have to log in today to view the forum. Also no support (I’ll refrain from making a snide comment). Maybe change is coming?
  15. Evernote will not delete any notes. You can view, edit and export them. You only cannot add beyond the fifty.
  16. Try uninstalling it and then download the latest version from the Evernote website, not from the Apple App Store.
  17. I would suggest that you check out Notion’s export options to ensure they will do what you want in case a future change is ever needed. I’m sure there was a time when you thought you’d never leave Evernote. I’m not a big fan of Notion but others do like it. Good luck with the change.
  18. Actually, and very surprisingly, an update (for iOS) showed up about a week ago. Try updating the app to see if that helps.
  19. The web access shows what is actually in your account. If there are changes or updates shown on any device that is not also on the web means those changes have not been synced into your account. Something is fundamentally broken. Be aware, if those apps are deleted and reinstalled you will lose any updates they had. I would suggest focusing on getting one of your desktop apps, using the suggestions above, working again and in sync with the web and then fix the other devices. If that doesn’t help, follow up with support and good luck.
  20. I'm trying to see if the problem is limited to a specific device. It seems strange that all would be affected. From what you describe the Mac desktop app is not syncing correctly, how about from your phone? Does a note created on your phone show up on the web, likewise, if you create a note on the web, does it show up on your phone?
  21. As an experienced technical user, I would be surprised if you did. I would suggest that the majority of users are not.
  22. Any chance you are logging out and back in that is triggering the need to reconnect? Just a guess ..
  23. Sure, there has been a lot of outrage, but as long time experienced users, I think we can easily forget that this process can be tricky for the occasional, or technically inexperienced user. The hard limit is 50 notes and I'm not suggesting to change that. A couple more notebooks and unlimited devices, or just raise it to 3 to enable a phone, a tablet, and a desktop, is not going to encourage free users to stay, IMO, but it will allow new users a better experience when trying the app out for the first time. For the new price of the app BS should want to make the trial experience as good as possible. Assuming they actually want new users and not just rely on their current user base for revenue. Or they could be paying attention but are honestly having trouble. At a minimum, if Evernote helps to make the process easier for those who want to leave, it will reduce the number of support tickets and the burden on an already over strained support team.
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