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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. In case you haven't seen this: https://evernote.com/blog/evernote-pricing-upcoming-features-update/ Converting to USD, and I realize Evernote pricing isn't equal across geos, it looks like they are offering you professional at the personal rate, which is a deal under the new pricing model. New pricing started for renewals beginning in May. Some have already dealt with this; others that renew at the beginning of the year have more time. Mine renews tomorrow ... I've downgraded from professional to personal to help remove some of the sting.
  2. You may also want to remind folks that usage of ai requires their data to pass through a third party. It is not entirely managed by Evernote.
  3. 1. Extreme price increase 2. Problems with the app including data loss 3. In many ways it is not as functional for some users as Legacy. I think these are the main gripes.
  4. Not for everyone apparently. No discount for me. Maybe it is location based?
  5. and yet even today you are still signing up for new threads to troll. According to your post history, you left Evernote back in January, and months later you are still here repeating the same message. I'm not sure if I should feel impressed by your persistence, or sad. A little of both I think.
  6. Yeah, I was pretty disappointed by the top three comment. I was trying so hard for #1 😀.
  7. Thank you, I feel unworthy! If you actually spend any time reading my post history you will see I tend to be more critical than supportive overall. I try to be accurate and honest in my posts. What are you aiming for? Did you not see that I downgraded due to problems with 10.59? I'm sorry if you are disappointed that I haven't had trouble with 10.60. I'll lie next time if it will give you joy. The fact is, 10.60 fixed numerous problems that were introduced in 10.59. It is not problem free. I've seen some posts mentioning issues, but nothing that I've run across in my usage. For those that had trouble with 10.59, they should certainly try 10.60.
  8. Now that we have RTE with incremental sync I wonder if there is any longer a strong need to break up long notes into smaller ones, unless one prefers that way for organization? I don't use full TOCs but will have a main note and then link out specific sections where it makes sense to me. That said, I would still prefer to have collapsible sections and intranote linking someday.
  9. FWIW, I had numerous problems with 10.59. So bad in fact that I downgraded to 10.58. I've been on 10.60 for a few days now and so far have been issue free. I highly encourage this new version for those that haven't tried it yet.
  10. As long as it is done respectfully and accurately, I would think Evernote would want to understand why users are either leaving or considering leaving.
  11. They have been around longer than I was aware of as well. https://medium.com/notejoy/meet-notejoy-a-better-way-to-organize-team-docs-e2e9cbb43d57
  12. I agree, but I would also suggest that Evernote can't be held up as an example of company success. They were once at mythical unicorn status to now ... sold. The VCs got tired of waiting and got what they could. Once the current fix activity settles down, the new owners might consider a little more transparent engagement with their user base. Poor communication wasn't Evernote's only problem, but it was certainly a contributor.
  13. They need more than what is mentioned here. If you haven’t already, please submit a support ticket with log file as suggested above.
  14. DT does support AppleScript for those that may want or need that.
  15. That is when you select individual notes. You can instead export by notebook and you are not limited in number. This allows you to maintain notebook information if you desire. If you instead use legacy and select all notes, which you can, when you export you will get all notes in one group losing the notebook information.
  16. I moved over from Todoist about a year ago and don't mind saving that subscription. For me, using tasks in Evernote required a change in my thought process. Once I was onboard with that I found tasks useable enough for me to move over, but as you mention, the potential is not fully there. Evernote has opportunities for greatness but never quite gets to the finish line.
  17. It has been a couple of years since I tested out DT. It is impressive software but not a good fit for everyone, especially Windows users. It can import directly from Evernote Legacy and that is lightning fast. It can also import from ENEX files. Evernote V10 can export ENEX files, so you can always move to DT long after Legacy is gone if desired.
  18. I really wish the 200 million number wasn’t bandied about. It is terribly misleading and only used to falsely strengthen a point. What is the origin of that number? Included, I’m sure, are abandoned, multiple and free accounts. What none of us know is the number of paying users, and that is really the metric that should be used. What percentage of these paying users visit the forum and vote? I would speculate far fewer still. All we can gather out of forum votes are some trends. Vote totals shouldn’t be used as absolute.
  19. Who’s waiting? If my usage of Evernote depended on this I would have moved to a different app years ago. I’ve been a user since 2007 so this obviously isn’t holding me back but it is an irritant that I hope the team sees fit to rectify some day.
  20. There are work arounds, but personally I find them all cumbersome. The V10 editor is already a clickfest. IMO they can remove some of the friction and improve the function of the editor by adding this and collapsible sections.
  21. Maybe the best way to show the need is with a few examples. I have hundreds like this. These are just a few recent ones. I'm sure these are all nice people, but their images don't help with the subject matter at all. This is mainly an issue with web clips for me. Web clips usually contain several images, and at least one of them would capture the subject well. If only I could select the one I want ...
  22. I completely agree and hate the new way as well but I think it is unlikely they will change it, so I file this one under life’s minor irritants. I have a fairly long list of those with Evernote v10.
  23. Use Appcleaner to completely remove Evernote then direct download the app from their website and try installing again.
  24. Unfortunately, they did forget. My cost increase notification just came in ...
  25. Well, you can either worry about the inevitable or make a plan now to be ready for when it does. Your choice.
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