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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. @Federico Simionato As someone who frequently reads the forum and occasionally tries to help other users, it has become noticeable that many free users, trying to migrate away from Evernote, are struggling with the free plan device limit. It seems that many users may not have been using a desktop app, and when installing one, to allow them to export their notes, get caught up in the device number limitation. With the new free plan change it doesn't seem like the limitation provides a useful purpose any longer. Please consider lifting this restriction. Also, the idea of only one notebook being allowed seems overly limiting. For someone new and wanting to evaluate the app, they will not be able to experience what stacks are or the benefit of trying a few notebooks. Maybe this should be increased to 3 or 5, to enable new users a more complete app experience during their evaluation. I hope these comments will be taken under consideration, thanks.
  2. It does sound like that Evernote, and especially at the new price, is overkill for your needs. OneNote is one of the trickier apps to migrate to. That is on Microsoft for not having an official enex importer. I've not tried it but others have recommended https://www.wikihow.com/Migrate-from-Evernote-to-OneNote If that doesn't work out there are numerous other apps that will import the Evernote enex files.
  3. As mentioned above, your notes aren’t trapped. If you decide to export your notes and go elsewhere keep in mind that you can only export from a desktop app. It is not enabled from the web or mobile device.
  4. A desktop version is required. If you don't have a desktop version already as one of your two devices, you need to reduce your number of devices to 1 and then load the desktop version. Or sign up for one month if you don't want to deal with removing devices.
  5. Additionally, you can sign up for just a month if you want full access for a bit while you sort out your options.
  6. You can’t unfortunately and chat has been currently disabled. A support ticket is the only way to go.
  7. I use this method from other apps, but I’m not an instagram user. It might not have a print option. It would be in the list below the line of app options. You may need to scroll to see the print option, if there is one. From the desktop with a pdf file, on a Mac, you can use the open with option to open with Evernote and that will send the file to Evernote. Drag and dropping the pdf to the Evernote icon should work as well.
  8. That’s correct. You should be able to find legacy at a site like filehippo, though I’d suggest biting the bucket and just move over or if you don’t like v10 move over to something else before legacy shuts down and you are suddenly forced.
  9. This implies that you have created multiple accounts. Probably best to contact support to help sort this out.
  10. Not knowing what is important to you, it is hard to say what would be missed. There are already a lot of (now old) discussions on this. Search around here or Google Evernote legacy vs v10 and there will be plenty to read. Or download V10 and try it out on your use case to see how it works for you.
  11. Share is the only way I’m aware of from the iPhone. From the share menu, instead try print to see what it looks like there. If it shows what you want, then share from the print menu into Evernote. It should send a pdf document, of what was shown in the print dialog, to Evernote.
  12. It is and I think it is due to the RTE sync that was introduced. There are some lingering problems with that change. Sometimes I notice it and sometimes I don’t. It appears to be intermittent maybe based on the RTE timing. I’ve been frustratingly living with it for now.
  13. Thanks. I was starting to question my sanity. My wife already does.
  14. You can’t export from the web. You will need to install the windows or Mac desktop software somewhere and export from there. Has the Linux version completely stopped working? I’m assuming it has an export function and maybe at least the export still works??
  15. Good plan. I don't see the current free plan as being useful for anything other than a trial for new folks, or an archive for current. Obsidian is a solid choice and is one of my plan B options. Good luck with the migration.
  16. Agreed. Their tendency to have the user base test new code releases does tend to stress their support structure.
  17. No argument from me on this. I agree. IMO there has been way too much free user bashing going on. I think in most cases the intent is to bash the free plan loss whining and I'm on board with that, but some of the feedback seems to be aimed at those using a program that Evernote encouraged. That is on Evernote and not the users. I'd suggest not enough became paying customers and that is why we are see the plan change now. IMO it should have been done much sooner. I have never been thrilled about subsidizing free users. Communication of this change was awful, agreed. I don't understand why they just sprung it on everyone. At least 30 days should have been provided. Many mention this and I'm not implying this was true for you, but I think the conversation was usually along the lines of "Hey, I found this great free app! You should give it a try."
  18. If you are on the free plan you are only allowed access from two devices and the web is considered one. Click on account (your name) and then devices to see how many devices you are connected to and adjust if needed.
  19. I was on the Mac when I noticed the reverse text. I came back later and didn't see it. Nothing that I (knowingly) did. One of the mysteries of life.
  20. Some (many?) of these users may not have been using desktop software that they now need to install to export and are now getting caught up in this. Resulting in more support tickets. BS is not shy about ripping out old code. I think they will jump at the chance 😀.
  21. There really isn't a best overall option, that is why you see many different apps mentioned here. It really depends on how you use Evernote and what works for you. It is best to try several and see what is the best fit. Most other apps seem to import the Evernote enex files fine, though many appear to have difficulty with OneNote. As far as I know, it doesn't have a supported importer. There is a third party one available that some have used.
  22. We are only fellow users here. If you want Evernote to see your ideas, using the Send Feedback option in the mobile app would be best. Also, you might consider not using the reverse color scheme (white text on black background). It is difficult to read here.
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