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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Plus one for the task manager. In my case Things 3, with a link to a EN note if I want the reference. Using EN as a task manager: It is not created for this, so there are several weak points if you do. If used, and going for the date, it is either split each project into one task per note, and set reminders for that, or having collect to-do-notes, and set the date for the next action. A better way IMHO would be do do it the GTD way, which means working with „settings“ like „at home“, „at work“, „waiting for“, „phone calls“ etc. Reminders here are mostly obsolete, just needed for these tasks which really need a follow up by date. The flow between the settings can be controlled by tagging plus setting up saved searches to find the notes that need attention. There is a setup Guide from GTD / David Allen especially for EN, available for 10$ at the GTD website.
  2. Sorry when things do not work as intended. I have a lot of pdfs imported into EN. It usually works - just if I was a bit too fast myself, the pdf will have a problem. But this is not inside of EN, it is usually in the creation process itself (like uploading when the OCR is still running), or in the upload (like weak mobile connection, uploading from another app with a hiccup in the data flow). To find the source of the problem in your case, it would be necessary to know more about your setup and process.
  3. I have made the same observation. This does depend less on web clipper and more on the way the webpage is build. A modern page is based on a sort of data base, drawing the elements of the page from there and building the page from these elements in the browser. This is how it works that you get the same content shown on different devices, from the tiny screen of a mobile up to a large desktop monitor. The pages show in a different way, depending on the interaction between browser and site. What will be shown in the simplified version depends on how this interpretation of the page is done when the reduced option is used. Some pics will show, others not. Most of all the adds will be gone for good 😉 You can compare this when switching the browser itself to reader view. In my case, often some of the pictures are not showing when I switch into reading mode. And this looks very similar to the web clippers simplified mode. If it is identical I have not tested yet.
  4. Not everything that is possible makes sense as well. EN is far from good to archive pictures. Yes, it can be done. But there are better solutions available for little - no money. Personally I use Graphics Converter on the Mac to organize pictures, including weeding out the weak ones, creating a catalogue, tagging (here you tag the picture itself, not the note containing the pictures, which makes a big difference), face recognition, mapping (GPS data where they are missing) etc. The Pics are saved in an organized way where I want, and run with my general backups.
  5. I am in favor of getting markup capability, and voted for this feature as well some time ago. Just a word of caution: I do not think that adding this will be completely simple. It means additional stuff on the editor itself, plus an export function to make the markdown content usable for example as input for a blog or website. Just because a dedicated markdown editor looks simple, it is not necessarily so in the engine that drives it. Because EN focuses on unifying the existing editor at the moment, I think that „deep“ additional features will not be part of the next release. This is far from „not listening“, it is just setting the priorities on features that will serve all users.
  6. it may be of interest that on my Mac, I could install EN from the App Store plus directly from EN. It was exactly the same release by number, but it behaved differently on my Mac. After some trouble with the App Store version I installed the version directly from EN. This worked fine. The reason seems to be that the same software runs from the App Store in a sandboxed environment, which stops some actions. The free version receives updates and is fully integrated, like using web clipper, EN helper etc. Conclusion: On the Mac, it is possible to install the same program „free“ even when there is this very program available on the App Store. Not so closed as some may believe, or learned from their grandfather ...
  7. Go to the download page at evernote.com. Click on the Windows button. Download will start, install etc. If you go to a search engine, you will find a number of 3rd party download sites, mostly for the Windows client. Just check what they want to install in addition to the EN client.
  8. ... and let the Chinese government take care of the backups ? The deep data analytics come on top, for free ! Gruesome !
  9. Under circumstances it is - a lot of business data is stored on servers in the US even when the company and it’s customers are sitting elsewhere. If the server belongs to a US company, it is of no importance where the server is located. US understanding is that this data is under US jurisdiction and can be delivered to any US institution by order of a judge. This very act can be highly illegal under European data protection laws, and worth hundreds of millions in fines. It will be interesting where this leads one day when there are both sides in a conflict about some bits and bytes able and willing to fight it out ...
  10. An Observation, not a warranty: I was now for 6 month with Premium on my hard earned EN points. This was over now, so I reactivated my normal Premium-for-a-fee status. I used the iOS function for it, App Store. I have joined EN after they switched off PLUS membership. But in the App Store PLUS was offered to me, alternatively to PREMIUM. I signed into Premium because PLUS has some restrictions I do not like. But at least in the IOS App Store it seems one can still sign or at least renew a plus membership when it is by re-signing an existing paid account. This is my observation only, if they would have let me sign into PLUS if I tried I do not know.
  11. Tuning around on the database is always with risk. I assume you still have access to the work computer ? I further assume that you want to have the notes created there moved into your personal account, and deleted from your work account and computer ? If these assumptions are true, I would try to get things fixed with EN standard procedures: Share the notes to yourself, from work to personal account Duplicate the shared notes, and move them out of the share into another place. Eliminate the notes from the work account, eliminate the share. You could do all this working from the web clients, switching between accounts, without even touching your work machine. Just to eliminate the local copies, you need access to the work computer. Sync what you have done on the Web, got to trash and delete the personal notes from there because otherwise they will stay on in trash. Hint: I am not 100% sure this will work, because I have just my personal account and can't give it a try. My only question mark is about the property rights on the duplicate notes you will have created out of the share. If you have time, test it with one note, and go full cleanup if this worked.
  12. If you look up what the CEO of EN posted today in the last video thread, you find he explained that they run a number of beta programs in parallel. For some you will be invited, for others you can apply. And some are closed because they have started with a number of people, and do not want to take newbies into that specific program because they want to run the beta with the same bunch of people until the end. This is what I understand - I am in none of them, and I do not do betas. You are running 2 betas if you use iOS13 plus EN beta, one on top of the other. So I think you should know what you do and not complain when this structure crashes down on you. As long as there is no smoldering hole in the middle of your I-device, you should regard yourself as one of the lucky beta-testers. Just count the bombs, put them as badges on your beta-jacket, and go on.
  13. One additional thing: It is important to do some "housekeeping" with the tags. A new tag is created very easily - spelling, not remembering there is already one for the same topic, changing priorities like abandoned projects etc. So I review my tags (on Mac or PC, where this is easier, not on iOS, where there is no nesting) every ±3 month, eliminating those with little usage and no clear perspective. Here the nesting helps by giving a certain order to the cleaning action. Newly created tags (especially when created on the fly from iOS or WebClipper) are often without "parent", so I put them into the right place during this as well.
  14. "Edit" is any action on the note. Viewing is not enough, but if you just type one "space", comma etc. into the note, it is treated as changed and will sync (or try to do so). Because it is marked as "changed", the full note will sync. EN will not join the little sync into the big note existing on the server. It syncs the full thing. Viewed from how long you are with EN, I perfectly understand that you are annoyed by the limit that you did not experience when the note was created. On the other hand, EN has decided to let all those stay in an account type "Plus" that they have stopped to sell to new users, like me. Other companies (I made such an experience just half a year ago) sends a notification that from date xx.yy.zz they will discontinue the service A, and offer to switch to B or C, maybe with a start discount. They did honor my existing account until the last day, and I could have taken my data and exit in due time, so I think they behaved in an acceptable way, even when I would have preferred to continue with the old model. In short: You have an alternative - I did not get it, it was "take it or leave it". And still it was o.k., it was not discriminating against me, but business development. Workaround: Typically a note will be that "fat" because of one or several attachments. Split it up to go under the magical number, and it should sync again. And yes, you probably do not want workarounds ...
  15. Why not ? IMHO there is just still too much „essential“ stuff left on the Backlog than to dive into this. But maybe one of the coders has some time to spare 😎
  16. I believe the energy was always there. But it lacked orientation, that means vision and goals. Energy without targets just creates movement - but at the end you will find yourself somewhere else, and at the same time somehow still where you have been. Good to see that this vital element is now back and drives the return to the top.
  17. My tag structure is 2 levels deep. The top level is just category and helps with housekeeping, and not applied to notes. Until the tag experience is unified especially between those OSes I use (iOS, MacOS and Win10, in sequence of usage), it does not make sense for me to really „deep-tag“.
  18. Thanks again for sharing. I specially liked the clear statement here about tags: Straighten and improve the experience over devices, but not twisting the concept. Now off to the fireworks !
  19. It is like sitting in a restaurant, everybody with his meal in front of him. Because it is crowded, you may sit with people you do not know. And while you try to cut a bite from your steak and wonder about the knife they gave you, the guy beside you starts to promote his pick of a spoon as the solution for all troubles. Maybe it serves him well for his soup ... And it is NO solution to put my steak into a blender, just to make it spoon-able 🤯
  20. Somehow I feel a slight pressure applied on me by this selected pressure group here in this thread to conclude this research. Will do it tomorrow, I promise 👨‍🎨
  21. From my perspective, EN is designed to rely heavily on a syncing process. If using a mobile client, everything depends on sync. Thus I would rather prefer the link-to-solution over a full storage of videos in the EN database. Although it is possible, I do not think it was designed with this in mind. Another issue is that notes of that size nibble away from the upload limit. I once retagged a larger number of notes containing larger PDFs. Just tags and in some cases a little text of the Title was changed, but it counted the full note size including the pdf as if newly created. It was the only month ever I came close to my upload limit. Is there really nothing like Lightroom or similar used for fotos available and quasi-standard for archiving videos ?
  22. @vandevyver What issue do you have ? The thread started with the „keychain“ notification, now it is the „unexpected spotlight quit“. The keychain-issue seems to be solved by updating to 7.11., with a complete reinstall. If you have no local notebooks, that are not synced up to the server, you can make a final sync, run the reinstall through a complete delete, installing 7.11, get into your account and have it sync with the cloud server. Depending on your data base size and internet connection, this may take a while. Nick L. from EN (he is staff, not a user like us) posted a very good description of all the steps above. If you have local notebooks, you can either set them to non-local and have them synced, or you have to take care of them yourself. If you have the „unexpected quit“, there is currently no solution. As soon as there is, it will probably be posted here. If you mark Nicks account to be followed by yours, you will get the info pushed at you on release.
  23. Up to now, the workaround is to go back to iOS 12. EN is working on a beta that will work together with the iOS and iPadOS /13 betas. If interested to be involved in this, you can register for the EN beta program. Then, they will throw the release on you as soon as it is ready.
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