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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. You can select multiple notes using ctrl-click. The issue that @mnaoumov raised is that you cannot then drag and drop those notes - you have to use the longwinded menu process to do it. I actually raised this back in the beta and was told that it was in the future plans. At the moment all operations on multiple notes are painfully slow. Just try selecting 10 notes and adding the same tag to them all.
  2. I'm just happy it's only two keys not three! The general design ethos is replace one click with three, one key with three etc etc.
  3. Does it look like this? In the screenshot I'm dragging to All Notes in which case the new note will be created in my default notebook. If I start with a notebook and drag the pdf file to the note list the new note is created in that notebook. I've just sucessfully added an 85MB pdf file using this method. I've always thought that dragging trhe file to the note list is a bit odd but it is the same behaviour as the old version.
  4. It probably wan't clear but my suggestion for the upvote was for the post I linked to "Dev: post a full road map for users" as that is directly relevant to the bit of your post that I quoted. I thought from your first post that you had upvoted the current thread about being free for all users.
  5. The windows version doesn't seem to behave the same as the ios version. There is no special search box. When in trash hitting the search bar does not give the option to filter in trash (as a normal notebook would). In short I haven't yet found a way of doing it.
  6. F3 is still hit and miss fo rme. Normally it works but sometimes it doesn't. So far F2 seems to be working as expected. (in 10.2.4)
  7. Tag functionaility in the sidebar is very limited compared with the legacy version. You can create tags by typing a new tag in the tag area at the bottom of the note but if you have a tag hierarchy you cannot specify using this method where the tag sits. While you can not drag a note to a tag you can drag a tag to the note in the note list (not into the main body of the note). That's always how I used to do it in the legacy version.
  8. I agree but based on what we've seen so far a more likely approach would be to remove it from Android!
  9. I've seen this juddering before. It doesn't always happen - just certain images in certain notes. I thought it was just my PC so haven't reported it. Thanks for posting the screencast.
  10. I've never used the print to Evernote function so I don't know exactly where you access it from. If I want to save pdfs or powerpoints into EN I simply drag them in. If I drag the file on to the note list it creates a new note with the attachment or if I drag onto an existing note it attaches it to that note. If you want to see the powerpoint inline you could save it as a pdf first. If the pdf is online I always use the Evernote webclipper to capture it
  11. Completely agree. The search facility does give only relevent tags but not necessarily all of them until you have narrowed down your search sufficiently.
  12. OK I understnd. I thought you were refering ot the problem around internal vs evernote.com links. I too would like single clicking to open links but I would say the current setup works just not very efficiently.
  13. Interesting. I assume search is done on the server so i'm not sure that a change in version makes much difference. It's possible however they can make changes to search without any changes to the client software. I'm not really seeing much difference. The use of only one quotation mark is interesting. I am finding it quite inconsistent. Sometimes it works quite well and other times it seems to just ignore the quotation marks. Here are some results of a search: evernote search 65 notes found. The words highlighted in the text of the note or if it is in the title in the note list. All notes included both words or in one case the word search and the tag Evernote. "evernote search" 9 notes all containing the phrase "evernote search". The phrase is highlighted. It includes one with the phrase "evernote - search" but it's not highlighted "evernote search Still 9 notes but now all the words are highlighted independently as well as together I've done other searches (for example "of focus") where the results containing the phrase are scattered through the list. That may be because you EN doesn't allow you to search for of by itself. It's disappointing that the basic search trick of enclosing a phrase in quotation marks idoesn't seem to work consistently in an app which prides itself on it's search function.
  14. Did the ability to generate web and internal links that came with 10.2 not solve the problem?
  15. The structure of the two databases is completely different so you cannot have V10 and the legacy version using the same DB. Therefore as @PinkElephant said you will need the space on your HD for two databases.
  16. I still seem to be able to drag files into an existing note to attach them to that note or onto the note list to create a new note with the attachment.
  17. While we are on the subject it might be worth documenting two other handy shortcuts for items in the insert menu: --- (3 dashes) adds a dividing line [][][]x2 (3 open then close square brackets) gives you a 2x3 table
  18. I don't understand why some items are hidden away in the insert menu and others are easily accessible from the tool bar. As somebody with a PhD in chemistry it hurts me to say this, but do people really need to subscript text more often than add a table or codeblock? I digress. The good news is that the markdown shortcut of three backticks followed by enter inserts a code block. Also, and you couldn't do this in 6.25, surrounding text with a single back tick allows you to have inline code.
  19. ctrl-click may help. For me it opens the website but doesn't normally bring it to foreground. This was raised in the beta but like so many things was never sorted before release.
  20. To start with bugs and the lack of functionality. They are all fixable but whether the app should ever have been released in this state is another point. The main issue is that it is so slow. Things that are instantaneous in the old version take several seconds in the new. It's bad enough for one note but if you do anything on a list of notes (like merge them or add a tag) it takes for ever. Add to this a delay between making a change and that change being searchable - really important for my tag useage. You can make up your own mind of course!
  21. Once you actually start using it you may find you need to open those browser tabs again!
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