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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. There is an (in my opinion better) alternative to the TOC but I don't think it is obvious. Once you have selected the notes you need to select "copy internal links" either by right clicking a selected note or from the three dots in the blue multi-select menu. You can then paste those links into a new note. If you hit the numbered list icon first and then paste them in you will get a numbered list. The reasons I like it more than the existing system is: You can reorder the numbered list by dragging and dropping You can add the list to an existing note - I have alot of dashboard notes which are my constantly evolving gateway into a particular topic
  2. The new search and filter takes some getting used to. The key is to select the notebook before you start doing anything. If you then search you will have an option (it's very faint) below the search bar to filter in the notebook you have slected so need to click add filter there For filtering, again if you start in a notebook it will filter the notes in that notebook. There are all sorts of things you simply cannot do easily - the main ones that annoy me being: Can't save a filter only a search even if the net results are identical. Can't select "any" like you can in the legacy version. The advanced search syntax does work which is something
  3. On Windows there is a menu item: tools -> preferences -> save data at logout. It is the only item within preferences, but with the promise of more to come I assume that is where they will all live.
  4. Reember that the bit @gazumped quoted from my post was @gbarry back in July. As far as I know that has now been implemented. You do need to ensure that tools -> preferences -> save data at logout is ticked because I assume the files are wiped at logout otherwise.
  5. You could just do it yourself: Autostart a program in Windows 10 Press windows key + r. Copy the run command Shell:common startup. It will reach C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. Creat the shortcut of the program you want to run in startup. Drag and drop. Restart the computer.
  6. And I suspect that this mass aren't premium users so don't pay EN staff's salaries!
  7. In my experience all Segoe UI Symbol characters are correctly rendered. This includes greek letters. You would need to use good old Windows character map or an online resource like http://www.kreativekorp.com/charset/font/SegoeUISymbol/ to find the correct charaters but that is the case in the legacy version too.
  8. I've tried various titles in the past including something akin to what you suggest. I'm disappointed that very few people have grasped the magnitude of this change. Perhaps most people don't copy and paste images from websites. However I'll change the title as you suggest.
  9. My best bet so far is a folder: C:\Users\{user name}\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\resource-cache This contains thousands of folders and files dating from when I upgraded from beta to v10 to today.. I'm way out of my competence zone here so I could be completely wrong!
  10. Personally I have no desire to share a contact's email address with Evernote with or without their permission. However there should be the ability to send a note from your own email system. Currently you cannot even reliably copy and paste a note into an email because images aren't copied.
  11. Just to note that you cannot copy and paste an image whether it is a link or an actual image embedded into the note.
  12. This is the key point. I deliberately didn't use the word security but used safety instead. The raison d'etre of a note taking app is to keep your notes safe (in the sense of unchangeable) and accessible and I think that in this case EN has failed to do this. In most cases though it is storing the actual image. I would imagine that images copy and pasted in from a website are a smallish proportion of the total images on their servers. Webclipped and images added as files are still added to the note correctly. And where do they stop? Online pdf's replaced by a link when you clip them?
  13. I raised this at the beta stage but it is still an issue and I think it is important that everybody understands it. If you copy and paste an image from a website into a note you would expect that image to be in your note wouldn't you. Wrong. All EN does is copy and paste a link to the image. This means: If the image is removed or changed on the website it will be removed from or changed in your note You cannot annotate the image - the option is simply not there The image does not show up as a thumbnail in the snippet or card view You can't download the image (because it's not there) To me this is a serious breach of the trust we have put in EN to safely store our data. If we knowingly add a link we know the webpage it links to can be changed. If we copy and paste content into our notes we expect it to be safe. As far as I can see webclipped images and images added as files are OK so it is just copying and pasting images from the web.
  14. There is no ability to select an image in a note and then copy it into another application. It needs to be downloaded first. This is also true if you try to copy and paste an entire note containing images (for example to email it). Only the text is copied. Copy and paste is basic windows functionaility which should just work.
  15. If the cursor is on the checkbox then the space bar seems to toggle between checked and unchecked. I could not find an equivalent key for check lists possibly because you can't actually place the cursor on a checklist box..
  16. As websites have become more complex the EN webclipper has struggled to faithfully convert the content into EN's format leading to messed up formating etc. By keeping it in html format within the note EN is trying to solve that problem. In my experience it's not perfect but I get fewer problems than with the old system. The main downside is that you can't edit or even highlight the webclip without resorting to "simplify and make editable".
  17. I've just gone offline to see what it's like. I had no issues with search, saved searches, tags (if selected from the tag sidebar) adding tags to notes etc etc. I did have issues with some attachments not being loaded and the absence of the filter menu (which is clearly by design as a message comes up over the greyed out filter icon). So it clearly is not working as I would expect but I'm not having quite the same issues. I hope the attachments issue is a bug. I'm not sure why the filter menu has been deemed to be uneccessary in offline mode.
  18. The what's new post makes it clear that the ability to work offline is still a supported feature so it clearly is syncing locally. If it's not working for you the specific issue needs to be raised so that other people can try to replicate it and hopefully Evernote can address it. See also the info below posted by @gbarry in the mac forum of how the sync process works: Posted Thursday at 03:29 PM Searching offline should also be working and available. At initial install, we load up the note meta data first, which lets you quickly orient to what is available in the account, builds the lists, etc. The note content syncs in the background, and depending on the size of your account, may take some time to do this. If you click into any note or search for a note that is not synced yet, we will opportunistically load that up ahead of what is already syncing. That initial load of meta data can also make it look like the notes are unavailable if you go offline during this initial sync. I'd be interested if you're still running into an offline issue after the notes have loaded. Working offline is an important part of the experience.
  19. The What's new in Evernote for Windows web page has the following statements: What features are no longer supported in the new app? This is not an exhaustive list of features, but the most notable include: Local notebooks Presentation mode Context ScanSnap Evernote Edition firmware and software Outlook clipper Can I use the new Evernote app offline? Yes. To use Evernote offline, ensure you are signed in to the app before disconnecting from the internet. I don't think there is going to be an easily identifiable local data base but something more like local caching. People need to ensure everything is fully downloaded by using the app for some time and then switch off the internet and see what happens. If it does not work offline in the way you expect it needs to be reported to Evernote because they clearly think it should work. See also the info below posted by @gbarry in the mac forum of how the sync process works: Posted Thursday at 03:29 PM Searching offline should also be working and available. At initial install, we load up the note meta data first, which lets you quickly orient to what is available in the account, builds the lists, etc. The note content syncs in the background, and depending on the size of your account, may take some time to do this. If you click into any note or search for a note that is not synced yet, we will opportunistically load that up ahead of what is already syncing. That initial load of meta data can also make it look like the notes are unavailable if you go offline during this initial sync. I'd be interested if you're still running into an offline issue after the notes have loaded. Working offline is an important part of the experience.
  20. But new users bring zero revenue to the company. They have to convert to premium and the premium option is getting less and less attractive. e.g. presentation mode gone, Windows version is just the web in a window so why bother to increase your number of devices count. The self appointed productivity gurus hate mature products that just do what they are supposed to do. Nothing for them to write about or screencast about. Much better to have a pretty new app that does nothing of any substance but has three days between new releases. Then every week they can get excited about how it now includes the ability to add commas or some other micro improvement.
  21. I hope so too but I fear that is exactly who they are targetting driven on by the self appointed productivity gurus who have been down on Evernote for a while. Eventually they will realise that casual users are exactly that and don't convert to premium users who actually pay for the product. Meanwhile premium users will wonder whether we actually want to pay for something that is so stripped down from the product we know and love. My main reason for being premium is to have lots of different versions on lots of different devices. If the windows version is just the web version in a window I may not need premium any longer. I've suspected for a while that we will see a change in subscription model because of that. The nightmare scenario of course is no free versions in the future. With no local notebooks anymore that means you have to pay to access your data. That doesn't bear thinking about.
  22. Not sure what you mean by this; you will need to be more specific. I'm guessing you mean searching for tag1 OR tag2. Using either search or filter you get a search for tag1 AND tag2. The ability to change this was raised in the beta but so far ignored. You can still do it using the search syntax in the search box. ie any: tag:tag1 tag:tag2 but there is no easy way like in the old version.
  23. Agreed. They have already started this here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234-What-s-new-in-Evernote-for-Windows We just need it to be complete and cover all the issues that were raised in the preview and beta. I'm not seeing alot of issues raised now that I've not already seen raised - we know what all the issues are already and they have been well documented in the preview and then the beta forums.
  24. It's in the program itself. Help -> release notes. Don't get your hopes up though - there is not much detail in there but it just happens that this little nugget is there.
  25. I certainly wouldn't want to be definitive. There isn't anything clearly identifiable as a local DB like the old version so perhaps it is more like a cache. In my limited experience of using it offline most things seem to work but I couldn't guarantee that everything is there.
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