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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. When I simplify and make editable or I use simplified article from the clipper I get a line at the top which says Clip source in bold followed by the link. I'm more concerned by weblinks for things like pdfs and screenshots where the url is only in the note information. If you merge several of these notes together you lose all but one of the urls because there is no option to include it in the header of each note anymore.
  2. Completely agree. This has been raised alsewhere. Certain actions lead to the loss of the note list with no easy way of getting it back. They tend to be some sort of shortcut to a single note. So as well as your examples clicking a goto suggestions within search also looses the notelist. Thakfully clicking an internal note link in a note doesn't display this behaviour. I can't decide whether it is a bug or by design (that's a bit of a feature of the new EN!). Given that there is no way to deliberately hide the note list I'm hoping it is a bug.
  3. If you start in a notebook (which seems logical if you want to search it) and click the search bar, immediately below the input area is the name of the notebook (in very faint gray) and the words add filter. If you click add filter your search will just be in that notebook. The easiest way to delete a notebook is to use the three dots menu in the main notebooks window which you get to by clicking the notebook icon in the sidebar. This gives you a number of options including deleting the notebook.
  4. You need the three dots menu next to the notebook. This gives you the option to export,
  5. Completely agree. I think my point was just that some of the other promised features are fairly clear in terms of their scope but preferences could be almost anything. Personally I'm trying to use the new version as much as I can while providing (I hope) constructive feedback and helping others find features which are still there but perhaps not that obvious.
  6. Didn't you always have to do this with advanced search syntax? The reminders are now in a seperate tab in the notes view and show all reminders which have not been completed, but obviously some are not yet due. Or you can search for something like reminderTime:-50 -reminderDoneTime:* which will find all reminders for the last 50 days which have not been completed
  7. I assume these are clips obtained using the EN webclipper. These are now in a web clip box. clicking on the box gives you an icon which will take you directly to the source. Alternatively, ctrl-shift-I is a handy shortcut which wil take you to the note information window which I assume is what you were refering to.
  8. Mine is a fairly old desktop PC with conventional keyboard and mouse. I don't think a screen recording would add much: I select a note in the note list using my mouse and then when I hit enter nothing happens. It doesn't matter whether the list is all notes, a notebook or a search result. It also doesn't matter which type of view I have.
  9. Does insert -> code block not meet your needs? The markdown shortcut ``` also works. And best of all you can now do inline code using a single back tick before and after.
  10. We are putting so much faith in the upcoming app preferences. I hope it will include many, many options like the current useable legacy version. I'm worried that it will only include a few cosmetic options that nobody has asked for. This could all end in tears. 😭
  11. Excellent news. I was very concerned that images I thought were in my note could be lost if the website they came from deleted them. I assume this update will solve that problem.
  12. In the coming soon section of the release notes it says Meanwhile I am using the Gadwin Printscreen utility and simply pasting in to a note. I can't stop it saving the picture to my HD as well but I just periodically purge the unwanted files.
  13. I would also like coloured tags back. You can add coloured symbols to tags using the emoji keyboard. Probably not sensible if you do alot of advanced searches where you have to type in the tag alot but if you tend to select tags from a list then it might help. I would but the symbol at the end.
  14. I think it is on it's way in as I remember a big fanfare when it was introduced in the beta. Given that you can access the edit tags menu from the main menu when editing a note I see no logical reason for the shortcut not to work in that context as well. There are so many errors (e.g. ctrl-del to delete a note), things that don't work (e,g, enter to edit a note) and omissions (e.g. ctrl-shift-D to add the time) in the official list of keyboard shorcuts that it's a bit of a joke. I mean how hard can it be to get the documentation for keyboard shortcuts right?
  15. I find ctrl-shift-I really useful to get to the note info window and it works if the focus is on the note in the note list or if you are actually editing the note.
  16. I think you will find the options you are looking for are available from the three dots next to each notebook or stack in the main notebook window.
  17. For me it just opens in the last view (after closing and also exiting the task bar elaphant icon at the bottom right)
  18. I believe the legacy icon is black so you don't get confused between two green icons, I'm still using the 6.25 as well as the new client.
  19. Something about being a business subscriber perhaps? Are you in a shared notebook where you do not have permission to add tags? Try a different notebook or create one and see if that helps. I have to admit I don't know much about the business subscription so I could be completely wrong.
  20. The search at the bottom of the note is more of a type ahead than a true search so you do need to start with the correct character. The other option for adding a tag is to use the edit tags box. alt-ctrl-T if you are in the note list or note -> edit tags from everywhere. Here you do get a true search. However there is no option for a simple alphabetical list so you need to find the tag within your tag hierarchy if you have one.
  21. I can't reproduce the behaviour. Sorry. When I update the title in the note the title in the list changes pretty quickly. (Lightening fast by V10 standards!)
  22. Easiest way is from the main tags menu which you get to by clicking the tag icon in the sidebar. You can then use the create tag icon or use the three dots menu beside an existing tag to add a tag within the hierarchy. You can also do things like drag tags around to create or change the hierarchy. You can also create tags on the fly at the bottom of a note. If you type something which is not an existing tag EN will create the tag.
  23. ctrl-alt-T is still there but only if the focus is on the note in the note list not while you are editing the note. However the menu item (note -> edit tags) works perfectly well when you are editing a note. This is not logical but it is currently what we have. If you are in a note you can also add tags at the bottom (click down there or F3).
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