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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. @JEFFREY @ HAEGER I've managed to prove myself wrong! In the documentation of the Evernote advanced search syntax there is no mention of being able to search within a stack. Then @s2sailor mentioned in another thread the ability to save a search of a stack in the legacy client. Well the legacy client saves searches in the search syntax format so a quick try shows that: stack:"my stack name" does the trick in the new client as well. I assume that if you haven't got spaces in your stack name you don't need the quotation marks.
  2. Interesting, I'll have to try that. The web version also updates thumbnails as expected but doesn't then sync it to the new Windows.
  3. Do you mean number of notes in each notebook? It is still there but hidden away in the main notebooks view and not in the sidebar.
  4. I think the issue is around the use of the links in other programs not within EN itself. If you paste the link into todoist you will end up going to the web version of EN when you click the link rather than to the Windows app. This is because it's a web link not on an evernote:////.... type link. In the legacy version you could easily generate either formats. You can find the internal format by editing a link but it is not guaranteed to work as expected. It looks like this is work in progress so hopefully it will get sorted soon.
  5. TOC's are handled in a different way. You can select the notes you want and then choose the copy internal links. You can then paste those links into a new note to make a TOC. If you copy them into a numbered list you can then reorder the list by dragging and dropping. You can also paste the links into an existing TOC or dashboard note. Much more flexibility but slightly longer if all you want is a TOC note.
  6. I don't think it can be done. There is no filter for stacks or an ability to easily select the individual notebooks that make up the stack. You could use the search syntax to select all the different notebooks but that would be time consuming to say the least and would probably only be worth it as a one off activity to create a saved search. Happy to be proved wrong if anybody else knows of a way.
  7. You should also look at @ej8899's great detective work further up this thread.
  8. They are very context specific and don't always work when you think they should, or even when the official list says they should. The bug with alt-ctrl-F not working when the sidebar is minimised is fixed (without any announcement obviously) so this should work provided you have the focus on the note list. Similarly alt-ctrl-T will work if the focus is on the note in the notelist F3 works either in edit mode or with the focus on the notelist.
  9. According to the official list of shorcuts hitting enter with the focus on the note in the note lsit is supposed to take you into the note editor. It doesn't work for me and I've raised it in the issues forum.
  10. Deleting a note is now ctrl-backspace (despite the official list of keyboard shortcuts saying ctrl-del) . I know it's stupid, just don't shoot the messenger! I couldn't find a shortcut for permanently deleting a note in the trash. So the best option is right click -> permanently delete.
  11. I certainly remember seeing something very similar to this back in the beta. It wasn't reproducible so I didn't do any more with it. As you say it does need flagging up.
  12. Thanks for the context. I've tried a couple of different articles that I've clipped from the web using the Evernote webclipper on Chrome and selecting the simplified article option. Both worked fine for me with no problem with any of the editing short cuts. I guess it could be the specific article but if has been simplified you would have thought it should just be EN formatted text. As you say it's random so very difficult to pin down.
  13. According to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004807 when the focus is on the note list the enter key will Set focus in the note editor of the selected note This does not work for me.
  14. I've not been able to reproduce this. For me ctrl-B, ctrl-I and ctrl-U reliably toggle the appropriate icon in the editing bar and I can have any combination of them. I realise it's probably random but have you any pointers as to when it happens so that I can have another go at reproducing it?
  15. This is the number one issue for me, mainly because there is no workaround. In the beta we were promised the search would be correct within 3 minutes because as you say the indexing and searching is taking place on the server and not locally. It was sometimes taking alot longer than that in the beta but does now seem to be faster but still not as fast as I need. If I go through some notes and mark some for action with a tag I need to be able to find all those notes again instantly as I can in the legacy version.
  16. Echo's of Artur C Clarke's "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." I won't comment on the definition of "sufficiently advanced" in the context of EN v10!
  17. I think that's the same as my solution. The arrow keys just move between the images if you have no space between them, so you might as well click the first image and hit enter,
  18. Is the issue being able to just add white space between the images so that you can then type in the whitespace? If I select an image and then hit enter I get white space below the image before the next one. I can then add text. I was worried I would delete the image because normally you are looking for some sort of cursor to the right of the image. Is this it or have misunderstood the issue?
  19. I don't think they are deliberately faking it but I'm not sure that it means what we think it does. Maybe it just means saved as in "you won't loose it" because it's in the cache and will be uploaded soon. Sometimes the sync process is very fast other times it isn't, although it is generally faster than in the early days. It certainly doesn't mean "all changes are saved and will be included in your search". Just try adding a tag and immediately searching for that tag.
  20. I got an automatic upgrade from 10.1.4 to 10.1.7 when I loaded EN this morning. The release notes say nothing beyond the new features of v10 and what's coming. Anybody know what it fixed? I have been frustrated by EN release notes thoughout the preview, beta and current stages. "Sketchy" would be over selling them. It's annoying to find that you have got used to using a workaround and the bug that you were working around has been fixed without anybody telling you. Concrete example: from 10.1 alt-ctrl-F started working when the sidebar was collapsed.
  21. Shame we can't use the pretty highlighting colours on webclips without "simplify and make editable".
  22. Perhaps they take the view that EN is a note taking app so it doesn't need hundreds of different fonts. It isn't a word processor after all. If you need more complicated formating you can do it in Word and then attach the file. There is a spectrum between notepad at one end and Word at the other (or insert your favourite taxt editor and word prcessing app). Where on that spectrum should a note taking app sit? I would like to be able to sort tables for example. Best of all would be the ability to see other key document types (word, excel, even Google docs) inline as you can pdfs. So in my example if I really need to sort the table I could have an embedded spreadsheet which I would be able to see inline and only launch excel if I needed to edit it. That would be an absolute game changer for me.
  23. You have to do them separately alt-shift-D for date ctrl-shift-D for time
  24. In the new version the search bar is no longer at the top of the note list. If you prefer the sidebar minimised (I do as well) you need to either click the magnifying glass search icon to pop out the search bar or, provided the focus is on a note in the note list, you can use the shortcut alt-ctrl-F.
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