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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. In my experience the backwards and forwards arrows in EN have always been a little strange. If you have a TOC note they do work well when going back from a note to the TOC which is my main use.
  2. As documented in the post below when yopu copy and paste an image into EN from the web, EN only pastes a link not the actual image. This has all sorts of implications like your issue of not being able to annotate the image but also if somebody changes the image on the web it will change your image too. Please vote up the post below.
  3. Agreed. This was raised in the beta. I don't know why it is such a small number. It should be all the tags that meet the search text added so far. EN only allows you to search then filter. You can't use the filter menu and then the search menu. It assumes you want a new search. It's not consistent because if you add filters using the search box you need to add filters before search text. As I said right at the beginning of my post the interaction between search and filter is confusing.
  4. In other words you want a simple alphabetical list which is why I suggested that it should be an option to have either that or the hierarchy. I quite like the hierarchy.
  5. I'm not saying it shouldn't be an option, I'm just saying I personally wouldn't want it as default. The bigger problem at the moment is that you can't search for any tag without using the search syntax. So your crime reporter would only find notes that included all the crimes, all the lawyers, all the judges etc etc which is a complete nonsense.
  6. If you read my post in the thread I think the only time it happens is for short cuts and recent documents. Since then I've realised it also happens if you use goto within search. It doesn't happen for links within documents.
  7. All you have to do is click the add filter next to the notebook name. You can then search as normal but just within the notebook you are in.
  8. I don't fully understand what you are trying to do or which menu you are using. Clearly the coffee hasn't kicked in yet this morning. Looking at tags there are four places you can search for tags. In the main tags menu and the edit tags menu EN finds the tags but keeps them in their hierarchy. This means that tags which do not meet your search criteria are displayed if they are part of the hierarchy that leads to a tag which does meet the criteria. I don't believe there is a way of selecting only tags which begin with the search term so I guess your prefixes never appear within the names of tags. I think it would be useful if we had the option for a simple alphabetical list or the hierarchy and I suggested this during the beta. You can search for tags is in the add tags at the bottom of a note. Here you do get a simple alpabetical list starting with the characters you have typed so far. Lastly you can search for tags within the main search bar although you probably won't get all of them. Here they are listed alphabetically as well. I've no idea what criteria they use to select which tags are shown and this was raised in the beta as well.
  9. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. I think this was always an option in the legacy version and I personally would not want the option. If you slect a tag with child tags using the sidebar it selects all the child tags as your screencast shows and looks for notes which contain every tag. I can't see why anybody would want to add every single child tag to a note. The only way of selecting notes containing any of a list of tags is using the search syntax. If I choose one of my top level tags which has hundreds of sub tags I get this screen when all I wanted was to search on just the top level tag. There are ways of doing that through the main tags or filter menus but old habits die hard.
  11. The simplest way of doing it is: Start in the notebook you want to search Click in the search bar (or alt-ctrl-F provided your focus is on a note in the note list) Immediately below the bar you will see the name of the notebook in very faint grey and "add filter" Click add filter and then you are good to go. Other filters which are relevant to the notebook appear and you can add text into the search bar. After you have done the search you can refine it further with the filter menu if yoou choose The one thing to remember is that you cannot add what EN considers to be a filter after you have added the search text using the search bar. You can only add them using the filter menu from the filter icon. This doesn't help for notebooks because that is the one filter that doesn't appear in the filter menu.
  12. Yes I'm having all sorts of problems getting anything out of EN. You can't copy and paste files or images and you can't drag and drop as you say. My best workaround is to drag and drop to the desktop and then drag and drop from the desktop into the other application. Consistent with the EN design philosophy of "why do it in one click when you can do it in three".
  13. I gave up and downloaded it directly as well. The announcement did say it was being rolled out so I guess we are just low priority. While we know that Yorkshire is the centre of the known universe EN haven't caught on yet 🙂
  14. From the release announcement Copy image would sometimes not be available from the image’s right click menu Well copy image is available but does not actually copy the image just an empty box when copied to Word
  15. I would check the web version of EN because that should be an accurate reflection of what is on the server.
  16. We've seen this consistently thoughout the preview and beta stages. It takes a while for it to roll out (as stated in the announcement). I don't know what the priority is based on but may well be geographical with the USA going first. Mine has not updated yet either.
  17. The way that "search" and "filter" interact is confusing until you get used to it. There is an added complication in your workflow because if you have a nested hierarchy of tags selecting a tag in the sidebar slects that tag and all the child tags. So it only finds notes tagged with the parent and all the children. The key principle is start with search and filter from within search or use the filter menu later. There are two approaches that would give you what you want. I'm going to search for the text "issues" in notes tagged $current 1. Just use search When you search you need to approach it in the order "filters" and then text. In this case I need to add a filter for the $current tag. I start typing $current and the tag comes up in the search results within the search box Clicking the filter then gives me: I've now got a list of other relevant filters which I could also add if I want to. There is no option to filter for notes containing pdfs for example, because there are no notes tagged with $current that contain pdfs Now I can add the text ("issues") and my final result is: 2. Search then filter You can search for the text first and then use the filter menu to narrow down your search Unfortunaely I get the complete tag hierarchy not just the relevant tags. I can search for the tag within the hierarchy if I want to or just browse. In the end I get exactly the same result. As @DTLow says you can always use the advanced search syntax but you don't have to in this case. There are a few cases where you do need the search syntax particularly if you want to find notes with any of a list of tags (rather than all). It's also annoying that you cannot save a search constructed using filter even if it does exactly the same thing as one constructed using search.
  18. I think the suggestion might have been about a table of contents within a note that will navigate to different sections of the note. This has been asked for in the past and personally I think it would be really useful. It is currently easier to have several shorter notes linked together via a TOC note rather than one long note. That works well unless you need to share or print all the notes.
  19. If you use the share system does the other user need to have an EN account? If they do then EN already has their email address. If they don't then you are absolutely right. I've only really shared notebooks with other EN users or made non-confidential notes available to anybody with the link (and then you don't need an EN a/c)
  20. Completely agree. It is ridiculous to have to download a file in order to add it to an email. Images are also really difficult to get out of EN. Copy and paste is a basic Windows functionaility and it should just work.
  21. You cannot save a "search" created solely with the filter menu. I'd love somebody from EN to explain why not. Three possible workarounds. 1. Search for everything by searching for * in the search box. Then you can add filters from the filter menu 2. Start with a search. You can add tag filters using the filter menu later if you want to but EN has to believe it's a search not a filter to save it. You can add tags from the search menu as well but you need to know their names as you don't get the hierarchy. 3. Use the advanced search syntax Play with the search and see what comes up. When you get used to it it actually works quite well.
  22. In the legacy version I search and get a list of notes. If I update one of the notes e,g remove a tag that is in the search criteria the note immediately disappers from the view. Awesome behaviour! In the new version we have two issues: 1. When I make the change it takes some time for the changes to be reflected on the server and hence in the search. This is much faster than it was but is still a significant delay 2. You cannot easily refresh the search. It doesn't happen dynamically like in the legacy version. You have to go back to all notes and then either construct the search again or if it is saved click the saved search. A simple refresh the search button would make this alot easier.
  23. I don't understand why we should want this behaviour either. It only happens from me from a shorcut or recent document etc, not from a normal search. You can double click on a saved search to open the note in a separate window.
  24. Send to EN has for me always a bit odd, appearing and disappearing with different versions of the legacy client. I now simply drag the file onto the note list which works for me.
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