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notetakeingguy last won the day on September 8 2020

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  1. On my Android, where, when I open something, I need it right now, I am getting this error message for some notes. For one of them, I tried to recreate the note just now (from gmail). But I still get this error. Then the attachment says "Couldn't load attachment." Before, when I tried to open it, it wanted to open this PDF file in Google Wallet. It's a PDF file. Why does it want to open in Google Wallet? On my PC, it opens as a PDF fine. I tried some other notes with PDFs, and they open just fine as PDFs. But this one doesn't
  2. When I need my Evernote Android, I often need it fast. For the last week, it starts out with an installing page, that takes forever
  3. It was just on one computer, not my other computer. But when I let it install the newest version of Evernote, then it all synced. To your point on network, the [personal] computer had been left on since being at my work yesterday and then today back at home without a system restart.
  4. It's happened again. Where my Evernote for PC isn't syncing. There is stuff I need to do. To do it now! I don't have time to keep logging off, restarting, etc, and it's really dragging me down.
  5. PC version still not working. Preschool charged us even though we told us we were done. Searching a tag for the preschool name, so I can find the old contract, only gave me 3 results. What a pain. I'll use the web version. Or pull up my legacy version.
  6. It works fine on Web version. PC version is where it is not working fine. Even 4 hours later.
  7. I am searching by tag on my PC this morning, Everywhere, and it only lists 14 notes. There should be a 110 notes! I tried another tag, one of my oldest tags, and it said 0 notes. There should be hundreds. I've spent almost an hour on this issue. As I posted on another thread last week, I spent a lot of time on another Evernote issue last week or week before last. It's causing me to lose time rather than be productive.
  8. So over lunch, it did mostly all sync up, which was good. But then tried to add another note on my work computer. Then it disappears. I try on Evernote web, and it is still loading, 20 minutes later. And I think I lost the note I created.
  9. How do I check with a guest profile? I did clear all my cookies for Evernote, and I did clear my cache on my tablet and both phones. I think it all started, with my other thread, where I imported an ENEX file and it got into my default notebook, and then I emptied my trash. I updated a note on Evernote web, and that edit is still not cascading to either personal phones or any other device. Right now, web says I have 16,289 notes, PC says I have 16,280 notes, both work and persona phones say 16, 281 notes, and tablet has 16,323 notes, but it is going down, along with battery power. so have it plugged in. It appears my personal phones are not up to date to notes I uploaded yesterday or this morning on my personal PC, even though I see them on Evernote web. As I said, I cleared cache on my phones.
  10. I was at work and needed an attachment. As I have mentioned previously, Evernote Windows doesn't handle attachments from older notes well on my work computer. So I pulled up Evernote Web. It doesn't appear to have synced since June 24; today being July 2. That's the last note, despite using and adding and editing notes in Evernote every day. I tried clearing my cookies and it is 5 minutes and still waiting for website to reload. Meanwhile, my Evernote for Windows has been "Syncing Changes" for the last 20 minutes. I mentioned on another thread that I emptied my Trash yesterday and that had it stuck for several hours before I forced it down. All my other devices (personal phone, work phone, tablet) appear to be syncing properly. No maybe not. My tablet seems to have too many notes, and it's been syncing 5 minutes now. OK, now the tablet finally got caught up. Evernote Web still on June 24, Evernote Web still Syncing. Evernote is supposed to make life easier, but it really doesn't, and I feel it is now worse than the legacy version which doesn't work. I'm at work, I need to get work done, and I can't because I'm struggling with Evernote to find what I need.
  11. So when I said the enex didn't import, looking again, somehow it imported into my default notebook, instead of a new notebook. Only 457 notes, not all 2700, as maybe I stopped the import since I didn't know it was doing anything. Anyhows, I painstakingly deleted them all, since you can only delete a 100 at a time. Later, I'm searching for things, and it keeps searching my Trash, which I wish it wouldn't. So a few hours ago, I asked it to empty my trash. It's still spinning, working on emptying that trash....
  12. I wonder if I had imported a newer enex, if it had taken so long to be able to be searchable. For me, the point was that using the old Evernote, I could find my data pretty quickly, whereas it took several hours with the new Evernote, and I couldn't find it. Maybe it was due to the Age of the file, maybe not. I hesitate to report this to Evernote, because, as noted on this board, the customer service tends to get boilerplate responses, or non-response.
  13. I think v10 read the imported ENEX file, and I could access the notes, but I just couldn't SEARCH for a note since it hasn't indexed it. I suspect it has something to do with the volume of notes, and syncing needed vs legacy keeps it offline.
  14. I need to find an electronic copy of my social security card. It had disappeared from my LastPass so I wanted to check an old backup of Evernote where I use to keep it. I found a 2016 ENEX file and confirmed it was in there by opening it up in Textpad and searching. I tried importing a 2016 ENEX file with 2,700 notes. It took forever. Then I did a search, and couldn't find it, wasting about an hour. I let it sit overnight. Next morning, tried a search, it still couldn't find it. I tried deleting the notebook and reimporting it, but that didn't even work. Then I opened up my Legacy version, which I've turned off all syncing for. Imported the ENEX in a few minutes. Did a search, and found it immediately. Grand total, 10 minutes. Exported it to an ENEX and imported it in v10.
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