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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. This article doesn't include any of the "auto-formatting" (similar to markdown) options so I think they should all be included. I generally point people to the in-app keyboard shortcuts which includes all the auto-formatting options as well as the keyboard shortcuts.
  2. I'm not really clear what this is giving me that I haven't had from the beginning with alt-ctrl-F/equivalent mac shortcut
  3. That seems overly complicated. I just paste the app link from "copy app link" (alt-ctrl-L) directly into the location field.
  4. The whole concept of putting web content in an html box is new with V10. As web pages became more and more complex it became harder and harder to force them in to EN format. EN's solution is to leave it as html and only convert it if you want to actually work on the text. This works well if you only want to read it but means you need to convert it even if you only want to highlight the text. I wasn't aware of the "gmails with attachments" issue.
  5. Please don't double post - I assumed my answer got lost in the ether and had to spend time looking for it and checking all was OK.
  6. The EN scripting language has not (yet?) been implemented in V10. You can still create a shortcut to an individual note by creating a new windows shortcut and pasting the app link into the location field. I don't know how you would do a notebook or tag. If you look at the web version of EN the url includes information about the selected notebook, tags etc so one might naievely assume that it would be possible to translate that into an app style link but a quick try didn't find an obvious solution.
  7. When you clip a gmail message, unlike a normal web page, you don't get any options (e.g simplify) at this stage. So you are clipping html and there is nothing you can do about it. The other way of getting emails in to EN, for premium members like yourself, is to email it to your special evernote email address. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347-Save-emails-into-Evernote If it's a complcated email it will appear as html so that doesn't help. If it's a simple email (ie just text and the attachment) it will appear in EN as the text and a clickable attachment. For more complicated emails you can forward it in plain text mode and that will strip out all the html. It's possible it will also strip out the attachment - I don't have a suitable email to try it on.
  8. For me it seems to revert to the "Notes" view (aka all notes). The problem with your request, which is perfectly reasonable, is that the results of searches are not dynamic. In other words they don't automatically refresh when something changes. Therefore your search would not contain the new note until you had refreshed it anyway. They are supposed to be working on this so perhaps the behaviour of new notes will change then. Until then, as I'm sure you are aware, the easiest way to refilter on the tag is to click on the arrow to the right of the tag at the bottom of the note and choose "Filter by tag". Personally I'm not a great fan of new notes being populated with the current search tag(s). It was an option in the legacy and I would prefer it still to be an option.
  9. See here for the answer on desktop. I have no idea whether it translates to Android.
  10. Provided you have an up to date version you can drag a note from the note list onto the tag in the sidebar. You can also drag a tag onto the note in the note list. 4. Is there a way to have it focus on the title on a new note? No. It's a much requested feature but there are also many people who like it as it is! Shift - tab takes you to the title
  11. The exporting of the note was simply to get the note into an html document ie not in EN web as a proof of concept.
  12. Thinking about it some more I suppose EN would say that the reminders tab is the filter for reminders in whatever list is being displayed. That only comes into play if there are reminders which presumably explains why it is visible in your last screenshot but not in the first.
  13. Interesting. I get the same number of notes in "Notes" in the sidebar, the total of all my notebooks added together and searching for *. I have shared notebooks but I am the owner of all of them so that could explain it. intitle:* also works for me.
  14. That's really weird. I don't use reminders that much so I hadn't spotted that. My hack (in another thread) of searching for * first and then filtering seems to work here as well.
  15. There is now a really big distinction between filtering and searching which is not always very helpful to the user. Bottom line is that you cannot save filters so you must have pressed enter after typing something in the search bar in order to save it. I cannot recall ever having had a problem with just typing in the advanced search syntax tag:tag1 tag:tag2 (your scenario 3). The other hack is to search for *. This brings up all your notes. Then filter using the filter menu. Becasue you started as a search you can then save the search
  16. You can normally search for emojis in the same way as any other character. However intitle: doesn't seem to work which is annoying but not a problem if you only put them in the title anyway. I normally only really use them to draw visual attention to a note. I find things mainly using my tagging system The checkmarks are something different (in beta). In windows there is an emoji keyboard which works reasonably well so I don't need to copy and paste very much
  17. @aukirkInteresting! Same on Windows. Obviously work in progress. I'm getting some case senstitivity for tag names which hopefully will get ironed out.
  18. EN has got themselves into a complete mess over this! As I understand it the following happens: Desktop: app link opens in desktop app web link opens in web app Web app link opens in web app web link opens in web app I believe the situation is no better on mobile (I'm not currently using V10 on mobile apps) For me a better situation would be that there is one sort of link and it opens automatically in whatever app you are using. This already seems to work. It only seems to be app links within EN web that stay in EN web (which I personally think is how it should be) I did the following: Export a note containing an app link as an html document open that html document in chrome Click on the link and it asks me where I want to open the note Choose desktop and click the box for always do this Note opens in the desktop app Incidentally you can also create windows desktop shortcuts to specific notes by creating a windows shortcut and pasting in the app style link into the location field.
  19. You can of course add emojis to the title as well
  20. This is a feature in the legacy version but has not made it though (yet?) to V10. You might be interested to know that V10 does generally render emojis correctly so I draw attention to certain tags by including an emoji (normally symbols and coloured shapes not smiley faces!) It works well unless you use the advanced search syntax alot where you need to type the tag name and get it completely correct I see your point but the tag system is so flexible and allows you to group tags into a hierarchy I'm not sure it would be at the top of my request list. It would give you another way of grouping tags together independent of the tag hierarchy which is kind of nice but can be achieved through naming conventions (e.g I have some special tags which begin with $, + or .) or just having an extra tag e.g "green".
  21. Check the web version. That looks directly at the database so doesn't depend on synchronisation etc. If it is on the web version then it obviously has picked it up from your device and it's presumably an indexing problem.
  22. I think just bringing stacks in line with notebooks would be good. You can click on a stack name in the sidebar and bring up all the notes in the stack just like you can an individual notebook. However there is then no option to "add filter" underneath the search box and the entire filter menu is missing.
  23. You can have (I believe) an infinite hierarchy of tags but only stacks and notebooks if you want to primarily organise by notebooks.
  24. When you select multiple notes you should see a blue multiselect menu appear, One of the options is to merge. This doesn't work in the web browser version of EN ctrl-backspace was the way to delete a note in earlier versions of V10. Now it is simply to make sure the note is highlighted in the note list and press the delete key. You can get the up to date list of shortcuts in the app by either: ctrl+/ help -> keyboard shortcuts Hitting the tiny keyboard icon at the bottom right of the sidebar.
  25. You can do alot of what you want using service like Zapier. You can create a note on a set timescale and add all sorts of details to it (title, content, tags, reminders, attachments etc etc) but you can't actually create it from a template. Depending on how complex your template is you may be able to get away with just adding it into the content field in Zapier. Worth a try and you get up to 5 different scripts in the free plan.
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