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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. From what source are you pasting the text? Copy and pasting from WordPad, I got the text in the right order but no bullets. Copying and pasting from Word using Ctrl+V, I got: first list a one and a two second list a three and a four Pasting using Ctrl+Shift+V I got the proper format: first list • a one • and a two second list • a three • and a four
  2. Hi, @PhixItPhil, and welcome to the forums. Thanks for catching this and researching it so thoroughly. I can confirm every one of these points, in v. 6.18.0. I would add that there is an item in the editor ribbon labeled "Checklist." It has the exact same function as Ctrl+Shift+C or [], producing a bulleted list with checkboxes on other platforms. None of this seems like a step forward; and what is the difference (and why should there be one) between a check list and a checkbox? The Web editor beta is currently in a state of rapid flux, with updates every week or so. That may explain why some things get out that seem not quite ready for prime time. Doesn't really justify an invisible bullet list in a checklist, though.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Since you're getting the exact same error message for the exact same (lack of) reason, it seems likely that you are experiencing something similar enough to what's under discussion in those other threads that it might be more productive to join one of them.
  4. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Interestingly, another user has reported the exact same problem. It may help if you join in this thread:
  5. What platform are you using (Android, Mac, Windows, Web, etc.)? In Android, a search will only find terms in a note title unless you explicitly press the Search button on the keyboard. It can be helpful when you want to limit searches to titles without using the intitle: prefix. But it can also be frustrating.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Unfortunately, login issues when trying to access support are not uncommon. But check this out: https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/. Hope it's some help. Meanwhile, on which device did the UNIQUE ERROR message occur, Android or PC? If it's the Android, I would uninstall the app, restart the device, and reinstall Evernote.
  7. Hello, and welcome to the forums. We are mostly other users here, not Evernote staff. Also, you're responding to a two-year-old thread about a completely different problem. It would be more helpful (to you, and to other users who would like to help you) if you would start a new thread, and give as much information about the problem as possible: are you using the Web beta or the earlier version; exactly what steps did you follow; does this happen in all notes, or just one; etc.
  8. This. It sounds like a problem similar to one I encounter in Opera (I rarely use Firefox). Clearing cookies (even cookies just for the last hour) always fixes it. I've been in conversation with Evernote support about it, and have been sending reports and logs.
  9. Updating this: Unfortunately, it continues to occur sporadically. I find that it can always be fixed by going to Opera's settings and clearing all cookies, even just from the last hour (so that every site I've ever visited doesn't get its cookies tossed, so to speak.) I remain in dialog with Evernote support, and have been sending logs from the Opera developer's console, as they requested.
  10. Based on Google Translate: "In ANDROID it is not possible to refine the search in the same way as in the desktop version." This is true. It is one of several ways in which the Android app lacks capabilities found on other platforms for Evernote. Hopefully they will be added to it when the upgrade across platforms occurs.
  11. Are you using the Evernote for Windows desktop beta, or the Evernote Web client beta? The desktop program public version is currently at 6.25, while the Web client beta is at 6.17. It's possible that in the Web client, as @gazumped says, it displays links as evernote.com rather than evernote:///view. IAC, both the Web client and the Windows desktop program (and the Android app) respond perfectly well to links of either form, in my experience. Are you seeing the links failing to operate? If so, in which environment?
  12. Puh-leeze (= Biiiiitte). Evernote's development efforts most recently have gone heavily into the Web client beta, since that is the development ground for future improvements to the interface and editing capabilities across platforms. Please look at some of the videos in the https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/306-behind-the-scenes-series/ forum. There are definitely improvements in the works for the Android app.
  13. Ah, the Evernote feature request forums: come for the polling, stay for the trolling.
  14. Hi, and welcome to the forums. PDFs are added to Evernote as attachments, and as a result of the attaching process some functionality may be lost--at any rate, that's my understanding, which may be faulty.
  15. There are a few features not present in Android, and some of them are pretty important for some users: merging notes, adding and editing tables, certain aspects of text formatting (font, color, size), paste as plain text. There may be others that I'm not thinking of.
  16. Hi, @alisonBslp, and welcome to the forums. Yes, the Web client is in beta and developing rapidly, but this feature is still missing. Hopefully it's on the way!
  17. The missing-notes issue in Chrome has been identified in earlier threads, I think. Very strange. WRT templates, good catch! I don't use them yet myself, but I do see the same drop-down in v. 6.17 in Opera.
  18. There is an existing discussion of this problem in the thread linked below; see especially the reply of an Evernote staffer at the end.
  19. @DTLow's scanning suggestion (which works with an Android device as well) is a good option; since you have a Premium Evernote account, the handwriting in your scanned paper notes will be OCRed so you can search for specific items. The other possibility would be just to handwrite the notes in Evernote itself, since it includes that possibility. Again, they will be OCRed and searchable.
  20. There is a semi-functional version of this available in the current version of the Web client beta (https://www.evernote.com/client/web). At the top of the list of notes there is a dialog for filters (funnel icon); under the Contains tab, this includes filtering for lists. Unfortunately not only filters for checkboxes but for bulleted and numbered lists, so you may have to go through a lot of false hits.
  21. Thanks for the info. I don't spend time on Reddit, but might be worth a look. I've seen some anxiety that the merge function might by be lost from the Windows app when cross-platform compatibility increases. I didn't think it was likely they'd be taking stuff away, but it's good to be sure.
  22. Paul, where can we see these Preview apps? Are they the betas? I'm particularly interested in the Windows desktop. Does it still have the note merge feature and the various note list views?
  23. Unfortunately, there have never been any release notes for this beta. I have no idea why; maybe just because they are releasing new ones at a pretty rapid pace. Also, no need to double post.
  24. Also the internal note link bug is fixed:
  25. I can confirm this. The only remaining issue is that, while the link will go to the proper note, the note may not be highlighted in the note list without scrolling down to it. But the links are working right.
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