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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Yeah, I started paying for Evernote as soon as I realized what it was doing and could do for me. But it's a teeny bit hard to imagine anyone starting to pay for v. 10 of the Windows program. When I started paying, the desktop program was highly functional, if imperfect. Since it currently offers relatively little that the Web interface doesn't, why pay to use both? I suspect more people with relatively little already stashed in EN will look elsewhere rather than pony up.
  2. Can you comment more specifically on this particular point? I'm not yet able (still on Windows 7) or willing to "update" to v. 10 at this point, and this has been a concern of mine for when I do. Is it the new limited font set, or something else that is harming the existing formatting?
  3. This thread is about a different topic. The specific bug you mention is being reported in this thread in a different forum: FYI, this same bug began happening in the Web client shortly before the "updated" Windows program was released, and actually got introduced into it.
  4. The date and time setting function is the same as in the Web client. I couldn't believe they'd just port that clunky, rinky-dink, 1980s-looking silliness over to the Windows program, but ... wrong again. Even in the Web client, I always thought it looked like a placeholder until they got a real date/time picker together. Let's hope it is. I too need the granularity of (at least) 15 minute intervals, but if possible the full functionality of the v. 6 program.
  5. Popping in with one more thought: the most important issue not raised in this interview may have been communication. Podcast interviews a couple of weeks after the fact are not satisfactory. Everything said here could have been summarized in the release notes or some obvious communication. Why wait till people are hopping up and down to tell them everything's going to be OK?
  6. Someone (perhaps a moderator?) has edited out your username. And I have also edited my post to remove the quotation, which of course showed the original post with the username (not very bright on my part). Meanwhile.... Are you still unable to access Evernote on the Web, in multiple browsers on multiple computers? I have not been having any problem with it.
  7. Please see these existing threads in the Web client forum:
  8. Here's a link to a thread dedicated to that video: As for indicating prioritization, I doubt that that will or should happen. It's an invitation to a ****-storm of "Why don't your prioritize A?", followed 2 weeks later by "I thought you were prioritizing B, where is it?", then "And where is C, for Pete's sake," then "Who the **** want's C?"....
  9. Two questions: on what platform are/were the tabs available? I've never seen them in the Windows desktop program. Secondly, and related to this, is that in the interview Ian Small says that features critical to the workflows of smaller numbers of users will be intensely missed, but weren't seen as important enough to hold up the development or release of the product. That's obviously a point that could be debated; but it seems that especially features available or plausible only on one platform are the ones that have been most consistently whisked away, for the moment at least.
  10. Yes, thanks, @DTLow. I was also surprised about some of the things that are apparently considered "niche"--only 2% of users users tags?? At all, ever? Apparently, every single one of them is active in these forums. A few other observations, from particular points in the interview (times and quotes are approximate): 18:45: "We're trying to create a consistent and coherent Evernote experience that makes sense for the device that you are on." People who use EN on one kind of device should find it immediately familiar on a new device, in terms of where things are and how to do things, yet make sense for the form factor and capabilities of the device. The points is not for apps to be identical, but to make sense in each form factor. Snapping/scanning a doc should work easily on a phone, importing a PDF on a desktop. My comment: So some things that make sense on a Windows computer, e.g. import folders and global shortcuts to create notes from screenshots, will return? 23:40: "What got prioritized in the desktop apps ... were all the features that were used by the largest cross-section of individuals."... "We won't hold the apps up for 95-97% of the community for another 2, 3, 6 months while we work on the 2-3% that's left." My comment: But is that necessarily the largest cross-section of uses as opposed to users? Import folders were in the 2-3% category? Does this take into account the % of people using EN on a Windows machine, and the intensity of their use? 27:40: "We've done most of the learning we can do in beta, now we have to learn in market." My comment: So, taking him at his word, they did take account of feedback during beta; some beta testers report here that what seemed like very significant feedback was not taken on board. Presumably part of learning in market is listening to responses in the forums? 35:45: "Just like the new app is a platform, the new editor is a platform for us, and you will see things moving in the new editor faster than you have before." E.g., power features in the next 6-12 months, like in-line typing to access features. 53:15: He wants people to understand that "this is absolutely just a start," as will be seen concretely in the next 3-6 months. And "thank you" for being generous and sticking with us as we went silent for such a long time. We want once again to have "a live and dynamic and evolving application." So, while some important questions like performance were not addressed, they do seem serious about restoring features specific to specific platforms, and delivering new features in the coming 6 months or so.
  11. Thanks for the info. The date/time control for reminders is just puzzlingly crude, looks like something out of the 80s.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are user-to-user forums, not Evernote's support, and anyone can come in here, so I would strongly recommend that you edit your post and remove your username, since a bad actor could swipe it and do harm.
  13. In the Web client, I've always thought that the print function was derived from the browser. What happens in other Web pages in Firefox?
  14. In a post announcing the new version, it is stated that sync now happens continually, no longer on demand or on schedule. Don't know about simplify formatting. Is there a Remove Formatting button?
  15. I'm not yet able (still on Windows 7) or willing to update to v. 10. It sounds like it uses the clunk, rinky-dink interface for setting reminders that appears in the Web client. For instance, in the Web client, it is not possible to set a reminder for anything other than on the hour and the half-hour: no 10:15, for instance. Is that indeed the case?
  16. As one of those native English speakers in the U.S., I agree with these perspectives. Programmers who come out of the giant monolingual bubble of the U.S. are likely to fail to understand how things work elsewhere in the world, as also evidenced by the posts here regarding spell-checking for people who use more than one language, not just the Windows system language. I used to teach Greek classes in a theological seminary, where the U.S.-born students were often very anxious about learning a "foreign language," let alone an ancient one. Invariably there would be one or two students from African countries in the class, and I would ask them how many languages they could speak. 4 or 5 was the typical answer. I tried to use this to encourage the worried students that knowing and using more than one language is a normal human experience. Even in the U.S., Native Americans in the state of New Mexico, for instance, ordinarily use 3 languages: Tewa or another indigenous language, Spanish, and English. Sorry for the thread drift! I think that @Vitaliy Grinchuk and @PinkElephant are pointing out significant issues for a program used internationally but developed primarily by monolingual English speakers.
  17. Interviews with Ian Small suggest that he and the developers are aware of what's said in forums; but they have never engaged very much in dialogues here. From an announcement about the new version: options/preferences were not included in the first release, but will be added back in.
  18. Welcome to a pretty large club. If you take a look around the following specialized forum, you'll find threads dealing with these issues: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/720-evernote-for-windows-issues-versions-100-and-above/.
  19. A good point. Except that the template will need to be created in the "legacy" version, n'est-ce pas, since I presume templates created in the new version will also have the limited font selection?
  20. As I mentioned to an earlier poster here, this thread is in the forum for the Android app. Since you're dealing with Mac and iOS, you may get more relevant responses if you post in their forums.
  21. In my understanding, Evernote never syncs an entire notebook to Android unless you request it to for offline use. Generally, all that is synced is enough metadata to display a note list and maybe search.
  22. Understood. However, I think the more intense/power users are also more likely to be or become Premium users, while the more casual or occasional users will stay at the free level. Not that I know this for sure, just speculating.
  23. Thanks, @Mike P. I've been appreciating your insights the last couple of weeks. And you've absolutely hit where I live, because I've often said to others here who've wanted various types of formatting, pagination, etc., that it's called Evernote for a reason. So I'm in agreement with you, and properly chastened. The truth is I've rarely (but not never) used multiple Windows fonts in a note, and then of course they don't show up perfectly in Android. So I think your point is quite valid, and the matters of emphasis or subject-matter distinction that I wanted to get at with different fonts can be addressed in the new version with, say, text colors and highlights, plus the available fonts, which will display more or less uniformly across platforms. There may be enough font differentiation for folks who want to use fonts to differentiate within or between note, but not enough for people who seriously want better aesthetics,
  24. Is there anyone who has installed the new version on Android and been using it? It hasn't rolled out to me yet, and I've seen all sorts of horror stories about the Windows version. But since most of those concern the loss of features that were never in the Android app in the first place, I'm not sure they're relevant. So how is v. 10 working for you on Android? Should I be puppy dog excited or afraid, very afraid?
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