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Why are bullet points / numbered lists suddenly completely broken?

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I've been a long user of Evernote on iOs, Mac, Windows, and web. I keep a weekly note for simple todos and such. Its organized with bullet points and has worked fine for a year+. Within the past couple days however I'm noticing that frequently the depth and spacing of bulleted items gets completely wrecked when I come back to a note.

  • This
    • Is
      • How
      • It
    • Should
    • Look

But I'll come back to the note or load it from mobile, or from web (there's no set pattern as to the cause)

  • And
  • The
  • Note
  • Now
  • Like

And I can't just go back up to those bullets and tab them over. It's completely hosed in the metadata. I try to tab and it ends up like

  • First line
  •      Broken indent
  • Broken indent

Example shots attached.

This is an extremely breaking bug. For my usage of Evernote, this renders the product entirely broken. What the hell is going on?



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Hi.  I've not been aware of any recent changes to the web client - could this be a connection issue?  Are you wired or wi-fi'ed into a fast internet line?  Does this happen on all your devices?

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6 minutos atrás, gazumped disse:

Hi.  I've not been aware of any recent changes to the web client - could this be a connection issue?  Are you wired or wi-fi'ed into a fast internet line?  Does this happen on all your devices?

Hi, I'm having the exactly same problem, it's not a connection issue, it's a browser issue.

That happens in Google Chrome and for what I look around seems that Google update Chrome and broke some parts of the Web Client, then Evernote team go back in time and revert the Web Client to an old version, because those bugs were already been solved in the past. I'm not from Evernote team and I deduced that for what I read. It's been a week this is happening.

I tried in Firefox and that happens too, the only Web Client that I found that still works fine is Safari.

An alternative is use the desktop client and apps, but if you change something in the note from the Web Client and save, the note will be broken again.

It would be interesting if the Evernote team could confirm or not what I said and give us a deadline for the fix, because this problem really leaves the product totally broken.


  •  Long time user :mellow:
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I just said in another thread that fixes aren't a problem - but often finding out what's causing an issue is.  Chrome has updated and Evernote will be looking into these and many other issues users are having with clipper...

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4 hours ago, 4verNote said:

Hi, I'm having the exactly same problem, it's not a connection issue, it's a browser issue.

That happens in Google Chrome and for what I look around seems that Google update Chrome and broke some parts of the Web Client, then Evernote team go back in time and revert the Web Client to an old version, because those bugs were already been solved in the past. I'm not from Evernote team and I deduced that for what I read. It's been a week this is happening.

I tried in Firefox and that happens too, the only Web Client that I found that still works fine is Safari.

An alternative is use the desktop client and apps, but if you change something in the note from the Web Client and save, the note will be broken again.

Can confirm this mirrors my experience.

And unfortunately, I can't just fall back on desktop client because I'm primarily a Linux user and Evernote has no native Linux client...all the available apps are wrappers around the web client and all using Chromium as the backend

So, yeah, my interface with Evernote is fully borked until they fix this. This might finally get me to switch off using EN.

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Hi gazumped,

Definitely find the cause of an issue is the hard part, that's why I tried to show my experience and see if that helps the team. I saw the topics you posted and in one of them you posted a link to support ticket, since I'm a subscriber, I'm going to open a ticket there and see what happens.

Hi Matthew123,

I'm a multiplataform user too and use Evernote as a task list, so this problem is causing me nightmares too.

Thank you guys.

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I've been having the same issues for weeks. I use the Evernote desktop app on my home computer (Windows machine) and the iOS app on my iPhone, but do not want to pay to have a third app on my work computer, so use the web version (Chrome) at work. Now, almost daily, I have to reformat every list I touch during the day when I get home that night. It's terribly frustrating. Why can't we get a fix for it? I almost stopped using Evernote when they started limiting the number of devices, and now this issue may force me to do just that. 

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Hi guys,

I opened an support ticket to them and they answered me.

The answer was that they know that the problem is ocurring with Chrome and Firefox, and the development team are working to solve it, but they said that don't know how long it will take to solve.

The only options now are use the Safari browser or Evernote apps.

So, basically there is no fix, we have to wait :(

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm also a linux user, so I have no choice but to use the web version. And I can't install Safari either.

A few moments ago, for the 20th time, I've witnessed a note with multiple pages of nested bulletpoints completely reformatted, with all the nesting removed.

This is data loss, plain and simple. Completely invalidates the purpose of Evernote as a safe universal store of information.

Anyone know an Evernote alternative that works on linux, supports rich text / HTML, and can import Evernote data? This issue has been known for a month and remains unsolved. I don't know that I can continue waiting for a fix while watching my data being screwed up on a daily basis.

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I would like to add my voice to those requesting a fix as a high priority. My workplace uses Linux, and so I cannot currently use Evernote to modify notes with complex formatting on my work computer, unless I bring in my own laptop from home and switch between them. I've paid for the Premium subscription, so to not be able to edit notes with formatting on the web seems like very poor service. Some update on the progress that's been made towards fixing this issue would be much appreciated.

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  • Level 5*
14 minutes ago, Pagw said:

I notice that in the Evernote Web settings, I can "go back to the old version" - does anyone know if that fixes the issue?

Don't know if it fixes things,  but if you have the option to revert to the older web version you'll be able to switch between old and new versions as you wish.  Check settings in the old version and you'll see the option.  Why not try it out and see what happens?  If you find that is better for your purposes,  please come back here and tell us...

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9 hours ago, Pagw said:

I notice that in the Evernote Web settings, I can "go back to the old version" - does anyone know if that fixes the issue?

Not sure, but that's a good find. I'm testing this as well.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to consistently reproduce the bullet-mangling, so only time will tell whether this temporary fix works or not.

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19 horas atrás, DerekSomething disse:

Not sure, but that's a good find. I'm testing this as well.

Unfortunately, I don't know of any way to consistently reproduce the bullet-mangling, so only time will tell whether this temporary fix works or not.

Unfortunately, It did not work for me.

My solution for now is: the notes I change in the Chrome/Firefox Web App, I do not change in the Desktop/Mobile/Safari Web App, and vice versa. Some notes I duplicate to be able to change in both. It's not a solution, it's a workaround, but for now it was the best I could think of :unsure:

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Does anyone know if this is being treated as an issue by Evernote? Are they looking into it? 

If so, I think they should extend the minimum number of devices that can have an app installed on to it as the web client is unusable until this is resolved. 

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This happens to me between Chrome browser and iOS app.  The bullet list between them seems to be broken.  There seems to be an extra newline character being added when using iOS, but not with Web.  Appreciate if this could be solved soon.  Bullet list is big part of my workflow.  Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So what are some workarounds to the issue of bulleted lists losing their indentation? I don't really want to edit my notes in an attached Word document. Does Microsoft OneNote have any problems with bulleted lists? It would be a huge hassle to port all of my notes from Evernote to OneNote, but I will bite the bullet if I have to.

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I am having the same issue as well. It very frustrating considering. I already spend one evening fixing my notes that were affected by this issue. Currently using google chrome `Version 66.0.3359.139 (Official Build) (64-bit)`

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I'm having the same issue.  I've started using a Chromebook for certain parts of my work.  If I use Chrome to edit any note with bullet lists or numbered lists, when I go back to the desktop app on my Mac, all the indentation of bullet lists has been removed.  This makes it impossible for me to use the web interface for any editing.  I'll submit a bug report to customer service so they're aware that this issue is affecting lots of people.

As a long time Evernote user, I've been frustrated by issues with bullet lists in the desktop app for years.  It's quite buggy, but I've always found workarounds in the app over the years.  However, this issue with Chrome makes Evernote completely unusable.

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This may have something to do with this post, on how "webkit based browsers" broke recently and they had to revert to an earlier version. He also mentions the new web application will be released soon so they are not focusing on fixing this things, but instead they are focusing on releasing the new web application.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I came here to say that I am extremely frustrated that this bug is still around. It's been months and my HUGE bulleted lists have to be reformatted every few days or so, and I can't help but to feel stupid grooming my lists, that were supposed to help me save time, not waste time.

It is unnacceptable that a software that claims to increase productivity forces users to waste HOURS putting lines, one by one, a little bit to the left or a little bit to the right

Also, data is being lost. Evernote is no a longer a safe app to store my data and I have REALLY important data that I am honestly considering removing from evernote forever.

Practically my life is organized on evernote, from creative work to groceries lists and long-term plans and I keep losing formatting data.

It's been months, guys, come on.

I have been a loyal user for years and for the first time, I am speaking ill of evernote.

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11 hours ago, Romero_Skarr said:

I came here to say that I am extremely frustrated that this bug is still around. It's been months and my HUGE bulleted lists have to be reformatted every few days or so, and I can't help but to feel stupid grooming my lists, that were supposed to help me save time, not waste time.

It is unnacceptable that a software that claims to increase productivity forces users to waste HOURS putting lines, one by one, a little bit to the left or a little bit to the right

Also, data is being lost. Evernote is no a longer a safe app to store my data and I have REALLY important data that I am honestly considering removing from evernote forever.

Practically my life is organized on evernote, from creative work to groceries lists and long-term plans and I keep losing formatting data.

It's been months, guys, come on.

I have been a loyal user for years and for the first time, I am speaking ill of evernote.

I share this frustration. I am a very heavy of user of Evernote, but due to this issue I’ve had to move to OneNote. I’ve submitted a ticket last month and the reply promised a fix “soon”.  

I cannot afford to spend any more time to reset basic formatting between clients. This is the most basic note taking feature.

I am really concerned that this issue is not taken seriously. 

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On 6/9/2018 at 2:40 AM, Hansard said:

I share this frustration. I am a very heavy of user of Evernote, but due to this issue I’ve had to move to OneNote. I’ve submitted a ticket last month and the reply promised a fix “soon”.  

I cannot afford to spend any more time to reset basic formatting between clients. This is the most basic note taking feature.

I am really concerned that this issue is not taken seriously. 

I am considering the same. I even found that OneNote has a migration feature of some sort. I just added "Get the hang of OneNote" to my Evernote To-Do bullet list. (Hope it doesn't get misaligned haha).

What are your thoughts? How was the adaptation? There's a big chance our conversation might be filtered by the mods but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask

"This is the most basic note taking feature" - FYI List are THE most primitive form of writing. As soon as writing was invented in Sumeria people started making lists. That was more than 4000 years ago, Evernote team, I'm sure you guys can figure it out!

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Yes, it is a disappointing state of affairs. It is certainly an adaption, I'm using OneNote on my iMac and it took a couple of weeks befriending YouTube again to get up to speed.

I've used a simple import tool by Microsoft ( https://www.onenote.com/import-evernote-to-onenote) with minor issues - mostly password protected notes did not transfer.

Honestly, I still hold out that this will be solved at some point. The problem is that I am now getting sucked into the MS ecosystem which evolved quite nicely to support how I work.

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After experiencing issues with lists losing their formatting for several years I recently migrated my data to OneNote using the import tool. I submitted a ticket to Evernote support and was just told that they are aware of the problem and working on it, but they couldn't give me a fix date. 

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I use latest version of Evernote for Windows at work (not browsers) and confirm the depth and spacing of bulleted items gets completely wrecked when one returns to a note.  Has been this way since late 2017 & raised a ticket at the beginning of 2018.  Evernote support acknowledged the issue, advised they had passed it to the developers and then CLOSED the ticket ... seriously no bullshit !  OneNote 2016 still not ready IMO (but everyone has unique note needs) ... OneNote issues noticed very quickly: no removal of hyperlinks, no search / replace, no ordering (ascending / descending) of section groups, sections or pages and Mac / Windows OneNote applications look completely different (Windows is way out in front from a user interface perspective).  Too bad, otherwise I would be an ex-evernote customer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to echo the frustrations of other users on this post. This issue reared its ugly head a few days ago on some of my indented lists but only AFTER I started editing that note on the evernote website using Firefox.

Please fix!

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I've tried the new beta version of Evernote Web and it doesn't appear to have this problem after a quick test. See the link for how to enable it. It would be interesting to know if others find that this does not have the problem.


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In Linux, using NixNote is another way I've found to be able to edit notes without the bullet formatting problem (though I've found it can be quite slow to sync).

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On 7/5/2018 at 1:43 AM, Pagw said:

I've tried the new beta version of Evernote Web and it doesn't appear to have this problem after a quick test. See the link for how to enable it. It would be interesting to know if others find that this does not have the problem.


Thanks for pointing this out. I've tried the beta version and it seems to resolve the issue. I'll keep monitoring it.

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21 hours ago, Ryne said:

This seems to still be an issue.  I've had to move my content over to Google Docs until I find a functioning note program.

Do you mean in the beta version of the web client? It would be useful to know if so, to save me from destroying one of my complex notes one day (which I've so far not let the new web client near, until I've seen it can be trusted).

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The beta web version works for me as well.  I was testing it over the weekend, and all the formatting worked as expected across platforms (web, Mac app, and iOS app).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Looks like it's August and this issue remains unfixed? 


Is everyone just switching to the beta, and is that what Evernote has decided to do to "fix" this?  Not quite a fan of the tags setup there as it currently stands, so that's not an option for me at the moment.

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  • Level 5*
11 hours ago, MisterM said:

Looks like it's August and this issue remains unfixed?

Is everyone just switching to the beta, and is that what Evernote has decided to do to "fix" this?  Not quite a fan of the tags setup there as it currently stands, so that's not an option for me at the moment.

There's a brand new web client - the latest beta* - available in Chrome,  and that appears to be the route Evernote will be following.  I tried it out recently - the UI is very similar to my Windows desktop version,  though I haven't done any serious feature comparisons yet.  With that new beta to develop,  I wouldn't have thought that Evernote would want to spend much time er 'spiffing' their old version.

* Just to be clear,  there are three current web versions:  the old 'classic' UI which is available only to users who joined more than a couple of years ago;  the 'first beta' which was intended to replace it,  but never got very far - that's now called the 'current version',  not a beta;  and the actual beta,  which was launched a matter of months ago and (for the moment) is only supported in Chrome.  If you don't already have it,  click Settings in your current (Chrome) version to see a link to the new beta.  There's also a huge invite to try Evernote Business (Hi, Marketing Guys ?) which you can safely dismiss.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

For me too.

Many bullet point and indent bugs

Often loosing all formatting

I used to use Linux with web (Firefox) and windows with app but now only use web app on both OS to minimise my data losses

I am paying for this and it is not working properly

When will it be fixed?

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, Green said:

When will it be fixed?

Evernote don't (usually) do pre-announcements.  It's often more difficult to find out what's causing a problem (and there may be lots of 'causes') than it is to fix it once found. 

Of course it helps,  if you're a subscriber,  to report the issue to Evernote Support (which isn't us;  mainly other users here...).  Evernote can use the specific details of your report to improve their focus on what exactly is causing issues - and the number of reports they receive is also a good guide as to how painful this issue is for their users. 

Not to mention they can ask for more information,  get hold of logs,  try out fixes...

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8 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Evernote don't (usually) do pre-announcements.  It's often more difficult to find out what's causing a problem (and there may be lots of 'causes') than it is to fix it once found. 

Of course it helps,  if you're a subscriber,  to report the issue to Evernote Support (which isn't us;  mainly other users here...).  Evernote can use the specific details of your report to improve their focus on what exactly is causing issues - and the number of reports they receive is also a good guide as to how painful this issue is for their users. 

Not to mention they can ask for more information,  get hold of logs,  try out fixes...


Sorry for grumpy post - not directed at forum users, but what a pain.

I have now reverted to my old school method of word/odf documents for the important stuff - much safer (and I have a RPi Nextcloud box so can access anywhere).

As well as posting here (mainly to add to numbers doing so, in case it is monitored by EN) I submitted a ticket.


PS I also have loads of problems with fonts and font sizes between platforms too, and with line breaks.

In fact all formatting is a pain.


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  • Level 5*
3 hours ago, Green said:

I have now reverted to my old school method of word/odf documents for the important stuff

This is my standard processing method for the "important stuff".  
Any format file can be attached to a note; Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents

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46 minutes ago, DTLow said:

This is my standard processing method for the "important stuff".  
Any format file can be attached to a note; Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents


I didnt think of that,

However, when I tried it out and then tried to edit the word doc it was read only when I opened it

I had to download it, edit it, then re-upload it to the note and delete the old version in the note - a bit of a faff!

How do you do it?

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  • Level 5*
19 minutes ago, Green said:

However, when I tried it out and then tried to edit the word doc it was read only when I opened it

I had to download it, edit it, then re-upload it to the note and delete the old version in the note - a bit of a faff!

How do you do it?

It depends on the device/platform.
Mac/Windows handles attachment editing well.  It's automatic and the document is updated within the note.
Not so easy with the other platforms

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I am currently in Windows 10 but mostly dual boot into Xubuntu

I tend to use the Web app due (Firefox) to these formatting issues, and that's what I was using when I tried editing the word attachment

Perhaps I should use the Windows app, then? I'll try.

In Linux I think there is no real alternative to the web app (which Tusk also is) - or maybe Nixnote is still going?

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16 hours ago, DTLow said:

It depends on the device/platform.
Mac/Windows handles attachment editing well.  It's automatic and the document is updated within the note.
Not so easy with the other platforms


Thank you very much indeed!

In the Windows app editing the word doc is easy - that's what I will do from now on as I don't trust the formatting in the notes themselves

Like that I will get the organisational advantages of Evernote as well - win-win!

I already got a reply to my ticket of yesterday, so will continue with that to see if it helps sort the problem,

"Thanks for reaching out to Evernote Support, my name is Corey.

It sounds like you're encountering some formatting issues on Evernote Web and Evernote for Windows.

While, there has been a known issue regarding bullet points across these platforms, I'd like to confirm whether this is the same issue. In order to better assist you, I’d like to gather a little more information:

  • Could you provide a series of screenshots displaying this issue?
  • What platform are you creating the lists on (Evernote Web or the Evernote for Windows app)?
  • Does this occur on every note, or just a few?

Please let me know what you find and we can determine next steps."

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On 9/26/2018 at 10:02 AM, SVHOODS said:

Glad you got this resolved, @Green.  I had an issue on another matter and was happy to receive a quick response as well.   

Not resolved via the ticket, but by a workaround from this forum.

I got a response to my reply to their email as reproduced below

However, I think beta version is only for Chrome? I made sure I told them I was using Firefox, so its probably just a standard answer (yup, see edit at end of this post)

Thanks for the clarifications.

We have gotten complaints about inconsistencies in bulleted list across platforms in the past. This is something our development team is aware of and working to fix.

If you haven't already, I do recommend trying the beta version of Evernote Web, which has an improved editor in it. This can be switched to by navigating to your Settings an next to the Evernote Web section on your Account Summary page, you should see a link that says: "Go to beta version".

Using this version might improve the transitions across platforms. If not, please know that our development team is aware and working to fix this as quickly as they can.

If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to let me know.

Kind regards,

Corey H.
Customer Support Representative
Mon-Fri, 6:30am-3:00pm CT


EDIT: when I tried to access the new version:

"Sorry, we don't support your browser at this moment.
To use the new Evernote Web experience, please use the latest version of Google Chrome or Safari. For a more integrated experience, you can also download Evernote."



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  • 3 weeks later...

Just posting in the hope that this thread reaches a critical mass. That is, assuming that Evernote even prioritizes bugs based on customer feedback.

In any case, bullet points were one of the best features of Evernote.

Save the bullet points!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

After wasting my time from studying for an exam to fix this issue that is clearly still broken I'm going back to One Note which is FREE and the bullet points WORK!  Evernote get your act together.  I WAS a returning customer after two years with One Note and am going back.  What a joke.  Maybe Evernote could focus less time on silly things like Templates and spend more time actually getting their product to work.

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I was having this problem across platforms as well.  I am using the Evernote Mac app, and also using Evernote on the web through Chrome on a Mac and a Chromebook.  I switched to the beta version of Evernote on the web a couple months ago, and bullets have been working very well for me across platforms since I switched.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have exactly the same problem.
I already have it *for years*.... Since so many notes are in Evernote, I always hesitate to move to another solution. But since my notes get corrupted by this bug, I'm considering a migration.
Hopefully the cause can be found and it is quick and easily fixed.
I use Linux (so no desktop client available), and Firefox (for Ubuntu 63.0.3 64bit).

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Ditto for me, same problem...except this has just started for me recently. The web version is really not good...and the beta version is *SLOW* and doesn't support drag and drop (i have to go to a series of menus to move a note to a different notebook??)......good grief. These might be factors of the 'beta', but come on.

Long time evernote user and I'm getting tired of spending so much time working around the product.

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For work I have to use Win 10 but for everything else I use Xubuntu 18.04. and Nixnote is OK ( nixnote2), although I haven't explored this bullet point problem on Nixnote as I use them more for work and hence in Windows.

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Still happening for me... Now December, 9 months later. Any fix on the horizon?

The concerning thing for me is Evernote seem to be prioritising new features (I see today the web client got nested tags), but yet bugs that literally wipe out user data/metadata have been lingering for 9 months... Had some text wiped out yesterday due to a different bug. Not losing user data should be number 1 priority.

The cynical part of me thinks maybe they're ok leaving user data destroying bugs in as it gives an incentive for users to upgrade to Premium so they have note history and can recover their data.

How about this, Evernote makes note history feature free until they fix the user data destroying bugs that have been around for almost a year?

Ps. I'm a paying user, but on the Plus plan.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Refer to:

Evernote formatting is buggy and terrible... is it just me? Post created Jan 26 2016. People still responding as late as Nov 24 2018 (Yes that is 35 months).

Why are bullet points / numbered lists suddenly completely broken? Post created March 27 2018. Last reply, before mine, was Dec 18 2018 (almost 9 months).

As usual, the Evernote apologists dish up the same tedious dross for a product that has had basic formatting bugs for almost 3 years.

Evernote laid off 15% of its work force in Sept 2018 in the face stalled paid user growth so I wouldn't bank on the bullet point functionality getting addressed any time soon.


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  • 5 weeks later...

Yep. Totally broken. Premium user here as well. Never mind "advanced" features such as copy outline list from Evernote to standard applications such as Outlook and other MS Office. I'm no programmer but XML and other such standards are not properly implemented and probably a host of other shoddy practices and bad coding underlies this product. And to add insult to injury, the nested "folder" system is, well, very cumbersome. And that's putting it generously. It's frustrating because I'm invested in this tool, and there's little out there that's as prevalent and as feature rich. But oh so broken. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just had the same issue. Lost all my work putting together a few long nested bulleted list. This is really horrible :(. Considering switching to a different note taking app. Can't afford to lose work like this.

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Because this is obviously never going to be solved I'd like to migrate from Evernote to another service.

What are the alternatives?

I am windows linux dual boot.

I'd much rather avoid MS. 


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  • Level 5*
On 2/2/2019 at 10:56 PM, Deepank said:

Considering switching to a different note taking app.

2 hours ago, Green said:

What are the alternatives?

I still use the Evernote editor for basic notes, but switch to a dedicated editor for serious documentation.

You can store files of any format in notes as attachments.  
Evernote works well with office/iwork documents.

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TIhanks, but I am also using documents within Evernote when ever it is something important.

But this seems to be making Evernote redundant.

I was wondering what are the more reliable alternatives to evernote.

I dont see any signals that this very basic requirement is going to get any better and so really want to avoid investing further in Evernote. Especially since I am a paying customer.

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  • Level 5*
7 hours ago, Green said:

I was wondering what are the more reliable alternatives to evernote.

There is a welter of alternatives, as a web search on "evernote alternatives" will tell you. Only you can determine which ones are best for your use case.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Just to add my own voice, I've had these same formatting issues for ages in the web client.  Bullet lists that change, as detailed by others above.  Also noticed that I try to remove a single bullet point using shift+tab, and it just won't do it sometimes, and it will effect the whole note from then on.  Such a pain, because it appears to be so simple an issue - just basic formatting!

I've switched to beta for now to give that a go, so will see if it makes a difference.  I can't see in beta how to add a notebook to an existing stack, but that's a different issue.

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Below are the latest, very recent, replies to the ticket I submitted

In summary, 'This has already been noted by our development and is working on a fix. As it turns out, we have no definite time frame regarding the bug.'

To be honest, I am too scared to even open the web client in case I loose any bullet formatting, or is this only going to happen if I open and save a specific note in the web client?

For now, I will continue with embedded Word docs



Lormel Katrin Gesite (Evernote Help and Learning)

Mar 14, 23:01 PDT

Hello Leigh,

I apologize for the inconvenience regarding the bulleted lists that you've created in your notes. As it turns out, this appears to be a bug on the app.

As a workaround, I would recommend trying the beta version of Evernote Web, which has an improved editor in it. Kindly follow these steps to switch to the beta version:

  1. Go to your Settings in Evernote Web
  2. Under Account Summary page, you should see a link that says: "Go to beta version".

Kindly let us know how this works, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Katrin G.
Customer Support Representative


My (grumpy) reply:

Mar 15, 01:29 PDT

Yes, we have all known it is a bug for more than a year now which I find incredible - the question I would like answered is what is the progress on and estimated solution date for this problem?
I use Firefox - at last look the Beta version was only for Chrome
In any case, this is not something I can try and hope it is OK - this bug causes data loss - the indented bullet structure for me and many others is part of the information we need to store - if this is lost then my notes are as good as lost as well
When is this bug going to be prioritised and then solved? That is the main question I want answered, not endless apologies.


Lormel Katrin Gesite (Evernote Help and Learning)

Mar 17, 17:04 PDT

Hello Leigh,

I understand where you're coming from. This has already been noted by our development and is working on a fix.

As it turns out, we have no definite time frame regarding the bug.

Thank you for your understanding.

Katrin G.
Customer Support Representative


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  • 2 weeks later...

long time basic user... and i've been seeing this intermittently as well.  i used to see it alot more in 2018, but recently saw it today... honestly it's this issue that has prevented me from trusting EN enough to go premium... is there a solution in sight?

currently using chrome on win10 desktop, and the EN app on iphoneXs.

having been a former UI guy and dealt with various UI frameworks (most recently angular), I understand the pain of keeping up with the 10 or so different browsers, and trying to stay current on the versions... 

[edit] hehe, going to a proprietary browser is what my company tried to do... except none of our clients wanted to switch, lol... so we're back to supporting IE and chrome.


[edit2] omg, just happend again, for quite a bit of notes taken for the month of april... which is now all jumbled because the indentations provide the context of the note i'm recording.... what the heck are poeple donig to get around this?  or are folks just leaving to a different note taking mechanism?

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  • 1 month later...

Suddenly completely broken? That's interesting - I'm a longtime user of Evernote and I have REGULARLY had this problem with their lists. Tables are also magnificently broken - especially on the web version.

Also, gonna throw out there that it's pretty shameful that their fancy new web interface doesn't work on perfectly modern, standards-supporting browsers like Firefox. That is enough of a dealbreaker that I will manually edit my notes and bounce to a platform that isn't locking me into a browser that relentlessly spies on me.

I mean, c'mon guys. It's a list. This has been standard in HTML since literally decades ago.

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  • Level 5*
On 5/11/2019 at 7:10 PM, apickle said:

Tables are also magnificently broken - especially on the web version.

Hi.  Are you using the old web version or the new one?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

How on earth has this issue lasted for over a year? I just recently started using Evernote again and can't believe people still use a note service that doesn't allow multi level lists. Crazy.

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Hello. Just passing by to add my complaint because of the same issue.

I'm also quite surprised and concerned that it has been bugging people for more than 1 1/2 years and it still hans't been resolved, nor I see any official responses.

I've had some issues with Evernote, but all of them have been correctly resolved; I sincerely hope this won't be the exception.

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  • 1 month later...

The problem would be a whole lot less of a problem if you could revert to a previous version of a note.

This would also be a protection against accidental deletion/changes in a note

(having multiple monitors, haven't we all made the mistake of typing in another window than the one we are looking at ?)

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I also experience this formatting issue--again today actually. I'm glad there is an option to look back into history but that isn't a solution to the problem. There should be a very clear statement from EN admin addressing this issue so that users avoid using EN on Chrome--I mean something very clearly stated on the EN main home page and their app product pages in the various app stores. I've been a premium user for a long time and this is unacceptable. 

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  • Level 5*
23 hours ago, dogstew said:

I also experience this formatting issue--again today actually. I'm glad there is an option to look back into history but that isn't a solution to the problem. There should be a very clear statement from EN admin addressing this issue so that users avoid using EN on Chrome--I mean something very clearly stated on the EN main home page and their app product pages in the various app stores. I've been a premium user for a long time and this is unacceptable. 

I'm a Brave (Chrome clone) user and formatting is working as well as it usually does with Evernote,  which is to say 'pretty basically'.  Not sure what you're expecting from Evernote,  but the likely message has already been stated and restated endlessly here by all experienced users:  if layout of a note is important to you,  use a word processor to save a separate document that you can attach to the note.  It will open seamlessly on any other device running the same WP software.  If the document is simply for others to view,  use PDF.  Evernote's editor is -currently- really only for basic layout,  though they are working to improve it.

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On 8/9/2019 at 4:16 AM, gazumped said:

 if layout of a note is important to you,  use a word processor to save a separate document that you can attach to the note.  It will open seamlessly on any other device running the same WP software.  If the document is simply for others to view,  use PDF.  Evernote's editor is -currently- really only for basic layout,  though they are working to improve it.

Having indentation and bulleting  work correctly doesn’t seem like much to ask from a note taking app.

If I want to write a book, or an essay I’ll use a word processor. If I just want to jot down notes from a meeting or lecture I should be able to use a bulleted list with simple indentation.




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Hello guys, greetings from good old Germany.

First of all:

  • I'm using the free version
  • so I use the App on two Android devices (that's for free)
  • and additionally on a windows-computer in Firefox

Now my remarcs to the issue:

  • I could'n't read all the records to this issue.
  • But reading quit a lot of them: I can't comprehend why this can be such a massiv problem.
  • it should be a standard function (existing "since beginning of time").
  • And also as a not-paying user I say: Such an issue should be solved within a short term.
  • Is evernote really interested in loosing their users to OneNote or others (as some already did oder wrote)?
  • As many others I've chosen Evernote because of it's multi-plattform-concept - so it needs to be availavable on all these plattforms.
  • And not only working correctly with Safari.
  • Sorry for these clear words - but i thought it's necessary.
  • If i over-read the solution (because of the many, many records) please tell me.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been trying to switch numerous times, but I can't find a good alternative that is working on linux and android.

ATM I'm checking out µpad, which is still a young bird in the nest and has only webaccess on android for now.

Besides multi-level bulletlist, tags is an option I can't live without

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