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BrightHomesRE last won the day on September 24 2018

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  1. @BrendaG, thanks for the tag and conversation about business cards. I no longer use the CRM I previously mentioned. I save my contacts when I scan the business cards. In my current crm I add an EN link to the notes section that is pinned to the side. I realize my database is truly the key to my business success. Hope that helps a little.
  2. Thanks @PinkElephant for your plug on GN5. I am using v4 and was wondering about the differences. I will check it out this weekend.
  3. My task list and 'life' is in Evernote. I like the handwritten note when in a meeting and have been using Rocketbook then snapping everything into EN. My goal is to be paperless. And my summer projects are cleaning up my EN after nearly a decade of use.
  4. Thanks for the OCR reminder @DTLow I am on a search for a digital journal. GoodNotes is my choice at the moment.
  5. It appears that it would be easier to have a simple 'word count' option versus going through the note details. Better for writers, I suppose.
  6. Agreed, seeing that we live with tables it would be ideal to create them on our mobile apps. Thanks, EN.
  7. @Antonina I use Google Chrome and are wondering if you have other options for browsers. I am not using Firefox and am unaware of any issue at this time.
  8. @MickP sounds like a good idea. I do not believe photos are in drive and that is where Evernote pulls the files when adding to notes. Here is a link to the google photos and google drive options.
  9. I am running Apple High Sierra and using 7.5 Evernote. The screen capture seems to be working fine.
  10. Thanks, @gazumped for the recommendation to ask support for help. Sometimes I check the forum and not support.
  11. @CabbageTree, great request! I vote yes on this feature. ?
  12. Glad you got this resolved, @Green. I had an issue on another matter and was happy to receive a quick response as well.
  13. Nice, @eric99. I am appreciating the same working on my iPad.
  14. @Etonreve have you upgraded your desktop app to 7.5 on the Mac? Have you attempted to sign in online ?
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