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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Please add a screenshot to your post edit; I think this is a reference to the note edit controls Screenshot removed I don't understand the reference " All commands and menus for note navigation/selection"
  2. This would be the note list panel Currently version 10 provides these options Top List view (my preference) is pending (screenshots from my Mac)
  3. I've merged the various feedback discussions As per the title, my solution is using a legacy version
  4. Confirmed - Evernote has a problem capturing/displaying the code/images on this website I was able to capture the page in web-archive format
  5. I merged your post with an existing discussion for this feature To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  6. I merged your post with an existing request discussion To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion I agree the Evernote list numbering options are quite basic
  7. Features are being added all the time Check the requests forum to make sure there's an entry for your request; add your vote to indicate support We've been advised that specific features are pending; for example scripting
  8. Screen Capture - creates empty notes Scratch Pad - creates note with text - scratch pad is not cleared The Evernote Helper notes are sitting in my local Evernote (Mac) There's no syncing to the server Restarted app - all new helper notes disappeared
  9. There's no Evernote import feature My process is Export to a .csv file; it's easier to work with Import to Evernote with an applescript on my Mac I've also exported Evernote data to a spreadsheet via aa .csv file
  10. My comment is more Best Practices I'm not a fan of the Reminders tab/section On my Mac, I use a customized view generated by script I only have a few undated reminders, and about 40 dated reminders My preference is undated reminders at the top of the list so I don't have to scroll down Undated task notes are only flagged as reminders if they are Next-Actions I have someday/maybe notes, but I don't flag them as Reminders I also have tags for priority; Urgent/Important and when; Soon/Later
  11. Outlook OneNote tips should be discussed in the Outlook OneNote forums My use in Evernote - a single 'Filing Cabinet" notebook - Receipts (scanned or email) are tagged with !Type-Receipt - Also tags for vendor and budget category - A !Taxyyyymmdd tag if appropriate - The note title is prefixed with the subject date
  12. Those were instructions for an older version Which version # are you using?
  13. Mac and Window users are not stuck; Legacy version at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314?fbclid=IwAR2TNqp-eGRH3Ds8Vfu-CiKPjYolJzZ_keR9eWQaDahJ2GN-7hwn595zI8w&__s=bsetfdgzirbvqtopurph
  14. I thought Evernote was very clear about redeveloping the product to use a common framework
  15. This is my issue also; missing metadata I made it a practice to maintain a copy of the metadata appended to the note body. I had this scripted on my Mac
  16. You're using a script that copies the note title from Apple Notes title Why do you "understand Evernote uses the first paragraph as the title and then excludes that from the body?"
  17. For myself, I have good reasons for having Evernote Legacy installed Can you explain the benefits of having Evernote 10 installed?
  18. Moving data from Evernote is easy I use the export feature, html format This is run weekly on a Mac as part of my backup process; 40 minutes for 13GB
  19. HTML export is one of the reasons I'm still using the Legacy version
  20. An example is Evernote provides a note link which we insert into notes evernote:///view/1156250/s10/ec88ea9c-1741-41e3-a718-59660fff8069/ec88ea9c-1741-41e3-a718-59660fff8069/] <<<<<<<<<<<< Note-Id >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I use Applescript to append the Note-Id to notes ID: [ec88ea9c-1741-41e3-a718-59660fff8069] I can use text search ec88ea9c-1741-41e3-a718-59660fff8069 - to list all notes that cross-reference the note - to retrieve the note referenced by a link
  21. Sort added in version 10.1https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/130226-evernote-for-ios-version-101-release-notes/?tab=comments#elControls_585432_menu
  22. It's available for me (BC, Canada) Sort works for search results, and full set returned Testing offline notebooks edit; not seeing background progress but foreground is downloading at a faster snail's pace
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