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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. My thought is the v10 product is a work-in-progress; imho not ready for general use >>I have been in the beta program. My decision is to not participate in the Beta or Early Access programs I'm still using the Legacy product https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion for notebook hierarchy You're welcome to add your vote to the request Evernote's primary organization tool is the Tags feature Tags include a hierarchy for unlimited levels
  3. Does it have to be displayed at the "top" I use the Shortcuts section at the side In my example, my number 2 shortcut is a tag !Type Templates to display all my template notes Keyboard shortcut command-2 can also be used
  4. Another vote for backups using the Legacy product I can process each notebook with scripting I actually have minimal notebooks, basically a single filing cabinet notebook The export by notebook works for me As you posted, the v10 problem is the 50 note selection limit - our expectation/hope is this is temporary and will be removed someday Also, there's a v10 bug in the html export; links are non-functional for attachment files
  5. Another vote for the Evernote Legacy product The v10 product is a work-in-progress, but imho not ready for general use
  6. Separate notes is the process I use I use a naming standard to identify sub-tasks; example Task, Task-Sub1, Task-Sub-2 Tasks are linked by a project tag The task list is easily generated by applying the project tag filter An actual Table-of-Contents note can be generated if an actual list is required
  7. I wouldn't use the word "purpose" but the Local Notebooks feature was a benefit for my use >> + include security for each notebook !!! A new request? - please provide details
  8. I appreciate the task view by due date Tasks are listed in due date sequence with no indication of the notes I'm hoping to be able to interact more with the task items
  9. No significant difference Evernote Legacy won't auto-upgrade to v10
  10. Our process is to assign a #Delegated-aaaaaa tag to the note (one task per note) This identifies the task as delegated, and the person We filter by tag to identify task assignments >>I share my notes with a number of different people I'm interested in your sharing process We organize notes by Project Notebooks, shared with the project team For non-Evernote users, Project Notebooks are exported to OS file folders (read only)
  11. I use the image links for my dashboard notes We noticed the links are not supported in the v10 product I merged your note with the original request
  12. Like the password on my Evernote account the password on my device fwiw I vote for simple notebook password protection It's easier to implement than notebook encryption
  13. I can see the use case for this Someone pointed out the tasks could be a separate calendar; hidden or displayed as required Also useful for time-boxing the work
  14. Definitely a problem for the v10 product with focus on web based data storage The Legacy product on my Mac makes use of device data storage
  15. I'm the only person with "general access" to my Evernote account My account is protected by password My devices are protected by password and time-out lock My sensitive documents are protected using native encryption (pdfs, office documents, ...)
  16. Is this like a Table of Contents in the note The entries are a link to other notes
  17. Notebook information is not included in the export data We recommend separate notebooks for each notebook Me data backups include a full export of my notes (.enex and .html) 20,000 notes each with a note title I spot-checked the titles and they seem to be correct
  18. Use Case; I'm using my Mac, but don't have the Evernote app open I have a file to be imported (scanner, web download, ...) It's easy to direct the file to the import folder >>which doesn't sync? Can you explain this. When I open the Evernote app, the files are imported and the sync process runs
  19. Import folders are a useful feature With the latest v10 release, we have the import feature for Windows and Macs It's still a work-in-progress with work required for - delete file after import (edit; optional) Until completed, I'll continue to use OS Folder Actions on my Mac I was wondering what happens if the Evernote app is not running There doesn't seem to be a problem; on my Mac the files are imported when the app is launched
  20. To obtain a "local copy", I use Evernote's export function with the html format option Evernote's save attachments function (Legacy) can also be used >>folder that used to have all my files that were in EN Can you add some more details about your use of this folder I don't maintain a local folder of my files As part of my data backups, I have a weekly full export of my data to a local folder
  21. I added my vote Until this request gets implemented, we have to work with tags at the note level I'm able to generate the "different lists" using saved searches I use an individual note for each task I moved the discussion from the IOS forum to the General forum
  22. Why not try out the v10 product and see if it works for you You always have the option of reverting to the Legacy product For myself, there's still missing features that are important for my workflow
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