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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. It's not so much a partnership as a third party company making use of the APIs provided by Evernote You can submit a request to Cronfy, but afaik Evernote has not updated the APIs for the new task fields
  2. I think you're mixing up the Legacy/v10 products, and the subscription plans
  3. Can't help with the "task view" My notes are full of rich content I can add task(s) to that content
  4. You missed the points for existing customers - price not increasing - not losing any existing features Chicken Little was wrong
  5. The Help page mentions "a new, more powerful Evernote plan" and existing full Premium customers customers will be grandfathered and not pay an increased price Premium Plus? The new plan will "include new features to help you stay on top of your day-to-day" I suspect this means features like Tasks
  6. I want all my data stored in a single digital filing cabinet (one size fits all) This requires a service that can store files of any format Evernote's base format for notes is enml (basically html); other file formats are stored as note attachments An integrated editor is needed, but I use external editors as required; example Apple Pages for word processing, Apple Numbers for spreadsheet Evernote includes an integrated editor for basic notes Integrated scripting is needed I use Applescript with the Evernote Legacy product to add customized workflows to the UI
  7. fwiw The v10 product is a "new" product from Evernote; a work in-progress For the legacy product, see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote >>I just upgraded from version 7 to version 6 ??? I last upgraded to version 7.14.1 on my Mac; the latest Legacy version
  8. The Evernote Legacy product can be installed from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote It does not auto upgrade to the v10 product
  9. Evernote makes it easy to "escape" There are many note taking apps that support automatic import of Evernote notes (Notion, Bear, Devonthink, ...) They make use of Evernote's API for the export feature In fact, you can trigger the export yourself from within Evernote I use the exports html format as part of my data backups; the notes are read-able by any browser app
  10. An example would be a review of Project - Evernote v10 Conversion I retrieve all the notes for the project; Master Overview Note Reference Notes Active Tasks Pending Tasks Completed Tasks >>do you keep all completed tasks in that note visible the whole time? how do you keep them from cluttering up the note? I'm actually using a saved search, generating a note list The search can include/exclude completed tasks I can generate a Table-of-Contents note from the note list
  11. The request forums are the "place" I moved the discussion to the General Feature Requests forum The discussions in this forum include a vote button at the top left corner for users to indicate support I added my vote
  12. I think that's BS It's true "Phil" was less concerned about costs and making money; the money was supplied by investors That money is no longer available; the new CEOs may have the same passions but the economics require different strategies for Evernote to progress
  13. I'm using the Evernote Legacy product and my task management process uses the Reminder feature to store due date The Reminder feature also stores completed date/status I use saved searches that include/exclude completed tasks using the reminderDoneTime field Yes, I want continued access to completed tasks They are part of the archive for project notes Also needed to reset recurring taskS fwiw I use a tag to identify recurring tasks and the interval: example tag:!Actionable-RecurringMonth1 My project notes are linked using tag:!Project-aaaaaaaaaa This includes a master overview note, reference notes, task notes, ..
  14. Can't help you there I can only answer your technical questions If you want to indicate support for a feature request Access the note link below and add your vote The vote button is at the top left corner of the discussion
  15. I'm a User, not Evernote staff These forums are mostly user discussion Evernote employees post occasionally; they are clearly identified with a badge in the sidebar
  16. There's no automatic support in Evernote for recurring activities and no automatic support for "sync as a calendar which is on google calendar" You posted in the Tasks Early Access forum Is this specific to the new task feature or a general inquiry? I don't use the new task feature; it's still a work-in-progress For general use, I store the due date in the note Reminder feature I use a tag to identify recurring activities, and the period; for example tag:#Actionable-RecurringMonth1 For manual reset, a saved search will identify completed tasks requiring reset For automatic reset, this feature is supported by third party Filterize Third party Cronofy supports an Evernote <> Calendar sync
  17. You didn't mention scriptability; imho a must have option afaik Scripting is only supported by Evernote Legacy and Devonthink I'm ok with non multi-plaform platform support (I'm Apple only) but am concerned about missing web access Also, make sure you're not moving to a platform with the data locked in
  18. Non-paying users The plan is working 🙂 Does OneNote have a free plan?
  19. I'd like to see improvements to Evernote's iPad app and added my vote However, I'm aware thar the iPad device and OS have limitations, and can not support features offered on the other platforms On the plus side, there are iPad features not available on the other platforms foe example: Apple Pencil (stylus)
  20. Windows C:/users/<youraccount>/appdata/roaming /evernote Mac /Users/<youraccount>/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  21. It's the default option; in the Preferences menu Screenshot is from my Mac
  22. Actually, Devonthink has a generous free trial for 30 days or 150 run hours (can be extended) There's no free account level like Evernote's Basic account As noted; both Evernote and Devonthink have a full featured desktop platform (Mac), with the IOS platform being supplemental Evernote also supports a web platform. There's no cloud/web platform in Devonthink Another feature is scripting; well supported in Devonthink via Applescript Scripting is supported in the the Evernote Legacy product, but not in the v10 product Personally, I consider scripting a must-have feature; I will not switch to a product that lacks scripting integration Another must-have feature is not being locked in Both Evernote and Devonthink support easy export of our data
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