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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. As per @gazumped, use the copy in-app link and create a desktop shortcut to open the note No, the excel file can not be opened directly by the shortcut The spreadsheet exists as a note attachment in the Evernote database - it has to be exported as a OS file to be opened by Excel
  2. There are various posts for this request Personally For sensitive information, I use the native encryption in note attachment files (pdfs, office documents, ...)
  3. The discussion identified the location where Evernote stores the local data copy on a Mac This data is used by Evernote when accessed in offline mode (no internet connection) It's not clear what your expectations are for "retrieve my data" I've looked at Evernote's data format, and found in unsuitable for use outside of Evernote
  4. For scanning in IOS, I use Evernote's Scannable app PDF is an option
  5. More likely, it's an incentive for Basic level users to convert to paid levels (carrot)
  6. There's no indication of interest by Evernote for markdown or latex support
  7. Learning scripting with Applescript is absolutely worth it I use various scripts to enhance my workfows, including the previous mentioned import of .csv files Of course, it helps if your apps are integrated with Applescript It's an important must have for me, and one of the reasons I'm not using the v10 product
  8. I recommend opening a support ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  9. I tried the script and got an error message for various statements Also, I see the script references application Evernote You might check the name of the application you installed - by default it's called EvernoteLegacy
  10. I moved your post to the discussion on the storage location The location is posted in earlier posts and can not be altered Be aware, the master version of our data is stored on the Evernote servers Local storage is optional, and can be disabled in Evernote > Preferences > Save Data
  11. I use applescript to import data from a .csv file (bank transactions) First, confirm you are using the Evernote Legacy product Scripting is not supported by the v10 product
  12. Tacking on to a local notebook discussion is not the best place I moved your post to the Windows Technical Issues forum
  13. As you found out, you now have three objects text1, image, text2 and Evernote displays the objects on separate lines You could use a different medium For example, a MS Word document does a better job mixing text and images The word document would be stored in Evernote as a note attachment file Using the Evernote medium, you can use a table and cells to layout the text/image objects into a single line
  14. I don't think "the cloud" has changed; It continues to be where Evernote store the master version of our data Access to our data via the web platform has improved I access my data with a Mac and iPad (IOS) I use the tag feature to organize my data; text search is also useful >> ... functionality that Evernote provides, which has stagnated since 2018 - hardly changed. I'm using Evernote's Legacy product but there's work-in-progress on the v10 product There's development in tasks functionality
  15. You might want to post this subject as a new topic for discussion Tag/Notebook/Label methodology is the latest advancement in filing organization; replacing the legacy folder methodology >>to label notes into different tags? This is a requirement for me Few of my notes fit a single organization category >>It's really simple.. what do you need? To find a book? Subject and Author are useful tags
  16. Agreed, I'm seeing the same thing; practically the same "layout"; with the option for more levels Another difference is that multiple tags can be assigned to a note In your example, a note can be assigned "Human Geography" and "Knowledge" >>so then, why use two systems: notebooks and tags Notebooks have a special function in Evernote I use notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, online/local, offline >>If you collapse the left menu (which I highly recommend) I use a minimized sidebar The notebook/tag trees are easily displayed when needed
  17. Please explain afaik Notebooks/Tags are two metadata fields in the Note record
  18. Excel - spreadsheet editor Word - word processing editor Evernote - note editor We're seeing features added to the Evernote editor over time Until your specific features get implemented; as per @PinkElephant, I recommend using an external editor and storing the document as a note attachment file
  19. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005107-Convert-local-notebooks
  20. Confirmed, I basically use 1 notebook; tags for organization I use notebooks for other purposes; private/sharing, online/local (Legacy), offline >>need for more than 2 layers of folders fwiw I use a layer for a collection of files via the note attachment feature This is in effect a folder >>... if ability to change the creation date ...I like to “file” notes at or near the date I received them/they were originated. I rarely adjust creation date, but I do use a subject date field Since Evernote no longer supports this field, I prefix the subject date to all note titles example; 2021-06-01 Receipt [Groceries] ... It's easy to adjust the date >>send shivers down the spines of EN management I think EN management are aware this technical switch will cause some user loss I received an email asking why I'm still using the Legacy product I replied that imho the v10 product is a work-in-progress, not ready for general use; there are some must-have features I need before considering a switch
  21. Definitely, if you need a folder structure - Evernote is not the right product for you (no folders, we get two metadata fields; Notebooks, Tags) I'm surprised it took 15 years to discover this 🙂 Personally, Evernote has taught me the "traditional file structure" is an archaic relic; replaced with the much superior organization using tag methodology Apple Notes is a fine product, but lacks the organization features supported by Evernote I'm happy that tag support is being implemented with IOS 15 My primary concern with Apple Notes is having my data locked in I know with Evernote, it's easy to export the data and move to a different service I still use the Evernote Legacy product, but my choice for an Evernote alternative is Devonthink (Apple only) It imports Evernote data, including Notebooks, Tags and note attachment files Folder structure is supported Creation date can be edited (not clear why this is needed)
  22. Another vote for new note each day I also do individual journal posts This allows individual tags, title, reminder, ...
  23. Just requesting the option; nothing is being "thrown away" I added my vote
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