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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The post shows exactly how to create a clickable link. It doesn't show how to identify the path to your file Your trick with the browser works, also right click on the file and hold down the option key
  2. There is a request posted for multiple reminders here You're welcome to indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion This request relates to the Reminders Tab, and has votes. Not much user support >>so I've just stopped using them Reminders are an important element of my workflow I've never used the reminder section, tab or top of note list
  3. It's more useful to post separate requests, and indicate the platform >>the columns are adjustable (like in the old version) - the left column is often too narrow and the main body has wasted space; The sidebar is adjustable on a Mac. I use a minimized width; just icons Also top list view; the metadata is displayed in adjustable columns >>simplified version (which I like), it would be good that when it transfers to Evernote, it fills in the whole space and not just the centre Not clear on what this references >>I would find it helpful if there could be a fourth level of stacking; There is a stack feature for notebooks (one level) There is a hierarchy feature for tags (unlimited levels) >>middle column listing the titles of the notes reverts to the way the old version was (that is the first few lines of the note are not shown) Snippet view as per the Mac/Windows clients?
  4. Backup-Restore is available as Note History https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note Or, are you requesting Export-Import features as implemented on the Mac/Windows client's
  5. What is the exact search? Try tag:"Unpaid Invoices" tag:"Paid Invoices" edit - no space between tag and : or after the : - use quotes if tag name has spaces
  6. 300 for moderator, ??? for necromancer (I like the title) 😊 @ab1kenobee might want to comment
  7. You didn't indicate any device/platforms Your Evernote data is always available via the web platform (www.evernote.com) Evernote allows two sync'd devices for Basic accounts Full local data copies are supported on the Mac/Window platforms
  8. As posted, links are only supported at the note level There is no support for "specific section of the note" >>say for example to the resources of the project My workaround is a separate note, with a link in the master project note There's a request posted at the link below. You can indicate your support using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  9. Confirmed, this is Evernote's enml standard for media >>but in other cases they are just referenced as in (### is part of a web address) ... which of course does not work when offline. Also, if the web site referenced should change or disappear, it will be definitely too late to fix it. You should address with Evernote support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.actionn The Evernote process is to download all images and "integrated into the note"
  10. https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/306-behind-the-scenes-series/
  11. I've merged your request with a similar request >>file:///path/filename.ext mailto:foo@bar.com I'm able to add these links (EN 7.14) Workarounds: - As you noted, create the link elsewhere and paste it into your text - I edit the content.eml file and insert the non-standard url - Also, see this post for a script allowing alternate non-standard url
  12. These forums are supplied and paid for by Evernote for the discussion of their service/product I suggest you find a more appropriate forum to discuss your quest One suggestion https://www.reddit.com/r/Evernote/ I've merged similar discussions for this topic
  13. As posted by the others, Evernote does not provide space used information. My Evernote data is just under 11GB Getting information from the OS (Mac/iPad) With full offline notebooks, my iPad shows My Mac shows and an exported full html backup
  14. Don't "happen to log out last time" It's a bad practice if you need offline access to your Evernote data
  15. I'm a Mac user and haven't been on a Windows machine for years So what am I missing with Evernote use? One feature I know is sequencing when merging notes. Windows uses the selection sequence; Macs use the note list sequence. Also, Mac's dont have the on-demand-sequencing; it's not a feature I need.
  16. I moved the discussion to the feature request forum. Evernote has an Export function into formats ENEX or HTML (Mac/Windows) I can also print to PDF >>I find the exports in HTML to be sloppy This is the format I use. Why do you find it "sloppy"? The attached is an example from my Daily Journal Note For myself, it's perfect - the note contents are in an .html file, editable; readable by any web browser app - the note attachments are in a resources folder, referenced by the .html file, or individually >>export the notes there, correctly-formatted in a selected order, into a PDF, *.doc, etc? HTML seems more ubiquious than pdf/doc What's your expectation for note attachment files? >>The HTML formatting, apart from again being limited apparently to individual notes, doesn't preserve some data like data, timestamp, etc. The screenshot shows the html code from a sample exported note We have tags (keywords), timestamp and other metadata - missing note-id and notebook Confirmed, it's a one-to-one export; notes are not consolidated fwiw We also get an index file
  17. For saving a search https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005267-How-to-create-a-saved-search On a Mac, drag the saved search to the shortcut section
  18. I merged your post with the existing "Pin notes" discussion fwiw In my shortcut section, the first entry is to my Dashboard note On my Mac, Command 1 retrieves the note; Ctrl 1 for Windows
  19. Use a Private tag at the note level Your search would include -tag:Private
  20. Yes, your request is posted at the top of the discussion, along with a vote button for users to indicate their support I was questioning if it was specific to the web platform; I could move it to the general request forum
  21. Good suggestion, I added my vote For tag assignment, I use scripting on my Mac I can control "mutually exclusive tags" >>On the tag list page there could be a button for "new mutually exclusive tag". clicking on it would allow you to add a name for the mutually exclusive tag and a number of possible state tags. Using the current tag structure, I flag the parent tag, and simply specify the states as child tags For example: Status[enums] Status-New Status-InProgress Status-Completed My script generates a dialog box
  22. The solution is still the same. Use a word processor editor Evernote's note editor/format is the wrong tool. However, the documents can be stored as note attachments >>I would suggest that non-animatable css would be a natural place. Maybe, but there's been no action from Evernote on this request; and user support is one vote
  23. Specific to Evernote, I'd recommend users set up a Dashboard to simplify access There are great examples posted in the recent Dashboard Contest
  24. No, there is no option to pin notes at the top of a notebook >>Can i make a table of contents on a mobile device? The ToC is a set of note links. This can be done on a mobile device >>Can i make my Android client always use that view whenever i start it up, rather than the all notes view? Can i customize that view based on device based context (e.g. work tablet vs personal tablet?) No
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