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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Evernote on my iPad currently has PassCode/TouchId security It's optional and I have it enabled I think it's a useful security feature; I'd like it extended to the desktop platforms I'm not currently using Facial Recognition, but I see it as the logical extension
  2. You could post this as a feature request My guess is the there are few users printing from their iPhones
  3. My solution is an Applescript with shortcut command-option-R tell application "Evernote" to set reminder time of theNote to date ...
  4. I moved your post to the feedback forum Is this issue occurring repeatedly? I received a prompt this morning, but it's been a while since the previous prompt I simply confirmed my address; no big deal for me
  5. I generate note lists using saved searches The search for my current task list is reminderOrder:* -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* (all reminders, exclude future dated, exclude completed) The search feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  6. Notebooks and Tags are two independent metadata fields Your screenshot shows the notebook and tag trees in the sidebar I guess this would be do-able, but would not be exclusive - tags would appear under multiple notebooks >>Or is there something other than tags, I should be using? I'm not clear why notebooks are being used I can see tags USA USA-1500s USA-1600s To retrieve all USA notes, use search tag:USA* My preference is separate tags, but you specified date under USA
  7. We get two metadata fields for organization - Notebooks provide two levels - Tags provide unlimited levels of hierarchy Unfortunately the tag hierarchy can not be accessed on all platforms (yet)
  8. You're using Snippet View. Switch to Side List view > sorting order
  9. No it hasn't You're using the sidbar Did you read my post above about using the Notebook page?
  10. The stacks feature has not "disapppeared" Please post a screenshot of your issue
  11. You might edit the title to include some detail - check the other posts >>Evernote app > recent notebooks function need more than 3 notebooks in list. >>Most people have more than 3 notebooks & few users scrolled ... >>Why not make move notebook screen in infinite scroll ... There's a recent notebook function? I have minimal notebooks, < 12 and am usually in All Notes view; not sure where I'd use this function Maybe include a screenshot
  12. Screenshot is from my Mac I selected the cells, and clicked the arrow There's various options, including Merge Cells
  13. No, that's not an option The Business Card feature does not work with pre-scanned images
  14. I use the Evernote Scannable app (IOS) There's also a camera function built into the Evernote/IOS app Sorry, no batch mode More info at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005777-How-to-use-your-phone-to-scan-business-cards-into-Evernote
  15. Drop "content:" It's not a valid operator tag:sometag title:sometitle "some phrase" created:20140101 -created:20180101 With no operator, searches are a text search on content
  16. I moved the discussion to the web beta forum. Let me know if this was a different platform
  17. I thought the "why" was obvious; to share the methods we users implement a dashboard Your definition of dashboard works: an aggregate of the information in the system, displayed it in a way that is useful I think a more important point is simplified access to the "information in the system" (our data) I appreciate the submissions, and picked up ideas for my own dashboard use >>this feels like we are working for the system, instead of the system working for us ... I think Evernote should focus on being the best knowledge management tool there is I view the system (Evernote) as a generic digital filing cabinet; used for storing and organizing our data The tools have been provided; we chose how to use them >>I would expect a Dashboard in Evernote to allow me to easily add the metadata I want to see, e.g. Notebook, Tag, Notebook+Tag(s), To-do lists, reminders, etc. It's almost the concept of putting selected Saved Searches on a front page. And link out to the SaaS projects. That's valid. Other uses have different ideas. We shared our methods for implementing these concepts I don't want to be locked into a specific method; "e.g. Asana, Basecamp, etc" >>why this comp was for US residents only The restriction surprised me too, but I ignored it. I still shared my concepts, and still learned from the other submissions
  18. I've merged your post with existing request discussions
  19. Format styles are more of a word processing feature It maintains a consistent format within documents Also, as the request post indicates, it's a step in implementing a table-of-contents for a document
  20. Basket = Trash? What device/platform? Have you checked the master data version on the web platform?
  21. Also my opinion; I'm a Mac/Windows user - the other platforms are supplementary >>I think that's the wrong way of looking at things. Like - I reject your reality and substitute my own 😊
  22. In case you missed the point, the arrow indicates the note is in waiting sync stage The synchronize process is device <> server <> device Your issue is with your device syncing with the server; your computer is not a factor (yet) >>Also, I don't know how to find the Settings - Activity Log for Evernote. I recommend you contact Evernote support Click on the user icon in the side/bottom bar Click on Settings > Support You will see selections for Support Request and Activity Log
  23. @dvollc you posted in the discussion for the Web Client Beta Was this your intention, or should your posts be moved to the General Discussion forum? edit: Moved to the General Discussion Forum
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