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  1. Yeah, this is super annoying. I wish they'd change it, because it's inconsistent with everything else on the Mac. ?‍♂️
  2. Evernote allows links with http://, evernote:/// and now file:/// url schemes. That's great—I love being able to link to other notes in Evernote, and files on my hard drive, in addition to pages on the web. But Evernote disallows other url schemes. The "OK" button is greyed out. This feature would be really useful, and I use it across a bunch of other apps I use. Use message:// urls to link to specific emails in Apple's Mail app. Right now, I end up just pasting the raw link in the body of the note. Ironically, iOS parses these and makes them tappable, and they work perfectly, linking to the specified email, but on the Mac, you can't get this.Using papers:// links to link to specific journal articles in the Papers app.Linking to projects in OmniFocus with omnifocus:///.The other kind of frustrating wrinkle is that you can get these URLs into Evernote—some other apps that export notes to Evernote create them. They work, but you can't edit them. You can also use them in a note's source link. What's the likelihood of allowing any old URL scheme in a note? Surely if I want to use it, I probably know what I'm doing.
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