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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. If you give a sample link, we can check it out No problem with my notes, for example https://www.evernote.com/shard/s10/sh/50f84bd3-3fe6-4254-b774-f684eaa089c6/631dbb1a445e493ac80b0cbf9b294826
  2. Password manager would be an interesting direction for Evernote To indicate support, users can use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion Personally, I need more password manager features than currently supported by Evernote's document storage Here are the specific requests mentioned above Read Only Notes Full Note Encryption
  3. This is not an Evernote feature. As you found out, the product generates lists of notes There are work-arounds available for consolidation, but more work is required. For example Taskclone, scripting on a Mac, ...
  4. I moved the discussion to the feature request forum and added my vote I also use a Mac with list view option - I only need the note title in the note list panel We need the same option in IOS And don't get me started on all that blank space and my note title is weirdly truncated 🙁
  5. Can you post a sample .txt file My expectation is that an examination will review non-standard characters Non-Standard is subjective, but I've run afoul of character sets before
  6. My process for Tasks is not checkbox based I use checkboxes in all sorts of notes
  7. That's a useful concept; I don't see it as "ugly" I'm more interested in Tags than Notebooks The current tag hierarchy is restricted to a single parent; I'd like to see this expanded >>Let a note live in multiple notebooks Another useful concept Again, I'm more interested in Tags which currently have this feature >>Pretty to the user, it's just the plumbing for many to many relationships is more work. Right, the plumbing gets ugly: changes to the database, the UI of each client, ... The last time Evernote went through this exercise, they implemented Notebook Stacks
  8. I merged this discussion with similar posts Evernote/Windows has a feature to save sort sequence per notebook/search
  9. What is your specification for a "To Do item" My specification is a note with tag:!ToDo The notes remain in what ever notebook To consolidate To Do items, I use search tag:!ToDo - I use modified searches to exclude Completed; exclude Future Dated; ... - Get familiar with the search feature and use it to produce note lists The feature is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 - For easy access, save your searches; create shortcuts >>marked as done A done tag would work I use the Reminder feature for this; it has a done date/status field (also start date) >>I create a new folder for every topic Not a great practice, but workable if all your notes are single topic Check out the Tags feature
  10. As per @gazumped, my solution is separate notes with tags for author, subject, ... My tag structure is A sample quote is >>I was thinking of exporting/copy-pasting my quotes into a csv file and sort quotes by author, alphabetically I like to view my data in a spreadsheet; there's more options for sorting and reporting I do the export using a script on my Mac
  11. I usually operate in "All Notes" view; I have minimal notebooks You can execute saved search but it only allows specification for a single notebook. - specify different criteria, or a notebook stack
  12. Most of the dashboards I've seen were static; set up once and used as an easy access to notes It would help if there were links to saved searches (I include the search parameters) >>But, it feels like I am often working hard to make Evernote do what I want, rather than it being easy for me. I think what you're looking for is a different topic; automated workflows I've had some success using scripting on my Mac Examples: My task data is stored in Evernote - I need a task report in a specific layout My receipts data is stored in Evernote - I need a expense report in a specific layout
  13. And exclusive; a note can't be both Personal and Financial, and also in a shared/offline notebook
  14. Your report was short on details I saved it as a bookmark, full page, simplified article and the other options Each time, the title was "5 Famous Film Places In Europe | Save A Train" Here's the bookmark version I'm using a Mac and iPad. What devices/platforms are you using?
  15. There's a video at this post showing a view/edit switch in the editor
  16. Sorry, I don't have a solution This is a good question for Evernote Support (https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action) Please let us know if you get an answer I merged you post with similar discussions
  17. No clear about the web clipper connection for this topic The web clipper screenshot is from my Mac and the share page from my iPad There is no Reminder option
  18. Maybe it's 🙈 Are you switching your topic from "still being developed" to "substantial innovations? imho This is a mature product; a digital filing cabinet with a note editor I'm not looking for "substantial innovations". My interest is feature parity between the platforms
  19. Just wondering about the "work so badly", and the expectations My use of the reminder feature is to store start date and completion date/status In this regards, it seems to work well, and is data I can work with Also working; create reminder, set date, mark done (but I use scripting on a Mac) and the Search feature
  20. imho Awful and Basic are not the same thing Yes, Evernote provides a Note editor supporting basic features However, it's a wysiwyg html editor, that I haven't been able to replace Evernote (and Joplin) support attachments of a any file format This allows us to use any editor we chose. I use Apple Pages for word processing, and Apple Numbers for spreadsheets >>No encryption, employees and bots are able to view your content at will i'd like to see full end-to-end encryption; even though it may disable the text search feature Currently, I'm using encrypted attachments for my sensitive data >>Seamlessly switch between markdown or html, depending on the content. I'm not a regular markdown/html user but I know some users have requested this My inner geek appreciates Joplin's two panel display (code/displayj >>ALL your data is stored by YOU As a Mac user, I have a full copy of my Evernote data; native and html backups Android/iOS users don't have this option >>No worries about being locked in! I have no worries regarding my Evernote data "being locked in" >>permanent forever app I don't think this is possible in this ever-changing tech world I'm always prepared to switch when necessary >>Evernote Pros:...Cons:... Somewhat biased, one sided, incomplete; but thanks for attempting to list Evernote pros >>Well, I made my decision. Without further ado, let me tell you who the winner is: Joplin. Yes, after more than twelve years of using Evernote (eight of which as a pro user), I have finally found the alternative I was looking for. Thanks for posting the analysis and good luck I'll keep an eye on Joplin's progress and suitability as an alternative
  21. Not sure there's funding for this. The majority of users are unwilling to fund development for the current Evernote >>....and make a killing Also, not sure there's a "killing" to be made Perhaps in the business market My hope is for continued operations for the future
  22. The source of the note should have no relevance; just the updated field Note; this field includes date and time
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