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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. There are three account levels Basic, Premium, Business with some Plus accounts remaining from a dropped tier level There's no percentage published, but a long ago discussion indicated a less than 10% paid account conversion rate
  2. There was a Plus account level, however it was dropped a while back My guess is Evernote identified this as a deterrent to users upgrading to the Premium account level
  3. Why? There's been no privacy changes at Evernote >>Care tell us a bit more about this, Evernote? We know Evernote is subject to the laws of the country, and must comply with orders from the courts This is nothing new Personally, I make sure my sensitive data is encrypted. >>If you have and hold your own encryption keys, yes. Relying on the encryption that Apple or Evernote provide is not wise. They hold the keys and can supply the key if the court orders it. Which Is why I personally do my own encryption - I control the keys
  4. Good point For a stack of papers I would search out a sheet feeder scanner, they're available in the office My stuff is single/1-2 page
  5. I tried using the Shortcut section in the sidebar, but I found the lack of organization too chaotic. It's basically a long list with no hierarchy I moved the items to a Dashboard Note where I could add organization, and make it pretty I can also include non-Evernote links and references I do have a Shortcut to my Dashboard Note; at the top of the list; accessed by command+1 on my Mac
  6. I actually do use the hierarchy feature on my Mac, but it's only available on select menus, on select platforms I replicate the hierarchy in the tag names For example: !Project !Project: GTD !Project:GTD-Someday/Maybe !Project: N/A !Project:aaaaaaaaaa !Project:bbbbbbbbbb >>That suggests when you are trying to tag a note, you'll type Proj in the tag field and get a bunch of matches. You'll have to scroll, or type more, to get the one you want. That's one of the objectives; it makes it easy to locate my project tags >>That is why I use a special character (the dot) instead of the word Project ... I would namespace each tag with a different special character. It works the same way, except I don't have to remember the shortcut (. = Project) Actually I do use tag prefix characters, but only for ?Who, !What, @Where, .When >>In my case, all tags are GTD related I have over 300 tags. Only a few are GTD related I also have a set of !Actionable tags which I group in their own class Example: !Actionable !ActionablePriority !ActionablePriority-Important !ActionablePriority-Urgent !ActionableRecurring !ActionableRecurring-Month1 !ActionableStaus !ActionableStaus-Pending
  7. There is only one definition for default notebook I showed how to set it on a Mac and Web You may have the auto-filing feature enabled; this overrides the default notebook
  8. On a Mac, we can run Evernote/Mac, Evernote/Web, Evernote/Windows, .... You are running Evernote/Web You can download Mac client software at www.evernote.com/download It has more features than the web platform
  9. I was confused by this being the Mac forum I've moved the discussion to the web forum Access the Notebook page by clicking on the sidebar icon Click on the ... for a notebook Click on Set as default notebook
  10. Think of the Dashboard of a car for easy access to information (speed,...) Apple users Think Different, also known as The Crazy Ones
  11. I use the camera on my iPad for all scanning My scanner at home is covered with dust; sitting next to the fax machine Evernote has a camera option, or I use Evernote's Scannable app or copy/paste from the device photo album app A dedicated scanner will give you a better set of features
  12. https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  13. I like the idea of adding links to the images instead of text - it gives a bigger target to click on
  14. Dynamic ToCs Is not a feature offered by Evernote This feature is supported by third party Filterize My solution is scripting on a Mac
  15. Not a feature offered by Evernote Third party Filterize has a feature the for dynamic ToC; the ToC is rebuilt and reflects current titles in the search. I could script this on my Mac
  16. As @Jefito posted, you don't have to worry about note limit (100,000) I prefer the "note for each day" Easier to access; less risk of corrupting your entire log I'm not a diary person - Journal or Log seems more appropriate for me 😊 I also use this as my home dashboard note; I'm referencing it constantly It's generated each morning from a template and I spend 10 minutes in the morning updating it with content for the day My note title standard is yyyy/mm/dd Journal [yyyy.ddd dddddd] dd - Day of Month 02 ddd - Day of Year 336 dddddd - Day of week Monday For Star Trek fans; Captain's Log, Stardate 2019.336
  17. I'm following up on the "side of Kanban" I know very little about Kanban Can you explain how this applies to your home dashboard note? >>Eisenhower method I also use this priority method - with two tags; Urgent, Important I don't use a matrix grid. My task list is sorted by start date in a gantt timeline view - Urgent/Important tasks are colour coded
  18. I started this topic to discuss Evernote Home Dashboards There is a contest posted at https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/122232-home-dashboard-contest/ with sample home dashboard notes I wanted to follow up with more detailed discussion without cluttering the contest submissions My contribution was I use my daily journal note as my home dashboard It's rebuilt each morning from a template The template includes info and links for frequently accessed information This includes Evernote notes, files, web sites, ... In addition to the links, I also insert screenshots In the Activities Log Section, I include checkboxes for daily reminders and copy my events from the calendars The calendar section includes links to the calendars/reminders I reference. The Tasks section displays my task notes exported to a spreadsheet I also include a photo from my location. The mountains in the background are the Olympic Mountains in Washington state across the Strait of Juan de Fuca >Is any of that information dynamic at all? Or must it be built from scratch, every morning, with a ton of copy/paste actions going on....? The links are static from a template; screenshots are a "ton of copy/paste" actions The Task/Project lists are generated by Applescript edit; moved to the new Home Dashboards forum
  19. Loss of data is a serious issue. I have not experienced this problem with Evernote The only issue I've seen reported is with Evernote's sketch feature, and no automatic save function If needed, I could recover data from backups. I have personal backups, and Evernote has a Note History backup >>what people think are the best note taking apps ... I’m open to suggestions. There are many "note taking apps" available. You already have Apple Notes installed on your IOS device Personally, I use Notability on my iPad. I store the documents in Evernote as note attachments
  20. Likewise, I also role with minimal notebooks >>Recovery is holding me back at the moment. Importing 37k notes to retrieve one seems a bit onerous My backups are in HTML format, individual notes To retrieve one note, I import one note However HTML import loses all metadata, except for title. I have to manually reset metedata items
  21. Merged with existing discussion You're late to this discussion There is no option, however the clock icon appears if the reminder is active
  22. I'm using a Mac and iPad I have no concerns about my "client side"; my devices are secure My concern is for when my data leaves my device for storage in the cloud >>I know of one person who lost in excess of a million dollars from storing credentials to access his accounts in 'encrypted' evernote notebooks. I make sure my sensitive data is encrypted before storing in Evernote sync'd notebooks
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