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timoc last won the day on April 2 2016

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  1. The browser based use cases are: 1. I am researching a topic. I want to capture information from various sources into a set of notes. When i capture a web page i have just read, i want to immediately add notes to the page. 2. I have just captured a web-page, and want to immediately refile, retag, restructure plaintext, or perform similar operations. 3. I am researching around a topic, watching a youtube video, listening to podcast, reading related content in another application, and want to capture thoughts into a research note. For all of these use cases, I need to perform either of these operations: 1. Open a new tab with the Evernote Web UI, select note list, select the edit window for the note currently displayed (last updated). Edit 2. Find open evernote web ui tab, select the edit window for the note currently displayed (last updated). This is alot of cognitive overhead. Feature Request: The simplest solution as i see it, is to add a browser wide keyboard shortcut to perform the operations above. Specifically, to open (or switch to ?) an Evernote tab, open the last updated note (which will be either the last capture, or the note i am working on) and place the keyboard focus in the edit window. Bonus points, would be to pop up a note edit window, opened on the last updated note, that can be dismissed with escape.
  2. Why does it now need extra permssions (on firefox) to have read and write access my local clipboard? That is a huge security and privacy no-no. I can think of no concevable extra features related to clipboard read and write use.
  3. Thanks. Best move both of my recent requests then.
  4. So, this is the frustrating part. I knew all of this already. Maybe your first comment was the one i should have responded to :(. Is this not a place to make feature requests?
  5. Hi, I would like to be able to ensure that when looking at a structured notebook, that it has a mechanism to ensure the structure is immediately available. I can imagine this being something like: Default sort order of a notebook, as a search inside the notebook. e.g. Notebook is a set of pages numbered 1-100. default notebook search is "notes titled 10-20 in reverse order". When i select that notebook, the order of notes is: [sorted 20-10],[view sort: 1-9,21-100] 'Pinning' notes by having special tags that relate to a normal document structure, e.g. $toc = table of contents, $glossary, $appendix,
  6. Hi, When i use Evernote i would like to be able to 1. define a default view page (preferably per client) - The default would be defined as a shortcut - so it could be a note, a stack, a search etc. Tim.
  7. This is kind of related, I have created a feature request thread to address backups and restoration in a generic manner. The basic idea is to use git backup, a well known distributed version control system, to enable backup and restore of notes. Search for git backup if you think this is a reasonable feature, and give some feedback.
  8. Here is the link:
  9. I've been waiting for this for years, but now I think i have a different approach. One which may be the best in the short term, and something which "kills two birds with one stone" as it makes linux support more of a fringe benefit to a larger customer wish, backups. I want evernote to make my versioned notebooks available in evernote markup as git repositories. And to allow me to update my evernote information from these git repositories. That's it. This is what i am campaigning for now. The rationale: I have an easy backup mechanism - running git clone on a regular basis. Anyone who can use git, will want (and understand) this feature, which would be amazing for Windows, OsX, and Linux. We can then use any other external tool to manipulate EML, and evernote. Even better, i make it easier for linux people (and other computer (ab)users to do whatever they want with regards to automation around my evernote notes. Lowers the barrier for 3rd party integration and innovation on all platforms. So I'm going to create a separate feature request thread on this topic, and I'd appreciate if Linux client wishers gave to +1 it.
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