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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. As per the others, linking within a note is not supported by the Evernote note editor There is a feature requested posted here. You're welcome to add your vote My solution would be to switch to a word processing editor (Apple Pages), and store the document as a note attachment I like @gazumped's suggestion of using a Table of Contents to serve as the link, however the means separate notes (which is also a good idea)
  2. Regarding tag descriptions, I vote for preceding tags with Project as in Project-Sample "." seems cryptic >>I'm not much for verbose tags I recall a comment from my French colleague when we were laying out text in a bilingual form. She said, "We're not verbose, we're ..... precise" I confess, my tag names are verbose What really hurts is Evernote truncates the tag name in various displays >>! for action My tag name is Actionable. I also have child tags
  3. You prefer "remembering" notebooks? >>I just would like to store/file away like i do with my Files in my Computer Thats Folder methodology It's not supported in Evernote; we get Notebooks and Tags Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees in the sidebar
  4. There doesn't seem much interest in this feature. To indicate support for the request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion The request has 37 votes In the meantime, we can add colour backgrounds using work-arounds suggested above I also use coloured backgrounds in tables
  5. Keep your account password safe - don't use it on other sites
  6. Top/Side List view shows metadata in column format (Mac/Windows) The list of fields is limited on a Mac, I'd like to see all fields Added my vote
  7. I use copy note links (Mac) The screenshot shows the note list pasted into a note but works well when pasted into "external applications"
  8. Notebooks, Tags, Folders; they're just labels for an organization tool Evernote supplies us with two note metadata fields; Notebooks and Tags For this discussion, the important thing is hierarchy (nesting) For myself, the important thing is identifying the categories that apply to a note Do the Bublup folders allow for multiple assignments?
  9. It's risky editing a captured web page You might want to convert the selection to plain text (remove html tags) first The underlying html code can get quite convoluted The screenshot is the content.enml file retrieved from my Mac
  10. Let's start with assign "Y2020" to new_note Change this to assign tag "Y2020" to new_note AppleScript will look up the tag named Y2020 and retrieve the tag id
  11. The full feature set is supported on the Mac and Windows platforms New development is being tested on the web platform, with the intent of all-platform distribution
  12. One point on reinstalling Make sure you delete the local database folder. Logging in will rebuild the local database; except for local notebooks and unsync'd notes
  13. I have the same problem with tables - something happened when Evernote switched to the new improved table processing I haven't looked into it; I simply reset the column width manually >>Impossible to assign or unassign tags. I am not sure why Evernote gives me an error message there. Your coding level might be exceeding my limited skills Do you have the exact statement the code aborted on? One point is that "Y2020" is not a tag - It's the value of the name field in a tag record
  14. Contact Evernote support at Twitter @evernotehelps
  15. I've done some minor work, creating a table for data The attached is generated by my email>evernote script It's simply generating the required html code as per the sample and creating a note with the script tell application "Evernote" activate set theNewNote to create note with html (theNote) However, this does not support actions like "jump to the next cell" - which is why I switched to a spreadsheet to display the information I also insert note links into my calendar app (by date) >>About the Gant Chart, you put a picture of the spreadsheet inside Evernote or you have a table for the Gantt chart inside Evernote? The gantt timeline view of my tasks is a spreadsheet. It's doable, but I didn't attempt to create a table inside Evernote My dashboard note contains a link to the spreadsheet (standard for dashboards) I also include a screenshot - it avoids having to leap back and forth all day and serves as an archive >>Dare to share the script? Here's the code for extracting Evernote note data After getting the data, it is inserted into the spreadsheet with spreadsheet code The sample shows setting up the spreadsheet each day with the dates headers. - it shows the "jump to the net cell"
  16. I don't know about shameful; it's an odd business practice to give you the product/service at no charge I've merged your posts, and moved them to the General Discussion forum >>It's odd to force users to pay for basic functionality The Basic account functionality is provided free of charge; subject to specified limits >>that costs the company no extra to provide That's simply not true; there are costs for providing this product/service >>The whole program is completely unusable once exceeded. Then don't exceed the account limits; ... either that or upgrade your account level The "whole program" is completely useable for millions of users >>It is blatant, shameful money-grabbing. It's called capitalism; products/services provided at a profit
  17. To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left of the discussion Current vote count is 188
  18. You need to rethink your organization strategy Evernote provides two fields in the note metadata; Notebooks and Tags Tags are the primary organization tool, with a limit of 100,000 Other benefits; Multiple tags per note Hierarchy - unlimited levels
  19. Nice job, and I like the ToC automation via Filterize >>Especially if you have a calendar dashboard or something you can make dynamical with dates. Can you give some examples? My use case is a daily journal note which includes a list of tasks due that day. It's similar to the Filterize ToC, but generated each morning with an applescript on my Mac I also use a gantt timeline view of my task list In this case, I take the note list to a spreadsheet; which includes note links back to Evernote
  20. Discussions on this topic have been merged >>Having to cycle through a whole sequence of searches I could use a script on my Mac to run the sequence and store the note links in a daily study note
  21. I use Evernote to store my Daily Journal notes Description here A separate note each day Generated each morning by a script on my Mac from a template Script updates key information like date Can include attachments like images Can include handwriting as an attachment I use multiple notes if extended detail is being entered for an activity
  22. Before you totally panic, know that you can access your notes using the web platform at www.evernote.com Your Mac version is quite old; can you bring it up to date Does this match the issue in this discussion
  23. I looked at the text file generated by Evernote - screenshot attached B60489B2-D731-4A97-9CB6-E0053C44D7B2.en-pdf-text This is used by the search feature It took a few minutes to generate A quick fix - here is your pdf file, OCR'd by an external app I have B60489B2-D731-4A97-9CB6-E0053C44D7B2.pdf
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