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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I use an external app for hand written notes; Notability on an iPad with an Apple Pencil It provides a convert-to-text feature so I can correct any transcription errors The notes are saved to Evernote in pdf format
  2. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  3. I upvoted, but I think the best practice is a few shortcuts to dashboard notes, not an expanded shortcut list With dashboard notes, we can apply focus, nesting, formatting etc This would be the perfect solution except that we can't link to saved searches So, I would redirect the request to https://discussion.evernote.com/foru ms/topic/100208-links-to-tags-notebooks-stacks-and-saved-searches/ edit; shortcut limit is 250, saved search is 100
  4. It's an IOS feature The latest version is aggressive at terminating non-active apps
  5. For web links, longpress on my iPad displays these two dialog boxes iPhone might be different
  6. I merged your post with a previous discussion; see solution above
  7. Your post has been merged with the ongoing discussion fot this feature request To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion My notes are displayed in creation date sequence To pin specific notes, I adjust the note creation date As per @gazumpd, the Shortcuts section gives me quick access to notes. I use a saved search based on tags
  8. Documentation at https://dev.evernote.com/support/glossary.php The screenshot is from my Mac, showing records/fields of the Notebook table This is where the stack information is recorded; I've not found any other stack reference When the notebook record is deleted, the stack reference is gone
  9. No There is no actual stack entity - it's a comment field on the notebook record
  10. Evernote Helper is working fine for me You might want to contact Evernote Support (https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action)
  11. In my data backups, I execute a weekly export of over 13,000 notes. It takes under 30 minutes on my Mac Evernote's export feature operates on the selected notes; single, multiple, whole notebook, whole file
  12. Priorities? There are other requests with greater user support; this request only has 9 votes To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion For a work-around, maintain an index note using the copy links function We can manually sequence the links in the note
  13. Agreed, it's a deficiency I'd like all the notebook features extended to tags >>creating a common group of notes, just as in folders Evernote has no support for folders Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees
  14. There doesn't seem much interest in this request I don't know the widows formatting, but my work-around is to switch from H1 to H3 format style fwiw I use an Applescript to automate this - it's a variation of a generic Find/Replace script tell application "Evernote" set theNotes to selection repeat with theNote in theNotes set noteContent to HTML content of theNote set newContent to my replace_text(noteContent, "<H1>", "<H3>") set newContent to my replace_text(newContent, "</H1>", "</H3>") if newContent is not noteContent then set HTML content of theNote to newContent end repeat end tell on replace_text(this_text, search_string, replacement_string) set prevTIDs to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the search_string set the item_list to every text item of this_text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the replacement_string set this_text to the item_list as string set AppleScript's text item delimiters to prevTIDs return this_text end replace_text
  15. Thats a problem in your use of notebooks; you should look at the tag feature for your "with a meaning" Evernote uses notebooks to identify notes as private/shared, online/local, offline, default
  16. Confirmed; Applescript and folder actions are built in to the Mac OS, not app specific I use them all the time for Evernote and other apps; the combination works well for an import folder
  17. "intext" search is not currently an option I've merged your post with an ongoing feature request discussion To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  18. You're changing your discussion topic I know of one significant Windows only feature: On Demand Sync Notes are not stored locally unless recently accessed This significantly reduces the local storage requirements A similar feature, Offline Notebooks, is mobile only and missing from both Mac and Widows We get to select notebooks for Offline use; the remainder are accessed via the internet
  19. I'll take a look at the videos, but I'm interested in real use cases Can you provide details on how you use this visualization/analyzation
  20. Correct, setting to 0 will cause a risk of large .enex files than can't be accessed
  21. I don"t see how three unsyncs is much less "problematic" than two. Assuming Evernote correctly tracks devices, how often would a user honestly need this feature? >>now I am locked out of Evernote on the replacement As @gazumped points out, you have access to your data via the web at www.evernote.com
  22. This redirect is controlled by Evernote web The cookie got dropped with the New web version; it can be restored by downgrading to the Previous version
  23. Until this is implemented, my workaround is scripting on a Mac (Applescript) The set of links is appended to the note contents There is also a Copy Links function to create the links set, but it would have to be manually pasted into each note
  24. It's a new Windows "feature" To resolve a problem importing large .enex files, Evernote is creating segments
  25. Instead of tacking onto an unrelated feature request, I moved your post to the beta forum
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