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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Thanks @May L I've avoided using the new search experience Does this mean the old search documentation is no longer valid?
  2. Fact: Notebooks and Tags are fields in the Note metadata Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees On my Mac, notes are stored in OS folder (/Users/DTLow/Library/Group Containers/Q79WDW8YH9.com.evernote.Evernote/ CoreNote/accounts/www.evernote.com/1156250/content) with a separate OS folder for each note The metadata is stored in a separate SQLite database
  3. This is not a feature supported by Evernote If you're on iPadOS 14, you can activate the Scribble feature
  4. The badge in the sidebar indicates a Basic Account level Have you tried contacting Evernote support on Twitter @evernotehelps
  5. The discussion subject is "Nested Folders" Nested Notebooks is another subject; there's an ongoing discussion here Evernote has no support for Folders and no support for Nested Notebooks
  6. Search todo: returns both checkboxes and checklists (edit: search tested on a Mac) Background This is a single enml element (<en-todo checked="....") The difference for checklists is this element appears in a list
  7. I should include a warning for these new versions This is a lot of new code; there will be feature changes and initial bugs to be fixed My iPad is not my primary device; I upgraded to the new version and provide feedback My primary device is a Mac; I will hold off upgrading to the new version I'll be checking the feedback forum to review outstanding issues
  8. The navigation buttons got dropped in the v10.0 implementation
  9. You're showing a screenshot of the .md file, viewed as attachment What's missing is View Inline >>Is the attached pdf shown as attachment or "shown in note" Your updated screenshot shows the pdf viewed inline
  10. We currently have "view as attachment" You have my vote if you change the title to "View Inline"
  11. I merged discussions for this feature request, and added my vote
  12. I don't think code syntax is a priority Using Evernote as a code repository is a niche use case There is a request posted at the note linked below To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion ef
  13. I see a problem, but I think it's more of a timing issue Updating the partial note on the server caused a conflict; I ended up with 5 copies of the note btw Evernote does not sync notes device <> device The sync process is device <> server <> device To view notes on server, use Evernote/Web at www.evernote.com
  14. The folder paradigm predates computers; legacy from paper documents stored in a filing cabinet imho I see these benefits in moving to a tag paradigm - Multiple organization categories can be specified for a note/document - Freedom from filing notes/documents in folder/sub-folder/subsub-folder/subsubsub-folder/.... and retrieving Some users emulate the folder paradigm by using the notebook/tag trees The discussion has been moved to the General Requests forum
  15. Evernote has no support for folders We get two fields for organizing notes; Notebooks and Tags Tags are the primary organization tool An important enhancement in IOS v10.0 is that the tag hierarchy can now be accessed - unlimited levels
  16. Same problem with shortcuts I want to see the results in the note-list panel, not this new panel
  17. Which Evernote version are you using We thought this problem was solved in v10.0
  18. I'm not seeing this in my installation btw I can drag the sidebar from the left margin I don't need the hamburger menu
  19. When the baker asks how thick you want the slices, you say "by relevance" 🙂
  20. It seems to be a poor design to have the large green button at the bottom-middle of the note list imho It should be located at the top of the note list Something like the New Notebook icon
  21. You can force the update by deleting the app from your device
  22. bottom screen??? Do you have the latest hardware and OS? Also, it might be a rollout thing - give it a day or so
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