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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Try File > Save Attachments >>The GIF's display correctly and animate in Evernote (Mac and iOS) until you open the note, then they are no longer animated. Animated GIFs are working for me
  2. Make sure you're logging in with the correct userid and password information After a short sync period, you will have access to your data
  3. fwiw The Basic account level is free; but it's same user interface I know what I'm paying for https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005247-Evernote-system-limits Also Account Level Comparison
  4. fwiw This will not be "folder" technology The scanned documents are stored as notes in the Evernote database, and are identified by tag or notebook Evernote currently has Local Notebooks; notes are not uploaded to the servers, however the notes are restricted to the single device
  5. This would also be my assumption and In the past I've used .enex files cross platform
  6. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-export-content-from-Evernote
  7. This feedback should be posted in the beta forum If you identify the platform, I'll try to move it
  8. Correct, however modification is a property of the note object Change tell application "Evernote" to create note from file newFile created createDate to tell application "Evernote" to set theNote to create note from file newFile created createDate This gives a note object to work with Use code set modification date of theNote to modificationDate (screenshot from the Evernote dictionary shows properties that can be set)
  9. A good first attempt Correction for set createDate to creation date of newFile change to tell application "Finder" to set createDate to creation date of newFile
  10. Deleted notes are saved and can be restored from the Trash
  11. There doesn't seem to be much user support for this feature request To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion Current vote count is
  12. Evernote has an Export function, and there's two format options - enex is Evernote's format, used for the Import function - html is a generic format
  13. As I said, I use an import folder which creates a new note using Applescript The script can set the note's creation date to a specific value assuming it can be retrieved >>you're are thinking I want to import files as attachments As I said, the script can convert text to the note format Other file formats can only be stored as note attachments
  14. Evernote has an automatic note version backup running on the servers in the cloud More information at How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note Evernote (Windows/Mac) has an export feature; it processes whatever notes are selected - For a weekly full backup, I select all notes - For daily incremental, I select changed notes (based on date updated) There are two options; .enex and .html (I use html format) My backups run on a Mac, automated by an Applescript to run each morning at 7am More information at How-to-export-content-from-Evernote A raw database backup saves the entire database folder/file More information at How-to-back-up-and-restore-your-data-in-Evernote-for-Windows My backups run on a Mac, automated by the Time Machine process to run each hour (incremental)
  15. So, importing a file ("probably be markdown, txt, doc or pdf") You didn't mention a device/platform I use a Mac with an import folder. Notes are created automatically via Applescript. The file creation date can be accessed and preserved as note creation date >>Anyway to convert to the format you're talking about? A different question. By default, the file is stored as an attachment to the note; the file type is preserved in original format The script can easily convert text to the note format
  16. Make sure you enter the correct userid and password It's easy to accidentally create a new account
  17. Export/Import of a .enex file preserves creation date afaik The only missing information is notebook and note-id
  18. My PDFs are stored in Evernote - I don't need another copy Yes, I backup my notes with html export; daily incremental and weekly full Also the database is backed up with Mac Time Machine
  19. This is currently a feature on Windows devices
  20. I don't understand the the log entries; it's more of an Evernote Support thing With your Evernote use, are you close to any of the limits? like number of notebooks and the limits @gazumped mentioned
  21. There is a feature request posted at the note linked below To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion User votes is one of the factors Evernote uses in determining development priorities
  22. File attachments can not be edited directly while embedded in the Evernote database The file has to be exported from Evernote, edited, then re-imported to Evernote This is done automatically on the Windows/Mac platforms but is a manual process on the IOS platform My process is to store the file externally, and use a link instead of attachment This avoids the export/import steps
  23. The sync process is via the cloud server To confirm if data is syncing, check your data via the web at www.evernote.com
  24. Hacked??? Or was your userid/password used - change your password, and only use it for Evernote
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