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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. We've seen highlight colour options in beta versions It's currently implemented in the web platform; no date estimate for Mac/Windows
  2. Yes we are able to edit the displayed text, but we are unable to edit the underlying url
  3. HTML works for me Evernote's base format (enml) is essentially html I maintain backups in true html >>You can do lot more in word processor like Word ... I agree - I store word processing documents in Evernote as note attachment files Also spreadsheets
  4. Evernote is a note editor, not a word processor The format is html based
  5. As per @gazumped, the Evernote editor isn't a great tool for these functions MS Word works great, and the document can be stored as a note attachment
  6. There's a request posted at the note linked below To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  7. Scripting with Applescript is a Mac thing (https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/applescript.php) I have many scripts providing an enhanced workflow Database storage is different; Windows uses a single .exb file Data backup with Time Machine is a Mac thing (hourly incremental) Windows sequence for note merging is seemingly random; actually it's selection order of the notes There's no free Windows apps for Word Processing and Spreadsheets; Mac has apps Pages/Numbers I don't think these formats are supported on Windows Macs have inline display for Office/iWork documents Windows does not support keyboard shortcut assignment for any menu object
  8. No, that's not an Evernote feature If you identify your device/platform, we can suggest work-arounds
  9. Make sure you are logging in with the correct userid and password >Still, no notes Do all the notebooks show? You can force a full sync by holding down the option and shift keys, then clicking on the sync icon
  10. imho HTML format is a great format choice - ubiquitous (readable by any web browser app); editable; non-proprietary ENML/.enex is Evernote's internal format; but essentially HTML based >>Unless ownership simply means you can offload This is an important feature for me; my data is not locked in >>So is Evernote transitioning to the Filers from the Pilers camp? Or is it trying to serve both? I'd agree with "trying to serve both", but Evernote's core is "Pilers" based (tags instead of folders)
  11. Yes, the .enex file can be imported to your wife's account This is not the same as sharing a notebook; separate new notes will be created >>but when i walk over to her pC A WorkChat notice is sent and must be accepted before sharing takes place
  12. I use tables which supports multiple columns It also supports background colour, and limits image dimensions
  13. This isn't only a ToC issue. It applies where ever a note link is used
  14. I switch to Search Within Note Screenshot is from my Mac
  15. This is not currently a feature supported by Evernote I am interested in more details on the "three lines of code", but you should be posting in this discussion
  16. Merged with an ongoing discussion for this feature
  17. There's no guarantee, but I know that our data isn't locked in. Evernote's export feature makes it easy to have continued access to our notes/documents
  18. Merged with ongoing request discussion
  19. I'm curious - what alternative process would you recommend? I actually see the requests forum and user votes as a great method of cataloging and valuing/tabulating user requests
  20. For Macs, we can use AppleScript to control the separate export of notebooks tell application "Evernote" set allNotebooks to every notebook repeat with currentNotebook in allNotebooks set notebookName to (the name of currentNotebook) set theNotes to every note in notebook notebookName ... backup code end repeat end tell
  21. This may be a Windows issue; auto-complete works on my Mac >> color formating that I did doesn't work This is by design The shared notebook shares note data; also notebook/tag names, but does not include other extraneous information For example, notebook/tag hierarchy is also dropped >>Will upgrading to a paid version (which one? do both parties need to upgrade?) remedy these problems? No
  22. Each note is uniquely identified by a note-id An important feature in Evernote is note hyperlinks, which is based on note-id When importing a .enex file, the note-id is overwritten; any links using the previous note-id become broken
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