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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Evernote provides two note metadata fields: Notebooks and Tags The primary organization tool is Tags The Notebook field is not included in the export .enex data To preserve notebook information, each notebook has to be backed up separately
  2. The reminder feature currently makes use of three fields in the note metadata reminder order reminder time reminder done time My work-around is to append the duration to the note title Example: 2020-08-10 Actionable-Task [Adjust date/time] !Project:EvernoteProcessInbox 3days >>I connect the Evernote with cronofy to a calendar to arrange better my jobs from there I connect my Evernote tasks to a spreadsheet using Applescript on a Mac The tasks are displayed in a gantt timeline view
  3. Evernote's primary organization tool is the Tags feature. It supports a hierarchy with unlimited levels >>With the current layout we just aren't able to organize as much as we would be with Microsoft word documents in folders on a computer Word documents can be stored as note attachments Some users emulate folders using the notebook/tag trees >>I agree that Tags are super handy, but don't completely add this functionality imho Notebooks don't completely add this functionality; tags are a better tool >>nested notebooks would be so very helpful There is a request posted at the top of the discussion To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner
  4. A plan comparison is documented Here Personally I need the increased note size limit, and monthly upload limit and benefit from other features
  5. I'm using daily incremental backups - never overwritten. I can recover data from years ago >>2 GB SSD external drive TB???
  6. The application is called Evernote Helper Check your settings in Evernote > Preferences, then Reboot your Mac
  7. No We have the right to record our support for feature requests I will continue to advise users to indicate their support with the vote button (upper left corner of the request discussion) You can continue with whiny bitching boohoo posts - it's not my style
  8. Both searches are running on the server Please post a screenshot of the search, and note
  9. Contact Support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action For access issues, see https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  10. I would think this is a question for the Monday developers Evernote provides the APIs for the integration
  11. Export/Import is a valid backup strategy Be aware that the export excludes notebook and note-id The import does not restore; it creates new notebooks and new notes
  12. The Evernote export option only supports the html/enex options Third party cloudHQ has more options
  13. You need to delete the local database folder For me, this is /Users/DTLow/Library/GroupContainers/Q79WDW8YH9.com.evernote.Evernote/CoreNote/accounts/www.evernote.com/1156250
  14. Are you just deleting the app? To fix a corrupted database, you have to delete the local database copy
  15. I use backups tp recover deleted content from a note I have personal backups, and Evernote has a Note History backup Access to the Note History data is a paid feature - you can subscribe for a single month (Premium account)
  16. Using a raw database backup, we are restoring an entire database There's no option for a single notebook, or single note Identify the database folder; for me it's /Users/DTLow/Library/Group Containers/Q79WDW8YH9.com.evernote.Evernote/CoreNote/accounts/www.evernote.com/1156250 This is the folder being backed up/restored Access your backups, and retrieve the folder as of a specified date Replace the above folder with the backup folder
  17. You're working in the sidebar Switch to the Notebook page
  18. All I can say is that email works for me I've DM'd you my address if you want to try an email to me
  19. The Apple Pencil works natively in Penultimate No setup required Does the Apple Pencil work with other apps on your iPad? Try it with Apple Notes
  20. We are rolling back the database so updates since the backup are lost Fortunately, the Mac Time Machine intermediate backups are frequent (hourly)
  21. That's incorrect On a Mac, the notes are merged in a specific order; as displayed in the note list panel (for me that's descending modification date/time))
  22. For local notebooks, we only have to restore the raw database and we're done For online notebooks, the first sync will bring the notebooks up-to-date - there's no "newly created notebooks" - notes are actually restored; not imported as new notes
  23. There's doesn't seem to be much interest in this feature (only 38 user votes) The Mac merge sequence matches the sequence the notes are displayed There may be driven by OS The Windows merge sequence matches the selection order of notes
  24. I actually have a raw database backup via Mac Time Machine backups. This is the only way to properly restore Local Notebooks I also rely on Evernote's Note History backup to restore lost content from individual notes Also Evernote's cloud sync means I'm not at risk from a device failure; my data can be accessed on the web and other devices >>I know the Evernote method has its drawbacks - no notebook, structure, no selective choosing on what to import, etc On the plus side, the Evernote export/import feature retains metadata (except for Notebook and Note-ID) I can import notes from my HTML backup but I have to manually set the metadata Selective access and import is a big issue. My recovery needs are for content from individual notes I can't access a single note in a .enex backup file - I have to import the entire set of notes just to get access to the note I need With my HTML backup, I have direct access to individual notes Finally, have you tried importing a .enex backup file? My testing failed various times; including my Mac choking on large .enex files
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