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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If you're using Evernote properly, all your notes have been synced to Evernote's servers online; all you should have to do is install the app, log in, and wait for your notes to download. That can take a little while if you have a big database!
  2. Hi. I'd suggest installing and using the legacy version to check whether the damaged PDFs have been made completely unusable. It's something you'll have to report to Evernote for attention, so Legacy might be your saviour meantime. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  3. Probably nothing at all until someone reports the details to Support and can supply the logs to show where the excess activity is taking place... although if this is connected with an app update, the extra activity might be a one-time overuse due to Evernote getting the new database installed and up to speed.
  4. Possibly an update on both machines - the database has to be re-downloaded from the server, so takes a while to populate. Patience fixes the issue - please advise if it recurs.
  5. <Sigh> It is Saturday. Just realised why the links I followed all went to v10 - I was searching for v6.25 which is the Windows version, not 8.13 as in Android. That's here - and several other places if you prefer to search around! https://evernote.en.uptodown.com/android/download/2259282 Going to lie down now and apply cold compresses. 🤕
  6. If you're on version 3 and the rest of the world is on version 10, that's bad because you're missing out on security, new features and that sort of thing. If you're on v8.13 (which I think is the Android version) and they introduce v9 but cheat and call it v10, you can afford to hang on for a few weeks and see how the rest of the world reacts before going all in on a new version. EDIT: Sorry. Must remember: read the post before you answer; read the post before you answer; read the post before you answer! (I deleted a whole para here about how to block the update in Play!) OK: If you have already jumped, then just uninstall the app from Android, restart the device and re-download it from here: ... hmmn. Suddenly all the 'old app' links seem to lead to the new one instead... methinks a plot! I shall investigate further. Bear with me...
  7. Hi. For the moment I, like a lot of other experienced users, find that the Legacy version - which contains all the features you're very happy with - is a safe home. Evernote will get v10 up to speed as quickly as they can. When they stop updating I'll think about whether or not the new platform is usable, but (IMHO) now is not the time. Too early. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  8. In general, if in doubt: Legacy (which still works with import folders)
  9. My bad. You are, of course, completely right and I was confusing myself (not unusual) - thanks for the correction!
  10. Googling "convert html to markdown" I get almost 2M hits. I'd think there are a lot of solutions out there for most conversion needs...
  11. Not sure that you can - Windows 7 is not a supported OS.. but maybe: if you can uninstall all subsequent updates with Revo Uninstaller Free and then revert to 6.17 you'll get back to where you were. Temporarily. Windows 7 will not last, and 6.17 will not last much longer. Sooner or later you will have to embrace the new "improved" 6.25...
  12. As I mentioned - they weren't capable of doing this for everyone until a month ago, and there's more than enough of the old apps still missing from v10 that most of us (I'm guessing here) would like Evernote to finish updating the old stuff before they add too many new ideas. Plus if you managed for the past 9 years, another year shouldn't hurt too much! And for the record I use Workflowy for outline lists which can be embedded into any note like this: https://workflowy.com/s/example-stub/7eEN3KzuV67vG1qg
  13. Hi. May be part of the general work in progress. Until it gets fixed, there's Legacy...
  14. Hi. Don't know what app or device you're using, so can't be specific, but I usually find it easier to create a new saved search than to edit an old one... Edit: And please don't post the same query twice. I zapped your other post on this.
  15. Quite a few others have similar issues it seems - I merged your post with theirs. I'd recommend any subscribers contact support about this - they're posting quite long delays, but you'll get your place in the queue at least - and meantime go back to the legacy app and wait for the next update. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  16. Evernote included a comment in the release notes that scripting options would not immediately be available. No news as yet when they will come back, but meantime that's one of the omissions from the new versions that is keeping me on v6.25 - where ENScript still works. I'm backing up daily and automatically using third party app Backupery. Backups in the new version are a separate issue - the database does not appear to be available locally to create a backup. Online access would be required. I'm continuing with the legacy version until that gets sorted out.
  17. Depending on the workflow, you might find the third-party app Filterize would help actually reduce your workload - even with the new version. Filterize will only work with notes that are just syncing - so new or updated notes only; but can create a Table of Contents note that automatically updates itself to "all notes created or updated <today>". (Or any other date range that might be required) I use it to compile a variety of automatically updated lists or 'dashboards' including tasks that are due today, plus all those still outstanding. It interacts with Evernote at server level, so should not (Filterize have advised me) be affected by the different versions. There's a video about it here which may be of interest... the author uses it to create a list of all notes created each day. https://youtu.be/wgMbWuv35Bs As long as something is being done to your notes - they're created or edited and need to be synced back to the server - Filiterize can collate them and create a 'live' table of contents for you.
  18. Hi. What device are you using / what OS / what is actually happening with your ToC note / how or when was it destroyed??
  19. OK - single click the top bar of the frame surrounding the PDF. There are more options there.
  20. It's not been mentioned as no longer supported, so could be within the 'coming soon' group. Meantime there's always Legacy.
  21. Hi. Did that ever work? It never occurred to me to try. I always drag to the notebook list, not the shortcut list.
  22. Evernote have millions of users - don't know how many will be Android v10, but there are still lots. Google will be releasing the app updates in waves so that users get a reasonable download experience. Your time will come. Have you submitted a support ticket? Again - Evernote have millions of users, a significant proportion of whom have had issues with this update. Evernote are forwarning of a 10-12 day delay in responding to support tickets, though you'll get a number - and therefore a place in the queue - immediately you contact the link. Meantime other users in the Forums like me are usually able to give some suggestions toward resolving any difficulties you may be having. https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  23. Hi. Try clicking on the bar across the top of the frame. If you get a magic wand (I kid you not) it will convert to editable text.
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