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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I don't believe that's possible in Evernote 10. What's the operation that you want to take place when you hit that combination?
  2. Hi. I agree with you that Evernote needs to find a way to allow users to keep their own backups if preferred. I'm continuing to use Evernote Windows' last public release 6.25.1, and a third-party app Backupery which exports all my notebooks (about 300 currently) to individual ENEX files on a daily basis. Even if Evernote announces end-of-life on Legacy databases and ends access immediately (of which there is no danger), my last backup will still be a valid copy of any work done within 12 hours or so. The server-based copy of my database will still be available via v10, as will the past versions of my notes for the past 10 years via Note History. While I'm continuing to watch developments with profound interest, I don't plan on migrating anything anytime soon...
  3. Hi. You currently show as a Basic user, so beware using Evernote on any device except one computer for the moment, otherwise you may be locked out for 'too many devices'. You may be able to get back your access by using Evernote.com and following the 'Lost / Forgotten Password' link, because it sounds like you may have inadvertently created a new Basic account when logging in previously. We're a mainly user-supported forum, so can't help with passwords - if the lost password link doesn't help, please check back here and send a direct message to @Shane D. (hover your mouse pointer over that link and click on 'message') to give him your email address - he's our Admin and may be able to sort something out for you!
  4. Hi. Evernote exports to HTML or ENEX. You should be able to Print a note to PDF, or right-click the top bar of the document and Save it to your device, or edit/ annotate the content.
  5. Hi. That is (or was) an Android problem I believe... https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/move-android-apps-sd-card/
  6. Hi. Have you tried signing in to your account via a browser and Evernote.com?
  7. Hi. It is possible to set up that sort of system in Evernote as follows set up your individual meetings as separate notes. Keep any correspondence, presentations etc as separate files on Google Drive, or separate notes. Create a link to each item and save those to the main meeting note. Tag the note with something significant like <meeting> as each separate note is completed, use 'copy note link' to embed the link onto your calendar in the appropriate date, and/ or use Evernote's Reminder Date process to set up an in-app reminder. at the start of each day, go down the diary list of links, or do a search in Evernote for notes with a reminder set for that date to see your list of meeting notes. open each note in order and use the links to view the content IMPORTANT: you may need to ensure that your meeting location has power and wifi available, depending on what device you're using beware using the same device for viewing documentation and also trying to take notes beware also using two devices linked to the same account to view documentation on one and take notes on the other - both will sync back to the same server and may cause some data conflicts! -Better to take notes separately (if they are necessary) and maybe by hand - take a picture of the note page(s) to add to the original note. Others may have better ideas! Create internal note links Add a reminder How to integrate Evernote with your calendar
  8. OK - when you open Evernote for Windows you should see a standard view with three panels. The left-hand panel lists stacks and notebooks, and the right-hand two are a list of notes and a note content display. The view certainly used to default to the last note you were working on before Evernote closed. If this is not what you are seeing, can you provide a screenshot of how the layout looks to you?
  9. Hi. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum, so your best source for possible backups of your work will the the Support crew. However; with a recent and fairly controversial update and the upcoming annual holiday period, they are already very busy, and that is unlikely to be a quick process. Have you tried Note History to see whether any of your changes have been saved in that record? These links may help... Use note history to view older versions of a note What to do if content is missing from a note
  10. Hi that looks like it's more of an issue with your antivirus or firewall than anything to do with Evernote. I have a secure system, but no such messages from Evernote v6. When did you first see this message and what updates/ changes may have been made to your system at around that time?
  11. Not mentioning which device / OS / Evernote version (10 or Legacy) you're using?
  12. Interestingly, in a different interview, Ian Small suggested that they have no plan for this current venture - presumably they're purely reacting to events...
  13. Hi. This gives fairly complete instructions to installing a version which is presumably updated to work alongside v10 - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote. If you do install the new version (I believe - I haven't tried it!) and you have any unsynced notes in a local notebook, you will be asked whether you want to import them into a synced notebook. Your original database of notes however should not be changed - the new version 10 stores it's notes (again - I believe) in a new location.
  14. I'd suggest that if you install the legacy version, it will likely be because you need one or other of the features offered by Legacy; in which event unless and until that feature comes back in v10 it makes a great deal more sense to work only in Legacy and use v10 for a 'test' free account so you can keep track of what's happening. The two accounts sync in different ways: v10 is fully automatic, while Legacy will use the options you set. If you make changes in both accounts to the same note, you look to Evernote like the same authorised user. But if 'you' A makes changes in Legacy (which will be synced in a few minutes) and then 'you' B views the same note through v10, it will automatically sync when you close the note. Whichever version syncs last will appear to be the up to date version of the note and will take precedence over anything else synced in the last few minutes. Bad things could happen. Full Disclosure: I am not an Evernote tech, or any sort of employee; this is my personal understanding of how things work (or don't) - YMMV!
  15. Hi. Always better to File > Exit Evernote at the end of the day so it catches up on syncing and indexing on the server. Restarting should be easy and quick when you need to go back to work.
  16. Too much fiddling will just cause more problems. @Mike P has a good point - if you're using the iPhone and the desktop at the same time, Evernote has no way to separate which instructions and changes are coming from which device. Both of them will sync on their own schedule and if you change something on one, just before the other sends a 'no changes here' message, you'll make the system think that you just cancelled the instructions you gave and it will do nothing - or overwrite the change.
  17. I think Evernote may be a little busy right now. This is one of hundreds of options and features being added back in the new versions that are coming out every couple of weeks, but there's no magic wand. It'll get fixed as soon as they can - meantime having a misleading title is the least of most of our problems. If it's a nuisance - go back to Legacy until it gets fixed!
  18. Hi. Quick fix - install the legacy version and use that on your PC. Longer term - undeleteable files have been reported before; send in a support request although it will be a while - they're already busy and the holidays are coming up.
  19. Don't think it was offensive - he just commented on the level of use they saw. And the more I think about it, the less useful that figure is - did he mean 2% of all users? Of active users? - and how do you define 'use'; can Evernote detect each time you click a tag to add it to a search? Or are they counting the number of times someone assigns a tag to a note? Or searches? If you're measuring the importance of a given feature to users, maybe tagging is something you do 2% of the time - given that you're clipping / writing / searching / creating new notebooks & stacks... But those are time-intensive activities. I could have created and applied about a thousand tags in the time it's taken me to write this note - tagging is quick and easy and just doesn't take much time at all. I just think he's wrong....
  20. Hmmn. You could try uninstalling the app and restart the device / reinstall - there's probably a newer version of the app available by now...
  21. Hi. For the moment, you can't. See thread. If they're important to you, see Legacy.
  22. Hi. It's historically unlikely that Evernote will respond to an individual query here. Try raising a Support ticket for that level of personal service.
  23. Oops - sorry: should have said: AFAIK if you do qualify as 'PLUS' you'll be able to continue at that level for the future, but you're showing here as a premium user, not a plus; and I have seen posts from other plus users come up with that as a label. All of which is subjective, because Evernote / the forums might have changed the rules somewhere, somehow and who knows... you may or may not get that cool price when the date comes due. Let us know if you go for it!! (And there's that thing about 'better the devil you know' when it comes to changing horses mid-stream...)
  24. I sympathise, but no-one else can make the final decision but you - pick one!! (Soon....) 🙂
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