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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. ? Hi. That would be a selection of links. Have you tried just clicking in a note or document body and right-click pasting the links?
  2. I guess it's possible to relate that to 'Agile' product development - you react to any issues that come up rather than having some sort of grand strategy for taking over the world (that often tends not to play out well for the planners...). But being purely reactive is also not a good idea because you end up with a product so covered in duck tape and glued-on extensions that to do more you eventually have to strip off all the additions and start over from scratch (sound familiar to anyone?) plus that 'camel = horse by committee' thing is still sadly true. I like the former uncle Phil's comment recently that Evernote in its early days 'didn't listen to customers' they just used the app(s) and became their own power users. They fixed what irked them, and added on stuff that seemed like a good idea - and that was enough to get them started. I wish that approach had continued. Customers could comment, point out glitches and suggest additions, but as 'proper' power users, the Evernote team should have had an overview of the type of app they would want and could use - and that would work well within the resources that they had available. Ian's recent comments about planning and 'tags being used by a minority' (or whatever) lead me to suspect that he's not a big user, and that the management are currently more interested in generating more revenue than looking after the power user few. Also that he's not above using BS stats to support his points... Time (as they say) will tell...
  3. 😆 It may be common business practice, but that's never seemed to trouble Evernote very much... I think he made a small attempt to do that recently... see the Evernote blog for more... Hopefully you'll get a response to your letter / Twitter - please let us know what it says!!
  4. Stats used to be my thing (insurance underwriter) and the one thing I learned was; never take one indicator in isolation. That trend downwards forinstance might be because the marketing got better - people were being led to the website directly rather than have to search for it...
  5. Hi. An interesting conundrum - in a way you're lucky that this is a (mainly) user-supported forum, in that while you might get away with a lower price if you just reactivate the subscription, you almost certainly won't if you ask Evernote about it. They do have deals which expire after a year at a lower rate, but I don't know of any concession that gives that level of discount on premium (and I've been a subscriper for 10+ years) that lasts for more than one year. I think Evernote would recommend that you renew via their website and leave the iTunes payment to expire. There's only a loose connection between the two companies - hence why they may have outdated payment details - but I'd also suggest you make a decision very soon, because if you miss the payment date your account will revert to Basic. It takes iTunes a few working days to advise Evernote that the payments have gone through, and as you may have noticed there are not too many of those left between now and January 4th!! If necessary it will be possible to reactivate your subscription (direct to the company) quickly through the Evernote app, but if you want to pay iTunes you'll have to get in touch with them and they'll have to contact Evernote... better to avoid that as a potential time-suck in the new year! Hope you make the lower price if you decide to go ahead 😉
  6. Hi - general rule of thumb on mobiles is that short notes are better - less time to sync, less to lose if it goes wrong, and in a longer thread, generally quicker to jump to the section (i.e. the note) that you need rather than scrolling through lots of text. I keep a template for some actions so I can add an update note quickly, and a saved search for a linking keyword (part of the template) so that I can see all notes on that topic quickly and sort them in created date order to find the latest one if I need it. It's also possible to use table rows for entries and make the latest addition by adding a row at the top of a note rather than the bottom - but as I said above... there are some security advantages for shorter notes that makes me prefer them.
  7. Hi. Pro tip - next time you open Clipper, checkout Settings (bottom of the pop-up window) > Shortcuts... there are quite a few 😊
  8. Not seen that one before - have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the extension? The browser add-in is separate to the app and I haven't noticed any new versions there...
  9. I bow to your superior technical skills, but doing that across the (former) several operating systems and varied devices for 200M users active around the world 365/24/7? I'd bet that not many folks have worked on that sort of project...
  10. And you posted 14 times? I keep on making the point that Evernote haven't had the ability to make some of the changes that have been requested until literally this past few weeks when they launched the new code base.
  11. I'm figuring that with over 50K notes, it's going to be easier to leave stuff in my old Evernote (probably Basic by then) account whatever I may use in future. I'll link back to useful content or selectively export specific note / note series if I continue a related product. It's nice to have a single place to search for stuff, but another one isn't going to hurt as much as checking through that much of a body of notes to make sure they all made it!
  12. OK - but don't you use a browser / mail client / spreadsheet for their own specialist features? I reckon I use about 20 different apps on a regular basis, though either the output file usually winds up in Evernote, or I link to a file or resource stored somewhere else. Why not image-editing / full audio recording and playback / mind maps / a dozen other separate actions ? I'm in the KISS camp - not excess osculation, but keeping things simple so as not to clutter the (already complicated) menus!
  13. Hi. I'm not a Google signer-in so you'll have to wait for more comment on that, but are you able to sign in to Evernote directly using Google? If so the error might be at Neuracache rather than Evernote / Google. Try contacting their helpline / posting in their user-forums.
  14. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. Anyone tried Workflowy? https://workflowy.com/s/example-stub/7eEN3KzuV67vG1qg
  16. Hierarchical folders aren't the invention of the internet - they're a reflection of how paper files were assembled in the days when offices had filing cabinets and shelving instead of terminals, which in themselves were an interpretation of the really old days of pigeon holes and rolled parchments. It's not a 'given' that things should be designed on that format, but it was a design decision taken by Evernote in the early days, which up to now has curtailed their ability to change how things work in the app. Once we've actually got the basics all back and working again, maybe this is something that they can take a look at. In the meantime - despite its apparently 'essential' nature - we've managed without the option for more than a decade. We should be able to struggle on for another year...
  17. If you're talking about clipping, there are some choices under 'options' at the bottom of the clipper window...
  18. Thanks - so if you select a number of notes, do you get a pop-up window on the right hand side which includes a 'move' option? Or if moving an individual note, can you find 'move' in a three-dots menu? Either of those should do the job.
  19. Hi. I don't know how many Doxie + Evernote users there are, or how many would want to use the scanner filename rather than an assigned name, but I don't think it's going to be a significant number. You can, actually, fix the issue at least temporarily by using the legacy version for scanning jobs and the new one for other tasks. In the meantime I'd recommend a support request to get one of the engineers to look through your setup to see what's causing your issue. In my experience the filename becomes the note title regardless of whatever temporary label the scanner applies. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  20. Hi. You know it's still possible to run the two versions side by side? Legacy - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  21. Hi. Using what device and which version? The details may vary slightly depending on whether this is phone, desktop or web, and whether you're using v10 or an earlier app.
  22. Hi. If you can get to the website Evernote.com, try logging in there. If that fails, then by definition your user name or password are not correct. There is a 'lost password' option on that page though which may help...
  23. Hi. No clue, but they're presumably either owned by or licenced to Evernote so they can be installed with the apps and normalise the appearance of notes on every system. I seem to remember there's an app to identify font types if you need to confirm the name(s).
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