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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. If someone always needs to talk about how great he is, I always think what a clusterfuck: He must believe without him telling, nobody would notice. Empty talk in the end ?
  2. Regularily you can cancel and wait until your subscription ends. Then subscribe again using the discount. If you don’t want this you need to go through support. Since your status is only checked on subscribing, you can maybe gain as much at the end as you may loose at the beginning.
  3. Just be aware: Import = Upload. With a Free account its 60 MB. An ENEX file with roughly 60MB will create this upload, and then it’s waiting 30 days, including changes. If the ENEX file is above the limit, it will never upload (try-consume the limit while trying-fail-wait-try again-consume-fail …). So keep your import size below the limit.
  4. Then learn to ignore it. If you minimize the side bar, just an orange blob remains.
  5. Try to click on Accept, then break off on the next page.
  6. Skitch is not maintained any longer. Personally I use Shottr and don’t miss Skitch a split second. If you want your annotations to go directly into EN, use an Import folder to save the Shottr files.
  7. You can test it with 50 notes pretty well. If you have retired from a paid subscription, you can have more than 50 notes, even edit them. But you can’t create new ones. In your case it’s treated as a new account, so the 50 notes limit will slam down on trying to add more. The limit was introduced roughly a month ago.
  8. Choose a notebook in notebook view, select export from the 3 dot menu. Or choose a notebook, and select export from the 3 dots above the notes list. The 100 notes limit only applies for individually selected notes.
  9. Access to support for technical questions is only for subscribers (actually it was for the last years, this is nothing new). There other options were always optional, and will get the least attention in times when the official support channel is inundated. The new Free plan has a total limit of 50 notes in one single notebook. If you try to import more, I think it would be consequential when the client rejects any note in excess of the limit. It may be that they are initially accepted by the local client, but then get rejected once they sync with the server. So maybe check if you are already at 50 notes, and one notebook. Notes in the trash count into the limit. If they would allow to import more, the new limit could be circumvented by importing.
  10. EN did not acquire any company in the last years - wave red flag ! EN was acquired by another company - wave red flag ! The company that bought EN still has some cash in the bank, and spends it on more companies - wave red flag ! Do you want to comment on anything here, or look for an excuse to celebrate a permanent red flag parade ? Could it be you are a commie in disguise 😱, looking for opportunities to wave red flags ? Will be continued ... Alternative explanation: They are just good in taking over failing franchises, and turning them around. OK, no red flag on this.
  11. The old Mac client before v10 and legacy was already 7.14, as was the old Windows client at 6.25. Legacy is AFAIK just a point release, with the same features, but with a defunct auto updater, and a grey instead of green icon.
  12. You are in a difficult situation, and I think everybody understands that upgrading your hardware is a lesser concern when other fields of life need to be sustained with priority. To put things under a different perspective: EN is a cloud based service. It was back when you joined, and it is today. This means that every user needs to access the server to synchronize local and central data. Now imagine what it means for the server interface with the web and the dangers of the real world. It means that the server will be under constant attack. The interface will be bombarded by requests to enter, many of them illegit. EN needs to filter them, to allow only legitimate users to access their data. If they now keep an outdated interface alive, just to support a few users with backward, unpatched old clients, it means that they allow this access FOR ALL ACCOUNTS. Nobody knows if a user will tomorrow come with a long unused client, because he works by accident on an older computer he still owns. These old clients do have login routines and security protocols that are not up to todays threat scenarios. EN would put all accounts at risk if they allowed an alternative access based on outdated security protocols. It is not about your account, it is about all of them. EN is legally forced (being in the EU now, operating under GDRP) to apply the "state of the art" technology to safeguard its operations and the data of its users.This is not optional - even if a user would like to opt out of this obligation, by law it is not possible. And I repeat: It puts all accounts in danger. A second reason probably is that they are currently replacing the old server software (with a lot of technical debt) by a new backend. They will develop this new engine with the latest technology - not going backwards and intentionally implement routines that were the last cry 10 years ago - and are today obsolete und beyond maintenance at best, or outright dangerous in many cases. All his means: The legacy clients will be phased out. That's for sure, and "legacy" means most older releases of v10 as well. You will be able to access your notes through the web client, and maybe through a mobile device (Android 9 or iOS 13 are the minimum requirements). If you can't update you computer, you can still export all of your notes. You need to install this project from GitHub and work yourself through the necessary terminal commands. It doesn't need a client, it works through the API with the cloud server. It creates a database first, and from this database one ENEX file per notebook. If your Mac can't run this efficiently coded project, it is in fact too old for anything. https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup Wish you luck with the current situation. Argentina deserves better !
  13. @evernoteisscammingus If we translate „loosing business“ into „loosing busy-ness“, you are probably right: Less data traffic, less server space, less non performing accounts. In total less busy for no return. But don’t worry: We will keep them busy enough. Thanks for caring …
  14. First install v10 - this might remove the existing install. Then reinstall legacy, which either finds a left over database, or will download it again. At least this was how it worked while I still had legacy. I skipped it 18 months ago, since it was of no use any longer for me. 2 more things: Using legacy and v10 makes permanent data conversion necessary. Don’t complain about notes taking long to open, or even loss of data. And expect legacy to fail now any other day. It will be a short lived double life, I think. I doubt it is worth the effort.
  15. If you have a ticket number, we can flag it and try to bump you up a bit. No guarantees !
  16. Hmmm - my MacOS 14 is called Sonoma. But you are right: It was not Monterrey, it was Mojave. I have corrected my posting. That EN is 2 years behind in updating its documentation you can see from the missing versions 13 Ventura and 14 Sonoma.
  17. Use the EN web clipper. It’s available as an extension for most desktop browsers, and creates surprisingly clean HTML clips.
  18. You are the one using a stripped down, outdated version - not everybody else. Furthermore it is technically dead, and a potential security risk to yourself and your data on the cloud server. It’s outrageous that you expect EN to keep it alive just to please your personal spleen. Since you ignored all warnings, you will now have to act under pressure. I hope you choose wisely. Meanwhile you can use any modern client including the web client to access your data.
  19. Older legacy clients have stopped syncing while we are posting this. When 6.25 will stop, we can’t tell - but I think „soon“ describes it pretty well. When a font selection is what you need above all, you will probably not have a wide choice. Many apps are following markdown, which means they are pretty frugal with fonts either.
  20. Yes, that’s the way. Keep in mind that importing will use your upload limit. If it’s more than 10GB, you need to split the upload over time. If a single ENEX is above 10GB, it will not import at all. In this case split it up in the export.
  21. No, legacy apps will not sync any more. Maybe 7.14 will sync, no idea. But if it does, it will stop any time now as well. You can access your notes through other clients, like the web client. Your version of MacOS can’t run the current v10 client. You need at least MacOS 10.14 Mojave. So either you update it, or it’s the end of the road for the desktop client for you.
  22. First the simple solution would be to avoid large notes. Create smaller ones, link them together. The automatic backlinks make this very effective. The second hint is there may be a corruption of you local database. To solve it, log out and quit the app. Now use AppCleaner to remove the install. The Mac uninstaller won’t do the job. Restart the Mac, download a fresh installer from the EN website. Run it, open, log in. Now let the app running in the background for a while. It will download a fresh copy from the server.
  23. Drop a ticket with support - nagging them is the only way to get an issue moved up the ladder.
  24. On a Mac it always was in hidden folders. This means you need to unhide the hidden folders first (Google tells how) before spotlight can locate it for you. The other option is to use the GitHub project Evernote Backup. https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup It will in a full backup using the API to the cloud server. This does not solve your problem with your local notebooks. When you install v10, the local notebooks will in most cases be located and transferred to the server. This may not be what you want (I think there is no issue in it), but could be a way to get their content exported somehow.
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