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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. You don't need to "download" all notes to use them offline. The desktop client will download a full copy without any doing from your side. Just make sure that you haven't disabled the option to "keep a local copy" in the app settings. After installing the client it will take a while until the download is complete. Let the app run in the background to allow it to fetch the data. The last provision is you must be logged into your account before you go offline. You can close the app, you can turn the computer off. Just don't log out of your account. Opposite to the desktop clients, on mobile devices you must set up offline download yourself.
  2. You don’t need to buy it. Just do what you want, it’s your data. My experience is it doesn’t work reliably with a large number of files at once.
  3. We have indications that using the current software and legacy mixed on the same account creates problems, at least since the introduction of RTE syncing. The data structure with RTE is different to before. The servers need to perform permanent conversions between the two when changes are made using legacy. Using deprecated software is a peril in itself. Using it mixed with modern software on a cloud based data storage can create additional hazards. Anybody can do what he wants … it’s your data you put at risk.
  4. Well, the forum is offering the sections, nothing has changed here. What has changed is the utilization of the forum as a ranting ground for dissatisfied users. I think it’s a wave that will abide by itself.
  5. You can write the author anywhere into the note. The author field in metadata is under system control, and holds the author of the note itself. We occasionally have this debate about using metadata fields for private uses. Legacy was open on that, and this was used in creative ways. I think it was always a risky manipulation to use fields under system control to store my own information. It might be a good idea to check by a little test if that „author“ entry into the metadata field will be overwritten in v10, for example when changing a note. In that case you need to extract this information before it is corrupted by using the app.
  6. V10 is not going easy on resources, that’s for sure. It is nested into a chromium based engine, like a browser with the app as its front end. And Chrome is a resources hog, that’s well known. From my observation it behaves more like a VM than a browser, in many aspects. Little wonder, in ChromeOS it IS the OS. For me speed in v10 is no issue, except in operations on multiple notes. The reason seems to be that the notes are still handled 1 by 1. This created a work load of „change, then sync“, and until the sync has not happened, the next note is on hold. My workaround (for example when tagging or moving a larger selection of notes) is to take the client offline first. Then the operation runs local only, which is much faster. When done, I go back online, and the syncing happens in the background.
  7. OK and thanks for sharing the insight. Since I don’t run any legacy client, and the web only occasionally, I never thought about this. But maybe it’s the reason why my Shortcuts sometimes worked, and then stopped without explanation. Will try !
  8. GoodNotes doesn’t sync to EN. You keep the project in GN until it’s done, and then export it as a pdf. Make sure the text recognition is exported as well. EN does not OCR handwriting in PDFs. Direct sync is currently done by NoteShelf, as mentioned.
  9. You seem to believe you have a birth right to get valuable services for free, for life. Now you found out that was a mistake. Part of growing up, I think. I wonder why you think you can repeat this mistake, without repeating it. MS offers 5GB for free, and with Google you are the product. Not yet grown up enough, it seems.
  10. Nobody requires you to pay to store a few notes. „50“ in my dictionary is beyond „a few“.
  11. If speed was all, we would all exist with software coded in assembler. Apart from being speedier, the legacy clients are a collection of outdated code that no sane business would try to maintain. Synergies in code sharing between platforms are zilch, Windows 6.25 is still 32bit code. That sort of software is the code that breaks companies. In this case, it nearly succeeded !
  12. The authors as writer of a piece of web text is not available on EN. I even doubt it could be - I doubt there is a common standard for it, given a scientific work can have a huge number of (co-)authors. When material is clipped, the original URL is saved. This is as close as you get to the author.
  13. @Leo_R The web client counts as one „device“, no matter on how many physical devices and browsers it is used.
  14. They are closing down Plus subscription while we discuss, forcing subscribers to decide between Personal and Free. Review your chances to see a cheaper subscription by spring !?
  15. @Mishkafofer Not sure what you mean by „EN supports LI“ ? LI belongs to the most valuable company in the world - maybe EN could use some support ? In fact there is no relation between EN and LI I would be aware of. And obviously LI has a strong interest in not making clipping an easy endeavor. They want all customers (head hunters, HR professionals, etc.) who want to use users data to pay - and pay dearly. So it might have crossed their mind to make extracting profiles difficult
  16. Import folders are not made for mass import. We had reports in the forum where trying to sync a large number of documents ended up in chocking the import process. You have more hazzle to find out what imported than by importing in batches. Beside this there are the the upload limit of 10 GB per month, and the general system limits to keep in mind.
  17. Good intention: Check your export options before committing. Most apps happily import ENEX, but suck on exporting
  18. @msg5 Who cares … probably in the time of AI they could mint a different answer every time they send something out - with the same meaning, but nicely worded. For a receiving human, it just means to read through more useless verbal decorations. So, you received an answer, you don’t like it, this can happen. I rather have support being more productive than trying to invent new answers just to create a more cozy feeling.
  19. This is the email you RECEIVE once a contact was established through the support website. From then on until the ticket is closed there is an email communication channel open FOR EXACTLY THIS ONE TICKET. And if you read my post you would already know …
  20. Plain wrong, frustration out of inability to follow advise, I would say. It is the same in all clients: Select the upper picture (blue outline), tap return => adds a new line of text right below the picture.
  21. No, no such option. We have debated this: I wouldn't like EN to mess with files on my computers drive. Others think they want the comfort. It is once opening the folder, ctrl/cmd-A to select all, and then "to the trash". Hardly something to talk about.
  22. „Horrible“ would be something else … like not reading forum threads before posting. This would really be a horrible trait … First the intention to copy (=duplicate) notes into another notebook signals you are using notebooks as primary means of organization. If you used tags instead, you could avoid the duplication of content. Second there is a way, but it may be less obvious: Select the notes and export them as an ENEX file. Import the ENEX again, this creates a second set of identical notes. Move them wherever you want. All this has already been posted here.
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