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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Thanks - but if it does not clip, it is probably not worth cooking. Who takes that little care about formatting probably is quite off in his cooking instructions as well 😉
  2. Bugs are reported by issuing a support ticket. If EN is already working on an issue, support will often tell they know and are working on it. As it is hard to tell when a bug-fix in itself is bug-free, they will most likely not tell in advance when a fix will be released. You find it sometimes in the release notes (mot every issue is mentioned there), and sometimes EN staff informs about a bug fix here in the forum.
  3. Thanks for the tip, but clipping recipes is only a fraction of what I do on EN. Usually clipping works fine, except on some food blogs that do everything to garble up their web sites to make clipping a nightmare. At least this is my impression - maybe their wordpress themes are constructed to get this done; clicks are money.
  4. Just to compare: MacOS Catalina 10.15.3 Safari 13.0.5 EN 7.14 Direct WebClipper
  5. It may help, but it is important to first change the password. This will effectively lock the other device out, even before revoking it. If the password (that must have been used to enter) remains the same, the foreign device can reestablish access to the account. And one day the allowed syncs for Basic are used up, creating a restriction for the own devices as well.
  6. Support is restricted to paying users only. The exception for Basic accounts are account issues. So if one wants support on technical issues, signing up to Premium for at least one month is the entry ticket. These are the rules, not set by me ....
  7. A shot into the dark: Has it got all the necessary rights in the privacy settings ? There was an OS update on most MacOSes because of security issues recently. If you are on autoinstall, maybe you didn’t notice,
  8. As requested: I had the problem just for a short period of time, with Mojave, summer 2019. I got it fixed by completely uninstall EN from my MacBook Pro, using the app AppCleaner and thoroughly check each position in the remove options list for removal. There is more below the visible window, so make sure you scroll down to the bottom and click on every item that is not already ticked off. Then I restarted my Mac, got the EN app fresh from the EN-website (not from the AppStore !), reinstalled, resynced, and that was it. The problem did not come back, fingers crossed.
  9. Has nothing to do with premium or not. WC is a (by all means) a basic function of EN. Maybe try another Browser as a workaround. Not very practical, I know, but the standard procedure would be to un-/reinstall. And you are past it ...
  10. Working just fine ... can you tell more details about MacOS, Safari, WebClipper and EN versions ?
  11. EN is basically a cloud-based Service. Local Notebooks are there as an exception, maybe for some privacy stuff, but not to run a high performance show on them. DTLow just explained how to get them back into the loop, but this will probably not solve your underlying issue. If you were on a Mac, I would propose Devon Think to you. It is made to run on a local database, with full search, AI functions and all. But as I say, it is Mac-only, with mobile clients (then using cloud services for the sync, but still not storing stuff in the cloud).
  12. Probably the Image had not yet synced to the server. This EN knows there is to be an image, but does not have the file. So it shows a placeholder and refuses to open what is not there. Maybe try again, this time making sure the local change (yes, putting something into the browser is first a local event, it needs to be synced from the local browser memory to the server) has reached the server. You can for example use a mobile device and look whether the note is on the server, with picture and all.
  13. Personally I don’t think there is anything like „extra Premium“. But you could contact support if they can assist with resetting your upload limit.
  14. Thank you for the Feedback. The iOS share menu is really very hidden in the EN app, putting the internal sharing first. Had to search for it myself, some time ago. Glad I could help you out on this.
  15. ... however EN closes agreements based on GDPR. Probably the best way to really find out would be to contact support by E-Mail on this. I did it when I needed the GDPR agreement, had to briefly explain why I needed it (mostly because I store project information that will contain names) and got it signed in a matter of days.
  16. The Standard iOS share menu with the printing option is right behind this „Share outside“ - option:
  17. Personally on my iPhone I nowadays mostly use the integrated scanner of the EN app itself, not Scannable. Create a note, or go into one, edit mode, then press the "+" above of the keyboard, and pick the camera. It will let you scan, cut the pages, and at the bottom you have a tool to correct it if mistaken. However, the majority of scans on my iPhone I do using the App ScannerPro from readdle, because it is far superior with settings, edits and tools. It even does its own OCR, and sends scans with prebuilt workflows into EN, ready with notebook and standard tags depending on which workflow I choose. If at home and have more than a page or two, I use the ix500 linked to my Mac, but this is playing in a different league alltogether.
  18. You should probably first look after your search index on both Macs: Hold the alt/opt key before clicking on the help menu, then down to the new point in the list, at the very bottom (problem solving), and pick the ones related to rebuild the search indexes. This is the first thing where over time notes can get lost when searching. Do it on both Macs. Then place the starting point identical (like all notes), and use the exact same search terms on both machines. With the current MacOSes (starting with Mojave, if I am not mistaken) spotlight search got pretty restricted, so search inside of EN. P.S. If you want to obscure some stuff in screen shots, there is a very nice toll for this build into Skitch. It has both a crosshair screenshot tool and a pixelator to hide stuff. It comes free from Evernote, but is a separate app that must be installed from the EN website. It saves what it picks into EN notes, so it works 1:1.
  19. Yes, Boolean search would be a feature, at least for those who know who to use it. Probably the „Generation Google“ is lost for this ...
  20. Search in Evernote is not completely Boolean, so the usual stuff does not work. Maybe this can help: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-How-to-use-Evernote-s-advanced-search-syntax
  21. The difference with complying to GDPR for companies / professional use is primary a legal aspect. One has to make it compliant, otherwise there is a legal risk for not taking care. If you use a service with a professional background, you better take care of that. About the rest we do not need to discuss. One may say „I wonder whether I am paranoid ?“. And the other answers „I wonder that as well, but am I paranoid enough?“. So it is not a discussion about how cloud services work, but it is about what you (or I) believe about their privacy. So have fun with your newly won freedom to look after your data yourself.
  22. As I said, EN stores the EXIF data with the picture, when the picture provides them. It is not stripping them, they are all there when the picture is attached to a note. I then ran another test: When I use the the iPhones camera directly inside of a note to take a picture, it will generate EXIF data as well. But much less so compared with pictures taken with the main camera app. One reason may be that some of the EXIF information is stored with the note itself, like the location where the note was created. It may be that this is mainly because EN uses the iPhones camera as a document scanner, not to take „real“ pictures. In documents most people prefer less metadata, because it gives away information you may not want to be send with the scanned document. So the data is not taken away, it’s not generated when the camera is use to scan stuff. If you want pictures that have everything (think about advanced picture information like depth information, live pictures and Deep Fusion Processing ) you need to use the camera app of the iPhone, and send the pictures into EN later.
  23. Yes, issue a support ticket. This here is a user forum, EN employees may come along, but do not necessarily take action.
  24. Yes, probably because EN is not meant to be a prime target of photo storage. There are programs better suited for this task. This does not mean that the EXIF data would be lost. I shared a picture on my iPad from the camera roll into EN, synced the note to the server and to my Mac, and opened this photo there from EN with a photo editing program. There I exported the EXIF data. The EXIF data was kept as in the original photo. So it is still there, you can just not see or edit it in EN. EN behaves like this with many programs: It serves by offering notes as containers that can hold all kind of information and attachments. But it is not build to manipulate the thousands of file formats that are around. For this, you need a better suited program. After that you can save it back to EN.
  25. EN is compliant with the GDPR of the European Union, so it is safe to store data with privacy content there, even as a commercial user. Part of it is based on the Safe-Harbour-Agreement, and everybody may decide based on this facts. They are not hidden, nor is the fact that EN uses a distributed server structure. Servers are located worldwide, hosted by Goggle in its data centers, and the data of any user is located in several data centers, with one copy close to the usual point of entry, and other copies distributed as disaster precaution, and for availability during maintenance. See the video about the recent improvements, it becomes pretty clear that they invested a lot to really boost the machines that run the show. It is a very unrealistic approach that in todays cloud services any „bit“ of personal information would be located in a specified server in a given place. This is different if a company hosts say the SAP database with a cloud company, but the general cloud services distribute copies of data. So if you feel better, go and host your own stuff. Hope you are a good admin, keep the server up to date at any moment and run a solid firewall plus frequent backups. It can be a nice hobby (I am running my own Synology based server, so I know what I am talking about), but pretty time consuming and by all means less safe than cloud hosting.
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