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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Click on the word "Notebooks" in the left side panel. The notebook screen will open, with an overview of all stacks and notebooks. Click on the 3 dots behind a notebook. The 3 dots behind a stack don't show that option:
  2. You can do this on iOS, although it's arduous. It can only be done one note at a time. For a faster export you need to use the installed desktop app.
  3. On the Mac enlarging uses cmd-*, reducing cmd- - (minus).
  4. 1st wrong place to ask, this is a Grammetly issue. 2nd AFAIK it is available since half a year or so. Don’t use it myself, can’t tell.
  5. You are not on desktop iOS, this doesn’t exist. You are likely on MacOS. And you are using the „select notes and export them“ option, which is limited to 100 notes per selection. If you notes contain attachments (other than pictures), exporting as pdf is not a good choice. The attachments will only showcase a symbol, with nothing behind it. If you want to export everything in a readable format, you should export as HTML. You find the export options behind the 3 dots, to the right of the blue popup menu. The better because unlimited approach to exporting is per notebook. Select a notebook, look for the 3 dot menu on top of the middle panel, choose an export option.
  6. Try this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  7. You use a lot of strong words to demand access to a service you don’t pay for. Not paying means you can demand exactly zero. We help fellow users here, but your attitude makes me think about it. Oh - feel free to look for alternatives …
  8. Actually EN did not increase a subscription price and remove a feature. The open sharing of notebooks was remove in 2020. It may be that users of old, deprecated software just didn’t notice. The described use case is typical for websites. The solution here is to build a website (either yourself through Wordpress, or by one of the many website builders) and share these specific music files from there.
  9. The new version does not support local notebooks, and it never will. This help document explains how to convert local notebooks into synced notebooks for the new version : https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005107 Since local notebooks are only saved on your own computer, you are responsible for them yourself. If you don’t want to store them on the EN server, you need to export them from the legacy client, and these are the export options: ENEX for a later import, HTML to read them with every browser, including attachments, PDF as a standard format for the notes, but without (!) attachments. Your notebooks, your call.
  10. EN will reject weak passwords. Maybe they do check as well agains databases from breaches, to recognize passwords that circulate in the dark web. You can check yourself, for example here https://haveibeenpwned.com Best practice: Let a password manager generate a solid, unique password for you. For more protection add 2FA.
  11. To put a dot on the „i“ : Apps like Scannable, Penultimate and Skitch had been acquired years ago. There were probably a few maintainers for the aged code. BS has laid off practically all employees from the US and Chile, and moved the operation to Italy. I doubt anybody familiar with these apps is still with the team. On a Mac, switch to Shottr. It’s a far better app receiving regular updates.
  12. The old versions (not supported since at least 2020) will stopp syncing one by one. You need to use the new clients.
  13. Basically you still can: Just use a tool that allows for partial partitioning, and leave the rest unpartitioned.
  14. For one account at any time only one plan can be active. I think if you cancel Personal and get Professional again before the subscription expires, you will get Professional immediately, and not be charged for Personal. When I switched from personal to professional, they booked the full amount for Professional from my account. After a few days I got a pro rata refund for the left over days of my Personal subscription. Both happened automatically - since I hold my subscription through the AppStore, so I can't say if this was Apple's or ENs doing.
  15. Actually there is nothing to fix, because nothing is broken. An individual user decided to write individual content into a field. Then this individual user needs to find a solution for this individual lock up. As usual we try to assist. In this case I would use the off chance that some legacy clients still seem to be syncing to extract the content, and copy it to a safer location. This fixes it.
  16. We don't consider Free users of the old plan to be poor. They probably had their reasons to stick to that plan, among which not having the resources might have been one of the reasons. Probably there were others. What I do like to ask you @G10Ok personally and directly: We know that for each subscriber, there were 10 or more Free users. Now, I am one of these subscribers. Say you in person are one of the 10 users I should continue to finance: What is your personal, individual reason to convince me to continue paying for your free ride ? Not having the resources can't be it, when I read your posting. So what else ?
  17. Oh, they have enough support staff, I am sure about that. Why ? Because they stopped hiring a few weeks ago, and the openings for support have not returned to the Career website.
  18. @Kool Why do you guys post always the same stuff, instead of reading a bit first ? As we write this, EN send emails to subscribers of the grandfathered "cheaper" subscriptions, telling them they need to upgrade to Personal, or to drop to Free. Free under the current conditions for a user with a stock of notes is sending them to another app - they can't add new notes when starting above 50. It is pretty easy to conclude: A sustained Free use is not in the scope of the plans offered. There will be no cheaper subscriptions than Personal, maybe with a significant rebate for the first year, but only under some conditions. The "Why" doesn't need to be answered, when this is already happening. There may be a time for reasoning, but not when an execution of decisions already taken is ongoing.
  19. Every additional field in metadata requires extensive system modifications: UI, logic/code , APIs and export format needed to be adapted. This is nothing but an "easy fix". Telling so only shows a deep ignorance about keeping a softwares integrity intact. With other words: Wishful thinking.
  20. The author is the author of the note. And that's it, the field is under system control and can't be edited. You probably have stored another information in this field, which is a misuse. What can happen any time is that the system starts to overwrite this field. You had your "author" information edited into it, and once you opened and edited the note, on closing it writes your name into it instead of what had been. I don't say this will happen, but I say it may happen, at any time, without a notice - because the field always was under system control. It was just that legacy allowed it to be edited that causes this confusion. You can take that risk, or you avoid it by extracting the current "author" information and write it into the notes body.
  21. The icon was “squared“, and as far as I can see, that’s all for now.
  22. Forget editing the field. Use tags instead - they are ideal for marking notes that need attention , and faster to apply.
  23. I doubt there will be more interesting alternatives within of a year - in general. Maybe some will enter, but probably others will leave. What may happen is that Free models will be curtailed across the board, now that the EN Free model was restricted. Beside this there is obviously room enough for several apps. And this of course is a good sign - competition and options are the most user friendly aspect a market can have.
  24. Especially Apple users should be aware that security and privacy measures taken by Apple will result in cloaking the original IP, replacing it by a random IP. Buzz words for this are Private Relay and Ad tracking prevention. Using a VPN service will have the same effect. Or using the WiFi on a train, in a hotel or coffee shop, or a mobile network including a personal hotspot. They often send the users data to a central server, and relay it from there to the internet. This server can be hundreds of kilometers away, even in another country. Finding an unknown IP alone is not necessarily a security issue. For more peace of mind enable 2FA.
  25. Sometimes you get surprised: I hold my Internet and Mobile with Vodafone. They send me a message 1st of December that they give me 500GB mobile data on top over Christmas. They said enjoy the holidays without bothering about upload limits. Nice ! Now I sit here and tinker about moving my contract up a notch or 2, to get more mobile data … nice, and on top of it good marketing 🤣
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