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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. What I do not get in this whole thread is the need to „clean it up“. Duplicating happens, it happens to me, and I think it happens to everybody. I knew a guy back then who only felt safe when he had xeroxed any paper he regarded as relevant (and there were many) and stacked it away. Not one copy, not one place ... and a tremendous effort to do so. With EN my feeling is: Let it be. If there are duplicates, so what. The effort today is not creating them, the effort is in eliminating. And it is not just URLs. Case 1: I never need it again - plenty of stuff is in that category. Receipts kept only for warranty, expired. Web pages clipped to be used in a future presentation or blog , subject abandoned. E-Mails stored because they might have been relevant when the case was open - the case is cold now etc. The duplicates don’t hazzle me, they are there, and I will not invest lifetime to find and eliminate them. Case 2: I need something, search and get several hits. OK, quick-scan-time. A good bet is to take the youngest, probably information was added. Now, if I have the time, I may send obvious duplicates to hell now. Click, click, click, away. If not I have a tag called „Duplicate“, so if I may tag them and find them later. But this is for a purpose, like making searches lean that I tend to repeat. All the rest: Case 1. I don’t care if it is URLs, text or picture that is duplicated. In the end, EN is not a storing machine, it is a finding machine. As long as I find, I am doing good. My effort goes into making finding easy, not into building an ideal, duplicate-free database.
  2. Using Chrome ? Chrome is known to cause problems, on and off, because the new releases of this browser tend to be not „friendly“ to 3rd party software. There are frequently problems reported with Chrome in the forum. I am on Safari, no problems with clipping.
  3. Locally saved databases are not possible under Android, nor under iOS. You can declare a notebook to be available offline, but this means it will still be saved with a master copy on the server. You can just work on the notes without an Internet connection. The observation that search flips between OR and AND depending on the search engine is interesting, and up to my knowledge not documented. I can understand that a search based on a database with a real search index can perform much better than if just based on a keyword file. IMHO this should not end up in altering the basic search logic. The best solution would be full Boolean search for EN, this would set everything straight.
  4. Maybe there should be a "Vote down" - option for proposals like this, that put comfort over privacy and security. The problem with downgrade-switches for security issues is that exactly the people who do not understand what they do later claim that they were exposed. Don't believe me ? Then look closely when next time somebody brags about how secure he is browsing, turning around and using his "Login-by-Facebook" routine ...
  5. Slightly ahead with 10.15.3. Working good now, since the initial problems. Maybe try support on this ?
  6. For scanning I use Microsoft OfficeLens (best for flip charts and white boards) or ScannerPro (for all stuff) on my iPhone. Then I share it into EN. When I scan directly into EN, I use the build-in scanning tool (behind the + - Symbol) rather than Scannable.
  7. Tags are my main tool to group notes together. Find all notes that may be relevant for my tax declaration is looking for the tags 2019 and tax. It is then easy to create a table of content, and work it down from there. I use ScannerPro as a tool to import many things as PDFs. It has workflows, and every workflow has an own set of standard tags. By this a lot of my scans come ready with tags, simply by choosing the workflow. Since Tag hierarchy is not supported on iOS, it is pretty useless for me to create deep tag structures. I have around 150 tags, and the number is slowly growing. Every 3 month I review my tags. Rarely used ones are weeded out (by retagging the notes with something more useful, and then deleting the seldom used tag). Notebooks are there just for a basic structure of the notes, and then for special issues like sharing or defining which ones are offline on my iPhone. This is pretty flexible, since many shares are only temporary, there is an on and off again of notebooks. The tags stay on the notes, even when they rest in a new notebook for a period of time.
  8. Yes - would be interesting. Using EN to create content is nice, but there are (too) many steps to get it displayed. Not supporting markdown in the editor does not help. With Postach.io i do not understand the business model. They seem not to charge for the service - which leads to the question how they support what they offer.
  9. Everybody needs to tailor a system to his own needs and preferences. To create my own method I found reading about the GTD-approach very helpful. They even have short papers on how to create a computer based system for GTD using EN or Things. I ended up with a combination of both, EN for content and Things for the follow up. Both use the EN data base, by external links created in EN and shared into Things, where the flow of tasks is controlled. One click on the link opens the EN note with all the little stuff and fuzz about the task. Things is Mac- and iOS only ...
  10. Back then, the business and the personal account were pretty open to each other. The business was more or less a piggyback for the personal one, or vice versa. This has changed, probably because companies want control over their data. If an employee leaves, you want him to take his cactus, not his files. So they pretty much created a sphere for all business accounts linked to one company, and facilitated the data flow among them. Plus they installed an administrative role (probably the one to create shared templates as well). Around the business stuff, there is a chinese wall. The personal accounts that come along live their own lifes. As a work around, you could create an "@template" notebook containing "template" notes. By the prefix, it would sit on top of the notebooks, right behind "@Inbox". The notes would not be real templates, but instead of using them, you would always create a copy before starting to pump it up with content.
  11. Nice, but not effective. If anybody wants to get this, you should open a feature request in the appropriate section of the forum. There others can vote for it. I would give this request not one of the Top-placements among all requests that are still pending. It is pretty specific and does not really solve anything. If you want a picture from the camera roll in EN, then you can easily import it into an existing or a new note. If you want to convert a picture into a scanned version of itself, use an app that is built to do so, and share the result into EN. I proposed above OfficeLens, which is able to do so and comes for free. Other apps like ScannerPro (that is not free, but powerful) can do the same trick, and offer more control over the result. There is simply no need or urgency to implement this into EN itself.
  12. Reason is that mobile devices are not really multitasking. They just simulate it, some better, some worse. My idea would be to use something like an iPad in split mode. One half of the screen for the audio, the other for the camera. Just tried, it only works in slide-over-mode. The camera must be open First, then slide the EN app from the Dock Over the camera window. The Audio keeps running while I use the camera. Only downside: Using the camera creates sound on the iPad, that is grabbed as well. And you can’t use the volume keys because they duplicate as release buttons for the camera shutter. This is not specific for the EN app. I tried the same with Just-Press-Record as audio app - first the camera needs to be open, then the audio in slide over-mode. Nice with JPR is that is transcribes the audio automatically into computer text, which is a real time saver. But you hear the usage of the camera as well in the Audio Stream. So probably the better solution would be to use one device for the audio, and a second one for the pics. Or at least use an external mic.
  13. Maybe I am a bit old fashioned, but restarting a computer from time to time will just do good: Clean out system trash, reset dumps and stacks, straighten the system, allow for updates to install etc. So probably that is the first thing to try.
  14. If the URL is still there, it will work. If it is gone, it will produce a 404, or similar. But because there is no warning "Will cease to work in the next xx days" calling URLs just to have them called will do no good. It will just create load on the net, waste energy and produce CO2 while it does.
  15. iOS 13 has further restricted the background activities of apps. This is for privacy reasons, but as well to save energy. So if EN has not finished syncing within of a few minutes from being moved into the background, it may be that the app is killed by iOS, stopping an ongoing sync. It will start again when the app is opened. But if it is not opened before somebody goes to the server database on another device, there will be missing information. Not much EN can do about, I'm afraid.
  16. Yes, support can be hard to take - they are very systematic in their approach. But sometimes it is what is needed to find the little grain of sand that stops the wheels.
  17. Screenshots from my MacBook Pro running MacOS 10.15.3, EN 7.14. Little preview thumbnails are not available on the Mac, only in iOS. Right click on the pdf symbol or the header of the shown pdf file. Show as attachment (pdf attachment symbol): Show as preview (full view of pdf): Toggle the setting between embedded or full view in the settings (hidden in the WebClipper-settings):
  18. What if the duplicate link is there because it is used in another note as well ? Should the duplicate not be clipped, or should the user need to confirm he wants to clip it again ? Where to put the function ? WebClipper - only contacts EN after a clip today - should it make a search call to EN before clipping, thus slowing down the clipping process ? One can think of many things when reading your posting. It is an initial idea - can you elaborate a bit what you want to make it a feature request ?
  19. And how ? Calling all links that are saved in the users notebooks by a bot, over and over again ? How often ? And then ? Marking the links as dysfunctional ? Replacing them ? Sending the User a Mail that xxx links have gone sour again ? Once, or until user action taken ? To convert this into a feature request, please elaborate what you think should be added in some more detail.
  20. No issues on my Mac (MBP, Catalina). Not with the app, not with webclipper, not with EN helper - everything works just fine. Did you change anything ? Try support ? They can have a look into the system dump.
  21. Only the best die young: Mailbutler.io produces a „403“ - page no longer available RIP 😪
  22. Just tried it. I can not confirm any difference in scrolling speed on a picture-heavy note (>50MB of size, more than 20 PNG-pics). It scrolls just fine on both screens. It scrolls fast when the note is showing inside of the EN main window, and it keeps fast scrolling when opened in an own window. I even tried to open the note on one screen and move it to the other - does not have an impact. Setup: MacBook Pro 15", 10.15.3, i7, Radeon Pro VEGA 20 GPU, benq 4K/60Hz photography monitor connected through an i-tec Thunderbolt 3 - dock and HDMI-cable. In general I would expect the external monitor to be slow, due to any signal processing bottelnecks. A low performance only on the Mac's own display is sort of weird. Try support on this ?
  23. Since I am not using postach.io , I am probably not a good source for help here. Maybe I should give it a try, sounds good to convert EN entries directly into a blog. Just as an observation: I clicked on your link, then it took more than 10 seconds to open. Probably there is no cache of it closeby (I am in northern Germany), and is had to call the EN content via the API interface. As a rule of thumb you loose visitors when the opening of a page takes longer than 2 seconds. So to reach dedicated users, this may be o.k. Casual web strollers may already move on. And your Google page rank goes down when the web site is slow. Now I am not sure whether this came from the embedded link, or is a general issue. When I pasted the link directly into a new browser window, it was fast, and it was as well fast when I copied it into a session of another browser (Firefox) that did not have it cached. But maybe it was cached by the provider because I requested it before. Maybe you can give it a try yourself.
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