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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Definitely listed as coming soon in the 10.4 announcement at the top of this (Windows) forum.
  2. I can certainly reproduce this behaviour. Technically the focus is on the note it's just that the note list hasn't been scrolled up so that you can see it. I'm intrigued to know why you need the functionaility.
  3. Thanks for the update @JCD. Merging notes is now so slow and looses data either by mistake (as here) or by design (note urls discarded) that if I need to merge I use the legacy version. I've been deliberately trying to use V10 despite the number of clicks to do anything and the slowness but I just can't risk it with merging. Very annoying. An update from @Shane D. would be welcome.
  4. I assume you are refering to this: I think that is actually referring to a different issue. In 10.4 if you filter by a tag and then remove the tag from one of the notes it will never update. You need to clear the filters and start again as there is no refresh filter function. The good news is that @Shane D. says in this thread that the issue is being looked at: The other thing for us tag users to look forward to in 10.5 is that clicking a tag in the sidebar filters by just that tag rather than trying to find (non-existent) notes containing the parent tag AND child1 AND child2 AND grandchild1 etc
  5. @Paul A.'s answer is excelent. Just to add that if you have a tag hierarchy creating a tag on the fly in the tags area at the bottom of the note will add it as a top level tag. You will probably then need to move it later. I therefore prefer to create my tags in the main tags window as he describes. The easiest way to delete a tag from a note is to select it and press delete. There is no need to use the pop up menu. You can select a tag by clicking it or pressing F3 and then cycling through the tags with the arrow keys.
  6. OK. It helps to be specific in what exactly what the problem is. I assume you are dragging an image or something from EN into WhatsApp rather than the whole note. If I drag the note from the legacy into WhatsApp web I get the enex file as an attachment which i am guessing is not what you are doing. Getting images out of EN to put them anywhere is not easy and it really should be. The workaround is to drag it to your desktop and then from your desktop to WhatsApp. I do that all the time and it works but is definitely not ideal. Basic copy and paste and drag and drop between programs is something that should just work because I'm running Windows not somethng we have to ask the developers to implement.
  7. Good find, thanks. It obviously has been updated because ``` to insert a code block doesn't work in the legacy viewer. However it is missing the # method for headings and wrapping text in single back ticks to give I don't think this could be done at all in the old version.
  8. I agree. I suppose a consistent naming convention for your tags combined with wild cards would alllow you to do it in the existing search grammar but it would be nice to have a more general way of doing it. I think a proper Boolean search capability would be at the top of my list.
  9. There is also - for a bulleted list [] for a checklist or checkbox depending on context 1 for a numbered list
  10. Whenever you put a checkbox at the beginning of a line EN decides (because it knows best) that you really want a checklist. You can fool it into having a checkbox at the beginning of a line by adding a space first. If you combine this with the <open square brackets><close square brackets> shortcut for a checklist/box it's not too inconvenient - three key strokes <space>[]
  11. What particular aspect of drag and drop are you trying to do? There are a lot of drag and drop actions that do work but sometimes only in some windows. Here is a list of some of the things that I've found work: You can: drag a note into a notebook drag a tag onto a note in the note list drag and drop tags to move them within the tag hierarchy in the main tags window (not in the sidebar) drag a notebook into a stack drag a tag or a note into shortcuts drag items in a list (bullet points, numbered or checklist) around to reorder them You can't drag a notebook onto another notebook to make a stack I've probably missed out lots of things. It would be really helpful to know what exactly you are trying to do.
  12. I don't use the O365 plugin but it sounds as though this is just another symptom of the time lag between tagging a note and that note becoming discoverable in search/filter. This is because all search is done on the server and it takes anywhere between a few seconds and several minutes for changes made to be indexed on the server. See for example:
  13. If you Google the error message you will find that this is a problem that effects a lot of different software not just Evernote V10. There is alot of frustration on various AVG forums that AVG have failed to sort out this problem going back over a number of months and years. I don't think it is therefore justified to blame EN entirely for the problem. In the end I uninstalled AVG and am using different antivirus software with no problems.
  14. Definitely listed as a discontinued feature here https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047889234
  15. That's the workaround I've been using on the desktop version as well. EN need to realise that it is just as important to be able to easily get stuff out of EN as to capture it in the first place.
  16. In the latest web version 10.5.1 it now selects just the tag clicked. I prefer this to parent OR child1 OR child2 etc but I appreciate that some people might disagree. In the legacy desktop version you can choose between the two options (in options) and that would still be my preference. At least we have got rid of the completely nonsensical parent AND child1 AND child2 etc
  17. Seems to be just selecting the single tag clicked in 10.5.1 web. I now get some results! I appreciate that some people would prefer tag1 OR tag2 etc. but I personally prefer this behaviour.
  18. The markdown (and pseudo markdown) I've found so far is: Insert "markdown" horizontal line --- (three dashes) Code block ``` `code` (for inline code) Table [][][]x4 Headings # ## or ### Some of it has always worked in the legacy. I'm using the table shorcut alot now as it's so difficult to build a table in the new version which is not 2x2 . Not surprisingly the three back ticks do not easily allow you to convert existing text into code.
  19. I have certainly in the past had a similar issue but hadn't noticed a difference between views. Have you tried the web version? Because it is essentially the same as the windows version but doesn't have any sort of cache it might help to identify whether it is a problem with the functionality itself or some sort of sync problem.
  20. I haven't been able to replicate this yet. The number of notes associated with a tag is given in the sidebar next to each tag. Are you saying that if you select a tag the number of notes displayed in the top view list is less than this number?
  21. There is a solution but it only really works if you don't have nested tags. If you select your tagged note and the untagged note you will see the blue multi-select menu appear at the bottom of the screen. Clicking the tag icon in this menu brings up the edit tags menu. A tag will have a blue box with a white line if the tag is only applied to the tagged note. clicking it replaces it with a tick and it will be assigned to both notes However, I have not found a way to expand the entire tag hierarchy in any of the views that have a tag hierarchy. This means finding all the tags in your source note will be impractical if you have a deeply nested tag structure.
  22. You are welcome. The keyboard shortcuts page in the knowledgebase is a disgrace. It is full of omissions, errors and things that simply do not work.
  23. Not my experience. Windows key + arrows work the exactly same for me in EN as for other programs.
  24. Well we hope so. It seems to have been quietly dropped from the "coming soon" list in the release notes.
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